更新时间:2024-05-22 GMT+08:00
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<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Tutorial. Check available devices. --> <html> <head> <title>Tutorial. Check devices</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <!-- Check that browser is not IE --> <script src="jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script> <script> // 当前demo写法需要引入jquery // 创建script标签并运行脚本 const importScript = (function (oHead) { function loadError(oError) { throw new URIError("The script " + oError.target.src + " is not accessible."); } return function (sSrc, fOnload) { const oScript = document.createElement("script"); oScript.type = "text\/javascript"; oScript.onerror = loadError; if (fOnload) { oScript.onload = fOnload; } oHead.appendChild(oScript); oScript.innerHTML = sSrc; } })(document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]); //配置请求参数,access_token为鉴权信息,tenantSpaceId为租间id,userAccount为登录账号,请参见表1 const param = { "access_token": "xxxxx", "tenantSpaceId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "userAccount": "xxxxxxxxxx" } // callback 回调函数 用于处理轻量级接续的返回 const callback = function (message) { // 可以根据 message.event 来做回调处理; message返回举例如下 /** message:{ event:{ content:"", workNo:"", eventType:"" }, message:"", retcode:"0" } **/ console.log(message); } //定义变量$aicc_ContextPath,必须定义名称为$aicc_ContextPath,内容为https://ip:port或域名/service-cloud/ const $aicc_ContextPath = ""; //发起请求,请求云客服并传递data内容(access_token / tenantSpaceId / userAccount) $.ajax({ type: "post", data: JSON.stringify(param), url: $aicc_ContextPath+"ccdesktop/pages/cc-bar/js/ccbarclient.js?t=" + Math.random(), crossDomain: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { }, success: function (data) { //请求成功后执行js,云客服回传js,并动态生成接续条,目前暂不支持接续条样式和位置修改 importScript(data) //以下为通过postmessage传递事件(座席状态), 当座席收到以下事件,会触发eventpost的回调方法 const param = new Array; param.push("AgentState_Busy"); param.push("AgentState_Work"); param.push("AgentState_Ready"); param.push("AgentEvent_TransOutResult"); const json = { name: "eventpost", param: param } //设定为3秒,确认页面已完成加载渲染,如果页面加载较慢,可以增大timeout的参数,如4000(4秒),5000(5秒) setTimeout(function(){ window.frames["ccbarclient"].postMessage(JSON.stringify(json), $aicc_ContextPath); }, 3000) //frames:ccbarclient, 是由 importScript 返回的data 动态生成的 window.listeners["eventpost"] = callback; } }); </script> <!-- HTML components of simple GUI --> </body> </html>
父主题: 开发集成页面