DataArts Factory Data Migration

Updated on 2023-03-03 GMT+08:00

This function depends on the script, job, environment variable, and resource import and export functions of DataArts Factory.


  • Management Center Data Migration is complete.
  • Data such as notifications, backups, job tags, agencies, and default items cannot be imported or exported. If such data needs to be migrated, you need to manually synchronize the data.
  • Importing scripts, jobs, environment variables, and resources depends on the OBS service.

Exporting Data from the Old Workspace

Log in to the console, access the DataArts Factory module of the old workspace, and perform the following operations in sequence to export scripts, jobs, environment variables, and resources:

Exporting scripts

  1. On the DataArts Factory page, choose Develop Script in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click in the script directory and select Show Check Box.

    Figure 1 Clicking Show Check Box

  3. Select the scripts to be exported, click , and choose Export Script. After the export is successful, you can obtain the exported .zip file.

    Figure 2 Selecting and exporting scripts

Exporting jobs

  1. Click above the script tree to switch to the job directory.
  2. Click in the job directory and select Show Check Box.

    Figure 3 Clicking Show Check Box

  3. Select the jobs to export, click , and select Export Job. In the displayed dialog box, select Export jobs only or Export jobs and their dependency scripts and resource definitions. After the export is successful, you can obtain the exported .zip file.

    Figure 4 Selecting and exporting a job

Exporting environment variables

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Configure.
  2. On the Environment Variable page, click Export.

    Figure 5 Exporting environment variables

Exporting resources

  1. In the left navigation pane, choose Manage Resource.
  2. Click in the resource directory and select Show Check Box.

    Figure 6 Showing the check box

  3. Select the resources to export, click , and select Export Resource. After the export is successful, you can obtain the exported .zip file.

    Figure 7 Selecting and exporting resources

Importing Data to the New Workspace

Log in to the console, access the DataArts Factory module of the new workspace, and perform the following operations in sequence to import resources, environment variables, scripts, and jobs:

Importing resources

  1. On the DataArts Factory page, choose Manage Resource in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click in the resource directory and select Import Resource.

    Figure 8 Selecting Import Resource

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select Local for File Location, select the resource file exported from the old workspace, select Overwrite for Duplicate Name Policy, and click Next.

    Figure 9 Importing resources

  4. The system starts to import resources. After the import is successful, the names of the imported resources are displayed.

    Figure 10 Successful resource import

Importing environment variables

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Configure.
  2. On the Environment Variable page, click Import.

    Figure 11 Clicking Import

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select Local for File Location, select the environment variable file exported from the old workspace, select Overwrite for Duplicate Name Policy, and click Next.

    Figure 12 Importing environment variables

  4. The system starts to import the environment variables. You can choose whether to change the values of the variables.

    Figure 13 Confirming the import result

Importing scripts

  1. In the left navigation pane, choose Develop script.
  2. Click in the script directory and select Import Script.

    Figure 14 Selecting Import Script

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select Local for File Location, select the script file exported from the old workspace, select Overwrite for Duplicate Name Policy, and click Next.

    Figure 15 Importing scripts

  4. The system starts to import scripts. After the import is successful, the names of the imported scripts are displayed.

    Figure 16 Successful script import

Importing jobs

  1. Click above the script tree to switch to the job directory.
  2. Click in the job directory and select Import Job.

    Figure 17 Selecting Import Job

  3. In the displayed dialog box, select Local for File Location, select the job file exported from the old workspace, and click Next.

    Figure 18 Importing jobs

  4. The system starts to import jobs. After the import is successful, the names of the imported jobs are displayed.

    Figure 19 Successful job import

Verifying the Migration

Check whether the scripts, jobs, environment variables, and resources imported to the new workspace are consistent with those in the old workspace. If they are consistent, the migration is successful.





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