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GAUSS-01481 -- GAUSS-01490

Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

GAUSS-01481: "parameter '%s' cannot be set in a secondary extension control file"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, the default_version or directory parameter is specified in the secondary control file.

Solution: Do not specify the default_version or directory parameter is specified in the secondary control file during CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution.

GAUSS-01482: "parameter '%s' requires a Boolean value"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, the parameter relocatable/sysadmin lacks a specified Boolean value in the control file.

Solution: Specify a Boolean value for the parameter relocatable/sysadmin in the control file during CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution.

GAUSS-01483: "'%s' is not a valid encoding name"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, the parameter encoding lacks a valid specified encoding name in the control file.

Solution: Specify a valid encoding name for the parameter encoding in the control file during CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution.

GAUSS-01484: "parameter '%s' must be a list of extension names"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, the parameter requires lacks a list of extension names in the control file.

Solution: Specify a list of extension names for the parameter requires in the control file during CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution.

GAUSS-01485: "unrecognized parameter '%s' in file '%s'"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, the control file contains invalid specified parameters.

Solution: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, specify only the following parameters: directory, default_version, module_pathname, comment, schema, relocatable, sysadmin, encoding, and requires.

GAUSS-01486: "parameter 'schema' cannot be specified when 'relocatable' is true"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution, the parameter relocatable is specified as true, and the parameter schema is also specified.

Solution: Do not specify the parameter schema if the relocatable is true during CREATE EXTENSION, ALTER EXTENSION or other EXTENSION-related function execution.

GAUSS-01487: "transaction control statements are not allowed within an extension script"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION or ALTER EXTENSION execution, the SQL script contains transaction control SQL statements.

Solution: Ensure that the SQL script does not contain transaction control SQL statements during CREATE EXTENSION or ALTER EXTENSION execution.

GAUSS-01488: "permission denied to create extension '%s'"


Description: During CREATE EXTENSION extension, the EXTENSION control file must be run by the system administrator. The user does not run the file as the system administrator.

Solution: Run the EXTENSION control file as the system administrator during CREATE EXTENSION execution.

GAUSS-01489: "permission denied to update extension '%s'"


Description: During ALTER EXTENSION execution, the EXTENSION control file must be run by the system administrator. The user does not run the file as the system administrator.

Solution: Run the EXTENSION control file as the system administrator during ALTER EXTENSION execution.

GAUSS-01490: "extension '%s' has no update path from version '%s' to version '%s'"


Description: The update path specified for CREATE EXTENSION or ALTER EXTENSION does not exist.

Solution: Ensure that the name and path of the SQL files (for earlier and later versions) specified for CREATE EXTENSION or ALTER EXTENSION are correct if FROM old_version and UPDATE TO new_version are contained in the statements.





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