Help Center/ Data Lake Insight/ API Reference/ Getting Started/ Creating and Submitting a Flink Job

Creating and Submitting a Flink Job

Updated on 2023-11-27 GMT+08:00

Scenario Description

This section describes how to create and run a user-defined Flink job using APIs.


  • It takes 6 to 10 minutes to start a job using a new queue for the first time.

Involved APIs


  1. Create a queue for general use. For details, see Creating a Queue. In the request, set resource_mode to 1 to create a dedicated queue.
  2. Upload the resource package of the user-defined Flink job. For details, see 2.
  3. Query resource packages in a group. For details, see 3.
  4. Create a custom flink job.
    • API

      URI format: POST /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/flink-jobs

    • Request example
      • Description: Create a user-defined Flink job in the project whose ID is 48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1.
      • Example URL: POST https://{endpoint}/v1.0/48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1/streaming/flink-jobs
      • Body:
            "name": "test",
            "desc": "job for test",
            "queue_name": "testQueue",
            "manager_cu_number": 1,
            "cu_number": 2,
            "parallel_number": 1,
            "tm_cus": 1,
            "tm_slot_num": 1,
            "log_enabled": true,
            "obs_bucket": "bucketName",
            "smn_topic": "topic",
            "main_class": "org.apache.flink.examples.streaming.JavaQueueStream",
            "restart_when_exception": false,
            "entrypoint": "javaQueueStream.jar",
            "entrypoint_args":"-windowSize 2000 -rate3",
            "dependency_jars": [
            "dependency_files": [
    • Example response
        "is_success": true,
        "message": "A Flink job is created successfully.",
        "job": {
          "job_id": 138,
          "status_name": "job_init",
          "status_desc": ""
  5. Run jobs in batches.
    • API

      URI format: POST /v1.0/{project_id}/streaming/jobs/run

    • Request example
      • Description: Run the jobs whose job_id is 298765 and 298766 in the project whose ID is 48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1.
      • Example URL: POST https://{endpoint}/v1.0/48cc2c48765f481480c7db940d6409d1/streaming/jobs/run
      • Body:
            "job_ids": [131,130,138,137],
            "resume_savepoint": true
    • Example response
              "is_success": "true",
              "message": "The request for submitting DLI jobs is delivered successfully."
              "is_success": "true",
              "message": "The request for submitting DLI jobs is delivered successfully."
              "is_success": "true",
              "message": "The request for submitting DLI jobs is delivered successfully."
              "is_success": "true",
              "message": "The request for submitting DLI jobs is delivered successfully."




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