Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

GAUSS-01501 -- GAUSS-01510

GAUSS-01501: "OID %u does not refer to a table"


Solution: Parameter1 of the pg_extension_config_dump() function is not defined in the pg_class table.

Solution: Ensure that the parameter1 of the pg_extension_config_dump() function is defined in the pg_class table.

GAUSS-01502: "table '%s' is not a member of the extension being created"


Solution: Parameter1of the pg_extension_config_dump() function is not a member of the EXTENSION being created.

Solution: Ensure that the parameter1 of the pg_extension_config_dump() function is a member of the EXTENSION being created.

GAUSS-01503: "extension with oid %u does not exist"


Description: The tuple of the pg_extension system catalog obtained from the cache based on the OID of the current extension object is incorrect.

Solution: The system cache is abnormal. Contact technical support.

GAUSS-01507: "extension name cannot be qualified"


Description: During ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA execution, the schema name is prefixed to the extension name.

Solution: During ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA execution, ensure that no schema name is prefixed to the extension name.

GAUSS-01508: "cannot move extension '%s' into schema '%s' because the extension contains the schema"


Description: During ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA execution, the new schema is a member of the current EXTENSION.

Solution: During ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA execution, ensure that the new schema is not a member of the current EXTENSION.

GAUSS-01509: "extension '%s' does not support SET SCHEMA"


Description: During ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA execution, the relocatable parameter of the current EXTENSION is false.

Solution: During ALTER EXTENSION SET SCHEMA execution, ensure that the relocatable parameter of the current EXTENSION is true.