DataArts Quality Data Migration

Updated on 2023-03-03 GMT+08:00

This function depends on the import and export of rule templates, quality jobs, and comparison jobs of the DataArts Quality module.


  • Management Center Data Migration is complete.
  • Metrics, rules, and scenarios in metric monitoring cannot be imported or exported. If they need to be migrated, you need to manually synchronize them.
  • To export custom rule templates, perform the following steps (you can export a maximum of 200 rule templates at a time):

  • You can import a file containing a maximum of 4 MB data.

  • You can export a maximum of 200 quality jobs.

  • You can import a file containing a maximum of 4 MB data.

  • You can export a maximum of 200 comparison jobs.

  • You can import a file containing a maximum of 4 MB data.

Exporting Data from the Old Workspace

Log in to the console, access the DataArts Quality module of the old workspace, and perform the following operations in sequence to export rule templates, quality jobs, and comparison jobs:

Exporting rule templates

  1. On the DataArts Quality page, choose Rule Templates in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the rule template list, select the custom rule templates you want to export and click Export.

    Figure 1 Exporting rule templates

  3. In the displayed box, confirm the rule templates and click Export.

    Figure 2 Confirming the rule templates to export

  4. After the export is successful, click Download on the Export Records page to obtain the exported .xlsx file.

    Figure 3 Obtaining the exported file of rule templates

Exporting quality Jobs

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Quality Jobs.
  2. In the quality job list, select the jobs you want to migrate and click Export.

    Figure 4 Exporting quality jobs

  3. In the displayed box, confirm the jobs and click Export.

    Figure 5 Confirm the quality jobs to export

  4. After the export is successful, click Download on the Export Records page to obtain the exported .xlsx file.

    Figure 6 Obtaining the exported file of quality jobs

Exporting comparison jobs

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Comparison Jobs.
  2. In the comparison job list, select the jobs you want to migrate and click Export.

    Figure 7 Exporting comparison jobs

  3. In the displayed box, confirm the jobs and click Export.

    Figure 8 Confirming the comparison jobs to export

  4. After the export is successful, click Download on the Export Records page to obtain the exported .xlsx file.

    Figure 9 Obtaining the exported file of comparison jobs

Importing Data to the New Workspace

Log in to the console, access the DataArts Quality module of the new workspace, and perform the following operations in sequence to import rule templates, quality jobs, and comparison jobs:

Importing rule templates

  1. On the DataArts Quality page, choose Rule Templates in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click Import above the rule template list.

    Figure 10 Importing rule templates

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select the rule template file exported from the old workspace, select the mapping directory, select Terminate for Duplicate Name Policy, and click Import.

    Figure 11 Importing rule templates

  4. Click the Import Records tab to check the import status. The import is successful if the value in the Status column is Successful.

    Figure 12 Checking the rule template import result

Importing quality jobs

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Quality Jobs.
  2. Click Import above the quality job list.

    Figure 13 Clicking Import

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select the quality job file exported from the old workspace, select the mapping directories for data connections, clusters, and directories, select Terminate for Duplicate Name Policy, and click Import.

    Figure 14 Importing quality jobs

  4. Click the Import Records tab to check the import status. The import is successful if the value in the Status column is Successful.

    Figure 15 Checking the quality job import result

Importing comparison jobs

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Comparison Jobs.
  2. Click Import above the comparison job list.

    Figure 16 Clicking Import

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select the comparison job file exported from the old workspace, select the mapping directories for data connections, clusters, and directories, select Terminate for Duplicate Name Policy, and click Import.

    Figure 17 Importing comparison jobs

  4. Click the Import Records tab to check the import status. The import is successful if the value in the Status column is Successful.

    Figure 18 Checking the comparison job import result

Verifying the Migration

Check whether the rule templates, quality jobs, and comparison jobs imported to the new workspace are consistent with those in the old workspace. If they are consistent, the migration is successful.





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