更新时间:2022-08-16 GMT+08:00
/* VARIABLE INPUT */ select cast(cast('${TX_DATE}' as date format 'yyyymmdd') as date format 'yyyy-mm-dd') as v_Trx_Dt; .IF ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN .QUIT 12 ; insert into VT_RTL_ACT_ORG_INF /* VT_ */ ( Act_Id /* */ ,Act_Mdf /* */ ,Act_Agr_Typ_Cd /* */ ,Opn_BBK /* */ ,Opn_BRN /* */ ) select a.Agr_Id as Act_Id /* */ ,a.Agr_Mdf as Act_Mdf /* */ ,a.Agr_Typ_Cd as Act_Agr_Typ_Cd /* */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id as Opn_BBK /* */ ,a.Opn_Org_Id as Opn_BRN /* */ from ${PDM_VIEW}.T03_AGR_TRSR_BND_ACT as a /* _ */ where a.DW_Start_Dt <= cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format 'yyyy-mm-dd') AND a.DW_End_Dt > cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format 'yyyy-mm-dd') AND a.Agr_Typ_Cd IN ('20301') /* */ ; .IF ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN .QUIT 12 ;
DECLARE lv_mig_obj_exists_check NUMBER ( 1 ) ; lv_mig_errorcode NUMBER ( 4 ) ; lv_mig_v_Trx_Dt TEXT ; BEGIN /* VARIABLE INPUT */ BEGIN SELECT CAST( CAST( '${TX_DATE}' AS DATE ) AS DATE ) INTO lv_mig_v_Trx_Dt ; lv_mig_errorcode := 0 ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_mig_errorcode := -1; END; IF lv_mig_errorcode <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '12' ; END IF ; BEGIN INSERT INTO VT_RTL_ACT_ORG_INF /* VT_ */ ( Act_Id /* */ ,Act_Mdf /* */ ,Act_Agr_Typ_Cd /* */ ,Opn_BBK /* */ ,Opn_BRN /* */ ) SELECT a.Agr_Id AS Act_Id /* */ ,a.Agr_Mdf AS Act_Mdf /* */ ,a.Agr_Typ_Cd AS Act_Agr_Typ_Cd /* */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id AS Opn_BBK /* */ ,a.Opn_Org_Id AS Opn_BRN /* */ FROM ${PDM_VIEW}.T03_AGR_TRSR_BND_ACT AS a /* _ */ WHERE a.DW_Start_Dt <= CAST( lv_mig_v_Trx_Dt AS DATE ) AND a.DW_End_Dt > CAST( lv_mig_v_Trx_Dt AS DATE ) AND a.Agr_Typ_Cd IN ( '20301' ) /* */ ; lv_mig_errorcode := 0 ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_mig_errorcode := -1; END ; IF lv_mig_errorcode <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '12' ; END IF ; END ; /
/* SESSION INPUT */ select Session ; .IF ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN .QUIT 12 ; select username,clientsystemuserid,clientipaddress,clientprogramname from dbc.sessioninfoV where sessionno = '$Session' ; .IF ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN .QUIT 12 ;
DECLARE lv_mig_obj_exists_check NUMBER ( 1 ) ; lv_mig_errorcode NUMBER ( 4 ) ; lv_mig_Session TEXT ; BEGIN /* SESSION INPUT */ BEGIN SELECT pg_backend_pid ( ) INTO lv_mig_Session ; lv_mig_errorcode := 0 ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_mig_errorcode := - 1 ; END ; IF lv_mig_errorcode <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '12' ; END IF ; BEGIN SELECT COUNT( * ) INTO lv_mig_obj_exists_check FROM ( SELECT username ,clientsystemuserid ,clientipaddress ,clientprogramname FROM dbc.sessioninfoV WHERE sessionno = lv_mig_Session ) LIMIT 1 ; lv_mig_errorcode := 0 ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_mig_errorcode := - 1 ; END ; IF lv_mig_errorcode <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '12' ; END IF ; END ; /
select case when cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format'yyyy-mm-dd') = cast('${v_Tx_Mon_End_Date}' as date format'yyyy-mm-dd') then '0' else '1' end as v_IsLastDay; .IF ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN .QUIT 12 ; insert into VT_AS_CUST_WLTH_GRP /* VT_ */ ( Cust_UID /* UID */ ,BBK_Org_Id /* */ ,Wlth_grp_Cd /* */ ,Card_Grd_Cd /* */ ) select a.Cust_UID as Cust_UID /* UID */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id as BBK_Org_Id /* */ ,'11' as Wlth_grp_Cd /* */ ,coalesce(b.Card_Grd_Cd,'') as Card_Grd_Cd /* */ from VT_CUST_WLTH_GRP_LAST as a /* VT_ */ LEFT OUTER JOIN ${BRTL_VEXT}.BRTL_AS_CUST_CARD_GRD_S as b /* AS_ */ on b.Cust_Uid = a.Cust_Uid AND b.BBK_Org_Id = a.BBK_Org_Id AND b.Card_Sts_Scp_Cd = '001' /* 001- */ AND b.Card_Grd_Cd IN ('080','060','040','020','010','000') AND b.DW_Snsh_Dt = cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format'yyyy-mm-dd') where b.Cust_UID IS null ; .IF v_IsLastDay = 1 THEN .GOTO doit
BEGIN select case when cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format'yyyy-mm-dd') = cast('${v_Tx_Mon_End_Date}' as date format'yyyy-mm-dd') then '0' else '1' end INTO lv_mig_v_IsLastDay; lv_mig_ERRORCODE = 0; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN lv_mig_ERRORCODE = -1; END; IF lv_mig_ERRORCODE <> 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '12'; END IF; insert into VT_AS_CUST_WLTH_GRP /* VT_ */ ( Cust_UID /* UID */ ,BBK_Org_Id /* */ ,Wlth_grp_Cd /* */ ,Card_Grd_Cd /* */ ) select a.Cust_UID as Cust_UID /* UID */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id as BBK_Org_Id /* */ ,'11' as Wlth_grp_Cd /* */ ,coalesce(b.Card_Grd_Cd,'') as Card_Grd_Cd /* */ from VT_CUST_WLTH_GRP_LAST as a /* VT_ */ LEFT OUTER JOIN ${BRTL_VEXT}.BRTL_AS_CUST_CARD_GRD_S as b /* AS_ */ on b.Cust_Uid = a.Cust_Uid AND b.BBK_Org_Id = a.BBK_Org_Id AND b.Card_Sts_Scp_Cd = '001' /* 001- */ AND b.Card_Grd_Cd IN ('080','060','040','020','010','000') AND b.DW_Snsh_Dt = cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format'yyyy-mm-dd') where b.Cust_UID IS null ; IF lv_mig_v_IsLastDay = 1 THEN GOTO doit; END IF;
select EXTRACT (MONTH FROM cast('${TX_DATE}' as date format 'YYYYMMDD')) as CURR_MON; .if ERRORCODE <> 0 then .quit 12; -- .IF CURR_MON <> 1 THEN .goto NON_JAN; .if ERRORCODE <> 0 then .quit 12;
BEGIN select EXTRACT (MONTH FROM cast('${TX_DATE}' as date format 'YYYYMMDD')) INTO CURR_MON; … END; …
select case when a.DW_Stat_Dt in (date'${v_Tx_Pre_1_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_2_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_3_Mon_End_Date}') then '1' else '2' end as Quarter_Flg /* PK- 1-- 2-- 3-- */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id as BBK_Org_Id /* PK- */ ,a.Cust_UID as Cust_UID /* PK- UID */ ,a.Entp_Cust_Id as Entp_Cust_Id /* PK- */ ,coalesce(b.BBK_Nbr,'') as Agn_BBK_Org_Id /* PK- */ from ${BRTL_VEXT}.BRTL_AS_AGN_ENTP_CUID_TRX_SR as a /* AS_ UID */ LEFT OUTER JOIN ${BRTL_VCOR}.BRTL_OR_RTL_ORG_INF_S as b /* OR_ */ on a.Agn_BRN_Org_Id = b.Rtl_Org_Id and b.DW_Snsh_Dt = cast('${v_Trx_Dt}' as date format 'yyyy-mm-dd') where a.DW_Stat_Dt IN (date'${v_Tx_Pre_1_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_2_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_3_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_4_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_5_Mon_End_Date}' ,date'${v_Tx_Pre_6_Mon_End_Date}') AND a.Stat_Prd_Cd = 'M001' group by Quarter_Flg, a.BBK_Org_Id, a.Cust_UID, a.Entp_Cust_Id, coalesce(b.BBK_Nbr,'') ; should be migrated as below: SELECT CASE WHEN a.DW_Stat_Dt IN ( CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_1_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) , CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_2_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) , CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_3_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ) THEN '1' ELSE '2' END AS Quarter_Flg /* PK- 1-- 2-- 3-- */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id AS BBK_Org_Id /* PK- */ ,a.Cust_UID AS Cust_UID /* PK- UID */ ,a.Entp_Cust_Id AS Entp_Cust_Id /* PK- */ ,COALESCE( b.BBK_Nbr ,'' ) AS Agn_BBK_Org_Id /* PK- */ FROM BRTL_VEXT.BRTL_AS_AGN_ENTP_CUID_TRX_SR AS a /* AS_ UID */ LEFT OUTER JOIN BRTL_VCOR.BRTL_OR_RTL_ORG_INF_S AS b /* OR_ */ ON a.Agn_BRN_Org_Id = b.Rtl_Org_Id AND b.DW_Snsh_Dt = CAST( lv_mig_v_Trx_Dt AS DATE ) WHERE a.DW_Stat_Dt IN ( CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_1_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_2_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_3_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_4_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_5_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_6_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ) AND a.Stat_Prd_Cd = 'M001' GROUP BY Quarter_Flg, a.BBK_Org_Id, a.Cust_UID, a.Entp_Cust_Id, COALESCE( b.BBK_Nbr ,'' ) ;
SELECT CASE WHEN a.DW_Stat_Dt IN ( CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_1_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) , CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_2_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) , CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_3_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ) THEN '1' ELSE '2' END AS Quarter_Flg /* PK- 1-- 2-- 3-- */ ,a.BBK_Org_Id AS BBK_Org_Id /* PK- */ ,a.Cust_UID AS Cust_UID /* PK- UID */ ,a.Entp_Cust_Id AS Entp_Cust_Id /* PK- */ ,COALESCE( b.BBK_Nbr ,'' ) AS Agn_BBK_Org_Id /* PK- */ FROM BRTL_VEXT.BRTL_AS_AGN_ENTP_CUID_TRX_SR AS a /* AS_ UID */ LEFT OUTER JOIN BRTL_VCOR.BRTL_OR_RTL_ORG_INF_S AS b /* OR_ */ ON a.Agn_BRN_Org_Id = b.Rtl_Org_Id AND b.DW_Snsh_Dt = CAST( lv_mig_v_Trx_Dt AS DATE ) WHERE a.DW_Stat_Dt IN ( CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_1_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_2_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_3_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_4_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_5_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ,CAST(lv_mig_v_Tx_Pre_6_Mon_End_Date AS DATE) ) AND a.Stat_Prd_Cd = 'M001' GROUP BY Quarter_Flg, a.BBK_Org_Id, a.Cust_UID, a.Entp_Cust_Id, COALESCE( b.BBK_Nbr ,'' ) ;
父主题: Teradata语法迁移