Oracle SQL Configuration
Oracle parameters are used to customize rules for Oracle script migration.
Open the file in the config folder and set parameters in Table 1 as needed.
Parameter |
Description |
Value Range |
Default Value |
Example |
Whether to comment out exception blocks in PL/SQL. true: Comment out the exception blocks. false: Retain the exception blocks as they are.
exceptionHandler is not supported in V100R002C60. |
false |
exceptionHandler=TRUE |
Whether to comment out COMMIT and ROLLBACK operations in PL/SQL. true: Comment out the operations. false: Retain the operations as they are. |
True |
TxHandler=True |
Whether to comment out foreign key constraints. true: Comment out the constraints. false: Retain the constraints as they are. |
true |
foreignKeyHandler=true |
Valid values are GLOBAL and LOCAL. Currently, the target database does not support GLOBAL. |
encodingFormat=LOCAL |
Valid values are DELETE and PRESERVE. Current Version V100R008 |
onCommitDeleteRows=DELETE |
Maximum sequence value supported by the database. Currently, the maximum value supported by the database is 9223372036854775807. |
1-9223372036854775807 |
9223372036854775807 |
maxValInSequence=9223372036854775807 |
Method for migrating a merge statement. SPLIT: The merge statement is split into individual queries during migration for query optimization. WITH: The merge statement is migrated using a WITH clause. |
mergeImplementation=None |
Whether to comment out HASH PARTITION statements. true: Comment out the constraints. false: Retain the HASH PARTITION statements as they are. |
true |
RemoveHashPartition=false |
Whether to comment out HASH SUBPARTITION statements. true: Comment out the constraints. false: Retain HASH SUBPARTITION statements as they are. |
true |
RemoveHashSubPartition=false |
Whether to comment out LIST PARTITION statements. true: Comment out the constraints. false: Retain LIST PARTITION statements as they are. |
true |
RemoveListPartition=false |
Whether to comment out LIST SUBPARTITION statements. true: Comment out the constraints. false: Retain the LIST SUBPARTITION statements as they are. |
true |
RemoveListSubPartition=false |
Whether to comment out RANGESUBPARTITION statements. true: Comment out the constraints. false: Retain the RANGESUBPARTITION statements as they are. |
true |
RemoveRangeSubPartition=false |
Whether to enable the migration of SEQUENCE statements. true: enables the conversion of CREATE to INSERT. false: disables the migration of CREATE. |
true |
MigSupportSequence=false |
Whether to comment out PartitionTS statements. true: Comment out the PartitionTS statements. false: Retain the PartitionTS statements as they are. |
true |
RemovePartitionTS=true |
Whether to comment out for BitmapIndex COMMENT will comment the entire input script BTREE will retain as they are |
comment |
BitmapIndexSupport=comment |
The following options are supported: TRUE - schema1.package1#procedure1 should be changed to package1.procedure1 FALSE - schema1.package1#procedure1 will not be removed |
true |
pkgSchemaNaming=true |
The following options are supported:
varray |
plsqlCollection=varray |
Whether to comment out the storage parameters in a table or index. true: Comment out the storage parameters. false: Retain the storage parameters as they are. |
true |
commentStorageParameter=true |
Whether to enable the migration of ListAgg statements. true: enables the migration of ListAgg. false: disables the migration of ListAgg. |
true |
MigSupportForListAgg=false |
Whether to enable the migration of RegexReplacestatements. true: enables the migration of RegexReplace. false: disables the migration of RegexReplace. |
true |
MigSupportForRegexReplace=false |
Whether to comment out the AutomationTrans parameters in a table or index. true: Comment out the AutomationTrans. false: Retain the AutomationTrans parameters as they are. |
true |
commentPragmaAutomationTrans=true |
Indicates whether the left/right outer join operator (+) is supported. The following options are supported:
false |
supportJoinOperator=false |
The following options are supported:
true |
migInsertWithTableAlias=true |
Varray datatype size |
1024 |
varraySize=1024 |
VarrayObject datatype size |
10240 |
varrayObjectSize= 10240 |
Whether to package split or migrate completely. |
completeMigration |
migrationScope=completeMigration |
The following options are supported:
true: enables the migration of connectBy. |
true |
migSupportConnectBy = true |
Whether to migrate connectBy and Unrest. true: enables the migration of connectBy and Unnest. false: retains the original value. |
true |
migrate_ConnectBy_Unnest=true |
Whether to migrate the following extended functions of GROUP BY:
false |
extendedGroupByClause=false |
Whether to migrate DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX. |
supportDupValOnIndex=UNIQUE_VIOLATION |
Whether to migrate pkgvariable. |
localtable |
pkgvariable = localtable |
The following options are supported:
Set package_name_list to <schema_name> and invoke this schema. |
false |
addPackageNameList = false |
The following options are supported:
If this parameter is set to true, PACKAGE is added in front of AS|IS in the stored procedure/function declaration. |
false |
addPackageTag = true |
The following options are supported:
true: adds GRANT rows to each stored procedure/function at the end of the file. |
false |
addGrantLine = true |
The following options are supported:
false |
MigDbmsLob=false |
Unique or primary key constraint for partitioned table. |
comment_partition |
uniqueConsForPartitonedTable = comment_partition |
Possible values for MigSupportForRegexReplace. |
false |
MigSupportForRegexFunc=false |
Possible values for migSupportUnnest. |
true |
migSupportUnnest = true |
Replace the unsupported datatype MDSYS.MBRCOORDLIST with a user-defined datatype. |
None |
Replace the unsupported datatype MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY with a user-defined datatype. |
None |
Replace the unsupported datatype GEOMETRY with a user-defined datatype. |
None Input should not migrate. |
Possible values for addMonth. |
None |
tdMigrateAddMonth=false IF TRUE THEN mig_ORA_ext.ADD_MONTHS (APPENDING mig_ORA_ext) OTHERWISE NOT APPEND. tdMigrateAddMonth=false |

DSC provides parameters for deleting partitions and subpartitions because the keywords for these features are not supported currently. You can comment out the statements containing these parameters or retain them as they are during script migration.
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