Backward Index Scan
Backward Index Scan为反向索引扫描,可以通过反向扫描索引的方式消除排序,由于反向扫描与其他一些特性(例如: Index Condition Pushdown(ICP))不兼容,导致优化器选择Backward Index Scan后出现性能劣化的情况。
为了解决上面的问题,TaurusDB对Backward Index Scan特性增加开关,支持动态开启和关闭,帮助用户解决上述问题。
参数名称 |
级别 |
描述 |
optimizer_switch |
Global,Session |
查询优化的总控制开关。 其中,BackwardIndexScan子控制开关为backward_index_scan,控制是否能使用BackwardIndexScan特性,默认值为ON。
- 开启BackwardIndexScan。
- 在optimizer_switch参数里设置此开关值。
mysql> set optimizer_switch='backward_index_scan=on'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> set optimizer_switch='backward_index_scan=off'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
- 通过HINT方式在SQL语句中设置开关值。
mysql> explain select /*+ set_var(optimizer_switch='backward_index_scan=on') */ c13,c16 from tt where c10=10 and c7=7 and c12=12 and to_days(c13)=547864 and c16 is not null order by c13 desc; mysql> explain select /*+ set_var(optimizer_switch='backward_index_scan=off') */ c13,c16 from tt where c10=10 and c7=7 and c12=12 and to_days(c13)=547864 and c16 is not null order by c13 desc;
- 在optimizer_switch参数里设置此开关值。
- 查看控制效果。
通过执行explain语句查看执行计划中是否包含"Backward index scan"来确认控制效果。
- 准备数据。
create table tt( id int not null primary key, a int, b int, c int, key idx_a_b(a, b)); insert into tt values(1,1,1,1),(2,1,2,1),(3,2,3,2),(4,2,4,3),(5,2,4,4);
- 当Backward Index Scan特性开启时,优化器会选择该特性来消除排序,可以通过查询optimizer_switch参数来判断backward_index_scan特性是否开启。
mysql> select @@optimizer_switch\G *************************** 1. row *************************** @@optimizer_switch: index_merge=on,index_merge_union=on,index_merge_sort_union=on,index_merge_intersection=on,engine_condition_pushdown=on,index_condition_pushdown=on,mrr=on,mrr_cost_based=on,block_nested_loop=on,batched_key_access=off,materialization=on,semijoin=on,loosescan=on,firstmatch=on,duplicateweedout=on,subquery_materialization_cost_based=on,use_index_extensions=on,condition_fanout_filter=on,derived_merge=on,use_invisible_indexes=off,skip_scan=on,hash_join=on,subquery_to_derived=off,prefer_ordering_index=on,hypergraph_optimizer=off,derived_condition_pushdown=on,derived_merge_no_subquery_check=off,gen_col_partition_prune=off,partial_result_cache=off,offset_pushdown=off,backward_index_scan=on 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> explain select * from tt where a = 2 order by b desc; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------+ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | tt | NULL | ref | idx_a_b | idx_a_b | 5 | const | 3 | 100.00 | Backward index scan | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+------+----------+---------------------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
- 当Backward Index Scan特性关闭时,优化器会增加Sort算子进行排序,查看以下执行计划。
mysql> set optimizer_switch='backward_index_scan=off'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> explain select * from tt where a = 2 order by b desc; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+------+----------+----------------+ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+------+----------+----------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | tt | NULL | ref | idx_a_b | idx_a_b | 5 | const | 3 | 100.00 | Using filesort | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+------+----------+----------------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
- 准备数据。
执行某条SQL语句时优化器选用上了Backward Index Scan特性,查询耗时约为4.54s。
mysql> explain analyze select detail_record_id, record_id, business_id, business_detail_id, unique_code, create_time, creator, last_updater, last_update_time, tenant_id, is_usable, operation_time, detail_operation_type, work_time, operator_id from detail_record d where d.tenant_id=554008 and d.creator = 585764 and operation_type = 3 and to_days(operation_time) = to_days(now()) and detail_operation_type is not null order by operation_time desc limit 1\G *************************** 1. row *************************** EXPLAIN: -> Limit: 1 row(s) (cost=151707.54 rows=1) (actual time=4539.137..4539.137 rows=0 loops=1) -> Filter: ((d.creator = 585764) and (to_days(d.operation_time) = <cache>(to_days(now()))) and (d.detail_operation_type is not null)) (cost=151707.54 rows=263565) (actual time=4539.135..4539.135 rows=0 loops=1) -> Index lookup on d using idx_time (tenant_id=554008, operation_type=3; iterate backwards) (cost=151707.54 rows=2928502) (actual time=0.089..4449.445 rows=1562755 loops=1) 1 row in set (4.54 sec)
mysql> explain analyze select /*+ set_var(optimizer_switch='backward_index_scan=off') */ detail_record_id, record_id, business_id, business_detail_id, unique_code, create_time, creator, last_updater, last_update_time, tenant_id, is_usable, operation_time, detail_operation_type, work_time, operator_id from detail_record d where d.tenant_id=554008 and d.creator = 585764 and operation_type = 3 and to_days(operation_time) = to_days(now()) and detail_operation_type is not null order by operation_time desc limit 1\G *************************** 1. row *************************** EXPLAIN: -> Limit: 1 row(s) (cost=209431.59 rows=1) (actual time=370.208..370.208 rows=0 loops=1) -> Sort: d.operation_time DESC, limit input to 1 row(s) per chunk (cost=209431.59 rows=2928502) (actual time=370.207..370.207 rows=0 loops=1) -> Filter: ((d.creator = 585764) and (d.detail_operation_type is not null)) (actual time=370.189..370.189 rows=0 loops=1) -> Index lookup on d using idx_time (tenant_id=554008, operation_type=3), with index condition: (to_days(d.operation_time) = <cache>(to_days(now()))) (actual time=370.188..370.188 rows=0 loops=1) 1 row in set (0.37 sec)