调用接口出错后,将不会返回结果数据。调用方可根据每个接口对应的错误码来定位错误原因。 当调用出错时,HTTP 请求返回一个 4xx 或 5xx 的 HTTP 状态码。返回的消息体中是具体的错误代码及错误信息。在调用方找不到错误原因时,可以联系华为云客服,并提供错误码,以便我们尽快帮您解决问题。
更多服务错误码请参见 API错误中心。
状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
处理措施 |
400 |
GCS.4003001 |
Bad request, environment id is invalidate. |
请求环境Id不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4003007 |
Bad request, limit or offset is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求参数中的limit或offset非法 |
400 |
GCS.4003008 |
Bad request, request body is invalidate. |
请求参数错误,获取环境的请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4003009 |
Bad request, request body is invalidate. |
请求参数错误,删除环境的请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4003011 |
Bad request, environment is already exist. |
请求错误,环境已经存在 |
400 |
GCS.4003015 |
Bad request, request body is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4003019 |
Bad request, request cluster id is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求的cluster |
400 |
GCS.4003020 |
Bad request, request cluster not exist. |
请求错误,请求的集群不存在 |
400 |
GCS.4003021 |
Bad request, request, cluster is not available. |
请求错误,请求的cluster不可用 |
400 |
GCS.4003022 |
Bad request, sfs pvc name is null. |
请求错误,未指定sfs pvc名称 |
400 |
GCS.4003024 |
Bad request, specified sfs pvc name not exist. |
请求错误,请求的sfs pvc不存在 |
400 |
GCS.4003025 |
Bad request, cluster not specified. |
请求错误,未指定集群 |
400 |
GCS.4003026 |
Bad request, environment is already deleting. |
请求错误,环境已经在删除中 |
400 |
GCS.4003028 |
Bad request, request body of operating environment invalidate. |
请求错误,请求体非法,操作cce集群的请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4003029 |
Bad request, invalidate operating action. |
请求错误,请求的action不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4003030 |
Bad reqeust, source in request body is invalid. |
请求错误,请求体中的source不合法 |
404 |
GCS.4043003 |
Bad request, environment not exist. |
请求的环境不存在 |
500 |
GCS.5003002 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从数据库获取单个环境信息或者获取环境列表失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003004 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从aos获取堆栈信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003005 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从aos获取堆栈的outputs信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003006 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往数据库中更新环境状态信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003010 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从aos删除堆栈失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003012 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,创建环境的时候,向aos创建堆栈,aos返回错误 |
500 |
GCS.5003013 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往数据库里面插入环境记录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003014 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,merge 环境信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003016 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从cce获取集群节点,cce返回错误 |
500 |
GCS.5003017 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从cce获取集群信息,cce返回错误 |
500 |
GCS.5003018 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,merge 环境信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003023 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从cce获取sfs信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5003027 |
Operate cluster failed. |
操作集群失败,操作cce的集群,cce返回错误 |
状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
处理措施 |
400 |
GCS.4007000 |
Bad request, resource parameter is invalid. |
请求错误,请求体中的resource参数不合法, 在解析请求体时,Unmarshal请求体失败 |
400 |
GCS.4007001 |
Bad request, upload_file parameter is invalid. |
请求错误,请求中archive_content参数错误, 解析请求体时,请求参数中的archive_content参数错误 |
400 |
GCS.4007009 |
Bad request, invalid workflow Id. |
请求错误,workflowid不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4007010 |
Bad request, request parameters error. |
请求错误,请求体不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4007011 |
Bad request, name of workflow is already used. |
请求错误,workflow名称已被使用 |
400 |
GCS.4007015 |
Bad request, request workflow is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求的workflow非法 |
400 |
GCS.4007020 |
Bad request, content file is null. |
请求失败,请求workflow内容为空,请求content file 是空的 |
400 |
GCS.4007030 |
Bad request, the domain does not have authority when scope is public. |
请求失败,scope为public时仅有特权租户可以上传workflow |
400 |
GCS.4007031 |
Bad request, request body is invalid. |
请求错误,请求体非法,validate workflow请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4007032 |
Bad request, request body is invalid. |
请求错误,请求体非法,marshal workflow请求体失败 |
400 |
GCS.4007036 |
Bad request, invalid inputset Id. |
请求错误,inputset id不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4007037 |
Bad request, no certain inputset in db.. |
请求错误,数据库中该inputset不存在 |
404 |
GCS.4047008 |
Bad request, no certain workflow in db. |
请求错误,数据库中该workflow不存在 |
409 |
GCS.4097038 |
Bad request, workflow is used by execution. |
请求错误,该工作流已被使用 |
500 |
GCS.5007002 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往数据库存储workflow失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007003 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往数据库删除workflow失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007004 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往数据库更新workflow失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007005 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从数据库获取workflow数据失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007006 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从数据库获取workflow列表失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007007 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从数据库根据workflow名获取workflow失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007012 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从数据库获取tools失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007013 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,上传模板包时,为模板文件创建临时目录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007014 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,上传模板包时,将模板文件存入临时目录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007016 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,marshal parser返回的workflow失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007017 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,marshal parser返回的workflow 中inputs失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007018 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,marshal parser返回的workflow 中tools失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007019 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,获取content file失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007021 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,Unmarshal workflow的inputs失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007022 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,Unmarshal workflow的tools失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007023 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,获取obsclient失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007024 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,创建obs桶失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007025 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,确认桶是否存在失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007026 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,向obs存储文件失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007027 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,获取obs文件失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007028 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,删除obs内文件失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007029 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,读取obs返回值失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007033 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
服务器内部错误,请联系管理员,数据库增加inputset数据失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007034 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
服务器内部错误,请联系管理员,数据库删除inputset记录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5007035 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
服务器内部错误,请联系管理员,数据库读取inputset记录失败 |
状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
处理措施 |
400 |
GCS.4004000 |
Bad request, request body is invalid. |
请求错误,请检查,创建execution失败 |
400 |
GCS.4004001 |
Bad request, request body is invalid. |
请求错误,请检查,创建execution时请求体不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4004002 |
Bad request, request body is invalid. |
请求错误,请求参数不合法,创建execution时请求参数不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4004006 |
Bad request, execution id is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求的execution id不合法 |
400 |
GCS.4004014 |
Bad request, invalid bucket name. |
请求参数出错,请检查,obs桶名无效 |
404 |
GCS.4044007 |
Bad request, execution is not exist. |
请求错误,请求的execution不存在 |
409 |
GCS.4094024 |
Bad reqeust, request to patch stack is already existed. |
请求错误,execution已经被patch |
500 |
GCS.5000103 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,数据库新建execution记录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004004 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,数据库查询execution所有记录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004005 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,数据库查询execution记录失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004008 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往cce创建PVC,cce返回错误 |
500 |
GCS.5004009 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从查询查询PVC,cce返回错误 |
500 |
GCS.5004010 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,workflow转化成execution失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004011 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,marshal从parser获得的execution失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004012 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,merge execution结构体失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004013 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,获取obs桶失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004015 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,unmarshal execution的inputs失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004016 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,unmarshal execution的outputs失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004017 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从cce获取resource失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004018 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,unmarshal事件列表失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004019 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,加密token失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004020 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,marshal execution请求秒失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004021 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,往etcd中创建exectuion失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004022 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,创建堆栈时读取etcd的返回失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004023 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,当调用kubedag接口创建execution时,Unmarshal etcd返回信息失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004025 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,patch execution的时候,返回错误 |
500 |
GCS.5004026 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,从etcd获取execution失败 |
500 |
GCS.5004027 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员,获取execution下node的状态失败 |
状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
处理措施 |
400 |
GCS.4006001 |
Bad request, request body is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4006002 |
Bad request, request tool id is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求ID非法 |
400 |
GCS.4006004 |
Bad request, tool not exist. |
请求错误,请求的tool不存在 |
400 |
GCS.4006007 |
Bad request, request body is invalidate. |
请求错误,请求体非法 |
400 |
GCS.4006009 |
Bad request, the domain does not have authority when scope is public. |
请求错误,scope为public时仅有特权租户可以上传tool |
500 |
GCS.5006003 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员 |
500 |
GCS.5006005 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员 |
500 |
GCS.5006006 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员 |
500 |
GCS.5006008 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员 |
500 |
GCS.5006010 |
Server internal error, please contact the administrator. |
系统内部错误,请联系管理员 |
500 |
GCS.5006011 |
Bad request, version of tool is already existed. |
请求错误,工具的版本已存在 |