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API Overview

Updated on 2024-06-13 GMT+08:00

All ModelArts APIs are proprietary.

You can use these APIs to manage development environments, training jobs, AI applications, and services.

DevEnviron APIs

Table 1 Development environment




Managing DevEnviron Instances

Obtaining Notebook Instances

Obtain the list of notebook instances meeting search criteria

Creating a Notebook Instance

Create a notebook instance based on parameters such as the instance flavor, AI engine, and storage.

Obtaining Details About a Notebook Instance

Obtain details about a notebook instance.

Updating a Notebook Instance

Modify a notebook instance.

Deleting a Notebook Instance

Delete the container and all storage resources of a notebook instance.

Saving a Running Instance as a Container Image

Save the running instance as a container image. In the saved image, the installed dependency package (pip package) is retained. In VS Code remote development, the plug-ins installed on the server are retained.

Obtaining Flavors Available for a Notebook Instance

Obtain available flavors.

Obtaining Flavors Available for a Notebook Instance

Obtain the flavors available for a notebook instance.

Obtaining the Available Duration of a Running Notebook Instance

Obtain the available duration of a running notebook instance.

Prolonging a Notebook Instance

Prolong the available duration of a running notebook instance.

Starting a Notebook Instance

Start a notebook instance.

Stopping a Notebook Instance

Stop a notebook instance.

Dynamically Mounting OBS

Obtaining the Notebook Instances with OBS Storage Mounted

Obtain the notebook instances with OBS storage mounted.

Dynamically Mounting OBS

Dynamically mount OBS to a notebook instance in running state.

Obtaining Details About a Notebook Instance with OBS Storage Mounted

Obtain details about a notebook instance with OBS storage mounted.

Dynamically Unmounting OBS

Dynamically unmount OBS from a notebook instance.

Image Management

Obtaining Supported Images

Obtain all images by page based on specified conditions.

Registering a Custom Image

Register a custom image with ModelArts image management.

Obtaining User Image Groups

Obtain the overview of user image information. Image names are used for aggregation.

Obtaining Details About an Image

Obtain details about an image.

Deleting an Image

Delete an image. For a private image, you can also delete its SWR image using parameters.

Training Management APIs

Table 2 Algorithm management APIs



Creating an Algorithm

Create an algorithm.

Obtaining Algorithms

Obtain algorithms.

Obtaining Details About an Algorithm

Obtain a specified algorithm based on the algorithm ID.

Updating an Algorithm

Update an algorithm.

Deleting an Algorithm

Delete an algorithm.

Table 3 APIs for managing training jobs



Creating a Training Job

Create a training job.

Obtaining Details About a Training Job

Obtain details about a training job.

Modifying the Description of a Training Job

Modify the description of a training job.

Deleting a Training Job

Delete a training job.

Terminate a Training Job

Terminate a training job. Only jobs in the creating, awaiting, or running state can be terminated.

Obtaining the Logs of a Specified Task in a Training Job (Preview)

Obtain the logs of a specified task in a training job (preview).

Obtaining the Logs of a Specified Task in a Training Job (OBS Link)

Obtain the logs of a specified task in a training job (OBS link). You can view all logs or download the logs.

Obtaining the Runtime Metrics of a Specified Task in a Training Job

Obtain the runtime metrics of a specified task in a training job.

Obtaining Training Jobs

Obtain the created training jobs by search criteria.

Table 4 APIs for resources and engine specifications



Obtaining the General Specifications Supported by a Training Job

Obtain the general specifications supported by a training job.

Obtaining the Preset AI Frameworks Supported by a Training Job

Obtain the preset AI frameworks supported by a training job.

AI Application Management APIs

Table 5 APIs for managing AI applications



Creating an AI Application

Create an AI application.

Obtaining an AI Application List

Obtain AI applications by different search criteria.

Obtaining Details About an AI Application

Obtain AI application details by ID.

Deleting an AI Application

Delete AI applications by ID. All versions of the AI application can be deleted.

Service Management APIs

Table 6 Service management APIs



Deploying a Service

Deploy a service.

Obtaining Services

Obtain services.

Obtaining Service Details

Obtain service details by ID.

Updating Service Configurations

Update a model service.

Obtaining Service Monitoring

Obtain service monitoring information.

Obtaining Service Update Logs

Obtain the update logs of a real-time service.

Obtaining Service Event Logs

Obtain service event logs, including service operation records, key actions during deployment, and deployment failure causes.

Deleting a Service

Delete a service.

Obtaining Supported Service Deployment Specifications

Obtain supported service deployment specifications.

Resource Management APIs

Table 7 Configuration management API



Obtaining OS Configuration Parameters

Obtain the configuration parameters of the ModelArts OS service, such as the CIDR block and user resource quota.

Table 8 Configuration management API



Obtaining OS Quotas

Obtain the quotas of some ModelArts OS resources, such as the quotas for resource pool quotas and networks.

Table 9 Tag management



Adding Tags to a Resource Pool

Add tags to a dedicated resource pool.

Deleting Resource Pool Tags

Delete tags of a dedicated resource pool.

Viewing All Tags of a Resource Pool

View tags of a dedicated resource pool.

Table 10 Plug-in template management API



Obtaining a Plug-in Template

Obtain details of a specified plug-in template.

Table 11 Node management APIs



Obtaining Nodes

Obtain the list of nodes in a resource pool.

Deleting Nodes in a Batch

Delete nodes in a specific resource pool. At least one node must be reserved in the resource pool.

Table 12 Event management API



Obtaining Events

Obtain events.

Table 13 Network management APIs



Creating Network Resources

Create network resources.

Obtaining Network Resources

Obtain a list of network resources.

Obtaining a Network Resource

Obtain details about a specified network resource.

Deleting a Network Resource

Delete a specified network resource.

Updating a Network Resource

Update a specified network resource.

Table 14 Resource indicator management API



Obtaining the Real-Time Resource Usage

Obtain the real-time usage of all resource pools in the current project.

Table 15 Resource pool management APIs



Creating a Resource Pool

Create a resource pool.

Obtaining Resource Pools

Obtain resource pools.

Obtaining a Resource Pool

Obtain details about a specified resource pool.

Deleting a Resource Pool

Delete a specified resource pool.

Updating a Resource Pool

Update a specified resource pool.

Monitoring a Resource Pool

Obtain the monitoring information of a resource pool.

Collecting Resource Pool Statistics

Obtain the statistics of a resource pool.

Table 16 Resource flavor management APIs



Obtaining Resource Flavors

Obtain resource flavors.

Table 17 APIs for managing resource pool jobs



Obtaining Dedicated Resource Pool Jobs

Obtain dedicated resource pool jobs.

Obtaining Statistics for Dedicated Resource Pool Jobs

Obtain statistics for dedicated resource pool jobs.

Authorization Management APIs

Table 18 Authorization management APIs



Viewing an Authorization List

View an authorization list.

Configuring Authorization

Configure ModelArts authorization. ModelArts functions such as training management, development environment, data management, and real-time services can be properly used only after required permissions are assigned.

Deleting Authorization

Delete the authorization of a specified user or all users.

Creating a ModelArts Agency

Create a ModelArts agency for dependent services such as OBS, SWR, and IEF.





Selected Content

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