更新时间:2024-04-17 GMT+08:00
-module(emqx_authz_redis). -include("emqx_authz.hrl"). -include_lib("emqx/include/emqx.hrl"). -include_lib("emqx/include/logger.hrl"). -include_lib("emqx/include/emqx_placeholder.hrl"). -behaviour(emqx_authz). %% AuthZ Callbacks -export([ description/0, create/1, update/1, destroy/1, authorize/4 ]). -ifdef(TEST). -compile(export_all). -compile(nowarn_export_all). -endif. -define(PLACEHOLDERS, [ ?PH_CERT_CN_NAME, ?PH_CERT_SUBJECT, ?PH_PEERHOST, ?PH_CLIENTID, ?PH_USERNAME ]). description() -> "AuthZ with Redis". create(#{cmd := CmdStr} = Source) -> Cmd = tokens(CmdStr), ResourceId = emqx_authz_utils:make_resource_id(?MODULE), CmdTemplate = emqx_authz_utils:parse_deep(Cmd, ?PLACEHOLDERS), {ok, _Data} = emqx_authz_utils:create_resource(ResourceId, emqx_connector_redis, Source), Source#{annotations => #{id => ResourceId}, cmd_template => CmdTemplate}. update(#{cmd := CmdStr} = Source) -> Cmd = tokens(CmdStr), CmdTemplate = emqx_authz_utils:parse_deep(Cmd, ?PLACEHOLDERS), case emqx_authz_utils:update_resource(emqx_connector_redis, Source) of {error, Reason} -> error({load_config_error, Reason}); {ok, Id} -> Source#{annotations => #{id => Id}, cmd_template => CmdTemplate} end. destroy(#{annotations := #{id := Id}}) -> ok = emqx_resource:remove_local(Id). authorize( Client, PubSub, Topic, #{ cmd_template := CmdTemplate, annotations := #{id := ResourceID} } ) -> Cmd = emqx_authz_utils:render_deep(CmdTemplate, Client), case emqx_resource:query(ResourceID, {cmd, Cmd}) of {ok, []} -> nomatch; {ok, Rows} -> do_authorize(Client, PubSub, Topic, Rows); {error, Reason} -> ?SLOG(error, #{ msg => "query_redis_error", reason => Reason, cmd => Cmd, resource_id => ResourceID }), nomatch end. do_authorize(_Client, _PubSub, _Topic, []) -> nomatch; do_authorize(Client, PubSub, Topic, [TopicFilter, Action | Tail]) -> case emqx_authz_rule:match( Client, PubSub, Topic, emqx_authz_rule:compile({allow, all, Action, [TopicFilter]}) ) of {matched, Permission} -> {matched, Permission}; nomatch -> do_authorize(Client, PubSub, Topic, Tail) end. tokens(Query) -> Tokens = binary:split(Query, <<" ">>, [global]), [Token || Token <- Tokens, size(Token) > 0].
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