更新时间:2024-06-06 GMT+08:00

访问HBase ThriftServer认证


HBase把Thrift结合起来可以向外部应用提供HBase服务。在HBase服务安装时可选部署ThriftServer实例,ThriftServer系统可访问HBase的用户,拥有HBase所有NameSpace和表的读、写、执行、创建和管理的权限。访问ThriftServer服务同样需要进行Kerberos认证。HBase实现了两套Thrift Server服务,此处“hbase-thrift-example”为ThriftServer实例服务的调用实现。


  1. 登录FusionInsight Manager,选择“集群 > 服务 > HBase > 配置 > 全部配置”,搜索并修改ThriftServer实例的配置参数“hbase.thrift.security.qop”。该参数值需与“hbase.rpc.protection”的值一一对应。保存配置,重启配置过期节点服务使更改的配置生效。


    • "privacy" - "auth-conf"
    • "authentication" - "auth"
    • "integrity" - "auth-int"

  2. 获取集群中安装ThriftServer对应实例的配置文件。

    • 方法一:选择“集群 > 服务 > HBase > 实例”,单击待操作的实例ThriftServer进入详情界面,获取配置文件“hdfs-site.xml”、“core-site.xml”、“hbase-site.xml”。
    • 方法二:通过准备HBase应用开发和运行环境中解压客户端文件的方法获取配置文件,需要在获取的“hbase-site.xml”中手动添加以下配置,其中“hbase.thrift.security.qop”的参数值与1保持一致。


  • 代码认证
        private static void init() throws IOException {
            // Default load from conf directory
            conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
            String userdir = TestMain.class.getClassLoader().getResource("conf").getPath() + File.separator;[1]
            //In Linux environment
            //String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator;
            conf.addResource(new Path(userdir + "core-site.xml"), false);
            conf.addResource(new Path(userdir + "hdfs-site.xml"), false);
            conf.addResource(new Path(userdir + "hbase-site.xml"), false);


  • 安全登录
        private static void login() throws IOException {
            if (User.isHBaseSecurityEnabled(conf)) {
                userName = " developuser ";
                //In Windows environment
                String userdir = TestMain.class.getClassLoader().getResource("conf").getPath() + File.separator;
                //In Linux environment
                //String userdir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator;
                userKeytabFile = userdir + "user.keytab";
                krb5File = userdir + "krb5.conf";
                 * if need to connect zk, please provide jaas info about zk. of course,
                 * you can do it as below:
                 * System.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", confDirPath +
                 * "jaas.conf"); but the demo can help you more : Note: if this process
                 * will connect more than one zk cluster, the demo may be not proper. you
                 * can contact us for more help
                LoginUtil.setJaasConf(ZOOKEEPER_DEFAULT_LOGIN_CONTEXT_NAME, userName, userKeytabFile);
                LoginUtil.login(userName, userKeytabFile, krb5File, conf);
  • 连接ThriftServer实例
        try {    
            test = new ThriftSample();    
            test.test("", THRIFT_PORT, conf);[2]
        } catch (TException | IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Test thrift error", e);


