医疗智能体 EIHealth
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health get database template <template-id> [flags] 或者 health get db template <template-id> [flags]
参数 |
简写 |
是否必选 |
说明 |
template-id |
无 |
否 |
template id,不填写时表示获取template列表,填写时表示获取template详情。 |
--sample |
-s |
否 |
显示示例yaml文件内容,以yaml格式打印到控制台,需要直接获取示例文件可使用Linux输出流重定向。 |
--project |
无 |
否 |
指定项目名。未填写则使用配置文件中的项目名。 |
- 获取模板列表
health get db template # 返回结果如下 Template ID Source Project Creator Created shennongProject xxx drug-screening EIHealth 2021-02-01 11:11:27 ligandAnnotation xxx drug-screening EIHealth 2021-02-01 11:11:27
- 获取模板详情
health get db template xxxx # 返回结果如下 { "id": "xxxx", "name": "ligandAnnotation", "description": "commom template for ligand annotation", "source_project_name": "drug-screening-demo-01", "source_project_id": "xxxx", "source_template_id": "", "creator": "EIHealth", "columns": [ { "name": "DrugBankID", "type": "String", "description": "The ID of the drug in DrugBank", "nullable": false, "primary": true, "searchable": true, "unique": true, "tips": "" }, { "name": "GenericName", "type": "String", "description": "The generic name of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": true, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "GroupOfDrug", "type": "String", "description": "The group of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "Formula", "type": "String", "description": "The chemical formula of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "SMILES", "type": "String", "description": "The smiles of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "Target", "type": "String", "description": "The target of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "Description", "type": "String", "description": "The desciption of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "FractionCsp3", "type": "Double", "description": "The ratio of sp3 hybridized carbons over the total carbon count of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "MW", "type": "Double", "description": "The MW of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "XLOGP3", "type": "Double", "description": "The XLOGP3 of the drug", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "RotatableBondNum", "type": "Double", "description": "The number of rotatable bonds for flexibility", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" }, { "name": "TPSA", "type": "Double", "description": "TPSA for polarity", "nullable": false, "primary": false, "searchable": false, "unique": false, "tips": "" } ], "create_time": "2021-06-01T12:49:15Z", "primary_key": "DrugBankID", "is_prefab": true }
- 获取模板示例文件
health get db template --sample # 返回结果如下 database: name: demo # 模板名称,必填,长度范围[3,32],只能包含字母、数字、中划线、下划线,必须以字母开头 description: This is demo template # 模板描述,非必填,最大长度允许1024 columns: # 数据库列定义列表,必填,最多不能超过100个 - name: id # 列名,必填,长度[1,55],必须以字母开头,只能包含字母、数字、下划线 description: identifier # 列描述,非必填,最大长度1024 type: Long # 列类型,必填,支持Long,String,Double三种类型 nullable: false # 列是否允许为空,必填 unique: false # 列是否增加唯一约束,必填 primary: true # 列是否作为主键,必填,若有多个列设为true,则多个列组成复合主键 searchable: true # 列是否可查询,必填 tips: uuid # 列的查询提示,非必填, 若该列为可查询列,可提供查询提示 - name: user_name description: user name type: String nullable: false unique: false primary: false searchable: true tips: string - name: score description: score type: Double nullable: false unique: false primary: false searchable: true tips: string
- 将示例文件存储到当前所在路径的app.yaml文件中
health get db template --sample > app.yaml
父主题: 数据库管理命令