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GAUSS-00391 -- GAUSS-00400

Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

GAUSS-00391: "OIDS option is not supported for partitioned table"


Description: A table specified by the CREATE TABLE table_name (...) WITH OIDS... syntax incorrectly uses a partitioned table.

Solution: Ensure that the table specified by the CREATE TABLE table_name (...) WITH OIDS... syntax does not support the partitioned table and change the table name to the name of a non-partitioned table.

GAUSS-00392: "too many partition keys for partitioned table"


Description: When a created table is a range partitioned table, the number of specified partition columns exceeds 4 (the maximum number).

Solution: Ensure that the maximum number of partition columns is not greater than 4 when the created table is a range partitioned table.

GAUSS-00393: "too many partitions for partitioned table"


Description: When the PARTITION BY RANGE(partition_key)(range_partition_definition_list)... syntax is used to create a range partitioned table, the number of specified columns for partition values exceeds 32767 (the maximum number). "

Solution: Ensure that the number of specified columns for partition values is not greater than 32767.

GAUSS-00394: "Range partitioned table with INTERVAL was forbidden"


Description: The PARTITION BY RANGE(partition_key) INTERVAL clause (interval partition) cannot be used in the current version.

Solution: Do not use the PARTITION BY RANGE(partition_key) INTERVAL clause (interval partition) in the current version.

GAUSS-00395: "Range partitioned table with INTERVAL clause has more than one column"


Description: The usage is not supported.

Solution: Modify the SQL statement.

GAUSS-00396: "Interval value can not be NULL"


Description: Internal system error.

Solution: Contact technical support.

GAUSS-00397: "duplicate partition name: '%s'"


Description: When the PARTITION BY RANGE(partition_key)(range_partition_definition_list)... syntax is used to create a range partitioned table, duplicate partition names exist in the specified lists for partition values.

Solution: Check whether duplicate partition names exist in the specified lists for partition values. If yes, change the duplicate partition names.

GAUSS-00398: "column '%s' appears twice in partial cluster key constraint"


Description:CREATE TABLE ... Duplicate column names exist in the columnList list in the CONSTRAINT PARTIAL CLUSTER KEY (columnList) syntax.

Solution: Check and modify duplicate column names in the CREATE TABLE ... CONSTRAINT PARTIAL CLUSTER KEY (columnList) syntax.

GAUSS-00399: "column name '%s' conflicts with a system column name"


Description: The column names specified in the CREATE TABLE syntax are the same as those retained in the system catalog.

Solution: Ensure that the column names specified in the CREATE TABLE syntax are different from those retained in the system catalog and change the column names as prompted.

GAUSS-00400: "access method 'psort' does not support WHERE clause"


Description: If the access mode specified by the INDEX clause in the CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE syntax is psort, the INDEX clause does not support the WHERE clause.

Solution: Check whether the WHERE clause exists in the INDEX clause when the access mode specified by the INDEX clause in the CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE syntax is psort. If yes, modify the syntax.





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