Updated on 2025-03-13 GMT+08:00

Querying Expenditure Details

You can view and export customer expenditure details.


  1. Sign in to Huawei Cloud as a partner.
  2. In the drop-down list of your account name, click Partner Center to go to the Partner Center.
  3. In the top navigation, select Sales > Customers > Customer Expenditure.
  4. Click the Expenditure Details tab.
  5. Set search options to search for expenditure details.

    Search options include billing cycle, customer name, partner name, account manager, order/transaction ID, resource ID, resource name, product type, association type, billing mode, bill type, and region.

    • In the expenditure details list, you can view the expenditure time, product information, order number, expenditure amount, payment status, and other information.
      • You can select Hide 0 Expenditures for Amount Due to exclude related data from the list.
    • You can select a calendar month (up to 18 months ago) for Billing Cycle.
    • Click the eye icon next to a header to show or hide the complete content in the column. For example, you can click the eye icon next to Customer Name/Account to show or hide the complete content of customer names.

  6. Export expenditure details.

    • Export selected records.

      Click Export > Export Selected, specify the transaction time, and click Export.

      A message is displayed indicating that the export task has been created.

      A maximum of 5,000,000 records can be exported at a time.

      When using the export function of Partner Center, please note that any sensitive information, such as customer names, mobile numbers, and email addresses, will be anonymized.

    • View export history.
      1. Choose Export > View Export to switch to the Export History page.
      2. Click Download in the Operation column to download and view the exported expenditure details.