更新时间:2024-07-02 GMT+08:00



# if auto_upgrade is True, the osmt-agent will auto upgrade rpms use osmt.conf and reboot between time interval we specified
# the value of cycle_time means the  osmt-agent will check upgrade every cycle_time seconds, default 86400s(1 day)
# When a configuration item has a line break, you need to leave a space or tab at the beginning of the line
auto_upgrade = False
cycle_time = 3600
minimal_interval = 3600
auto_upgrade_window = "22:00-05:00"
auto_upgrade_interval = 1
# There are three rules of filters, all enabled by default. severity will be effect only when the types contain security, it is the subtype of security.
# The following are the three rules:
#    1. whitelist has the highest priority, if whitelist is configured then ignore other rules and filter out the whitelist packages from the full list of packages to be upgrade
#    2. Filter the update range by types, when the types contain security, further filter the severity of security updates severity, only upgrade the severity level of security.
#    3. Filter blacklist to remove packages in blacklist from types filter results, and packages which depend on packages in blacklist will also be removed.
# filters must contain at least one types rule, if the types rule is empty, the -a option will not upgrade any packages (by default all 3 filters are enabled).

filters = "types, blacklist"
whitelist = ""

# types include: security, bugfix, enhancement, newpackage, unknown
# if types is empty, no package will be upgrade
# types = security, bugfix, enhancement, newpackage, unknown
types = "security"
# severity is the subtype of security, include: low, moderate, important, critical
severity = "important, critical"
blacklist = "mysql"
# 升级后需要重启系统才能生效的rpm包
need_reboot_rpms = kernel,kernel-debug,glibc,glibc-utils,dbus,dbus-python… 
preinstalled_only = False
store_path = /var/log
backup_dir = /etc,/usr,/boot,/var,/run
exclude_dir = 
recover_service =
#the minimum resources required(MB) 
#min_req_boot_space = 100 
#min_req_backup_space = 8192 
#min_req_root_space = 1536 
#min_req_memory = 512 
cmdline_value = crashkernel=512M resume=/dev/mapper/hce-swap rd.lvm.lv=hce/root rd.lvm.lv=hce/swap crash_kexec_post_notifiers panic=3 nmi_watchdog=1 rd.shell=0 
#conflict_rpm = test1,test2

timeout_action = "stop"
timeout_action_before = 0

daemon_whitelist=sysstat-collect.service, sysstat-summary.service, systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
# the timeout of query systemd services
check_systemd_running_jobs = True
query_timeout = 30
check_rpm_packages = True
表1 osmt.conf不建议修改的配置项




按照security、 bugfix、enhancement、newpackage、unknown五个配置项指定RPM包的更新范围,不建议修改。如有特殊需要可以根据系统实际情况进行修改。



