更新时间:2025-03-13 GMT+08:00
自治事务可以在函数中定义,标识符为PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION,其余语法与函数语法相同,示例如下。
gaussdb=# create table t4(a int, b int, c text); NOTICE: The 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause is not specified. Using 'a' as the distribution column by default. HINT: Please use 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause to specify suitable data distribution column. CREATE TABLE gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE function autonomous_32(a int ,b int ,c text) RETURN int AS DECLARE PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN insert into t4 values(a, b, c); return 1; END; / gaussdb=# CREATE OR REPLACE function autonomous_33(num1 int) RETURN int AS DECLARE num3 int := 220; tmp int; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN num3 := num3/num1; return num3; EXCEPTION WHEN division_by_zero THEN select autonomous_32(num3, num1, sqlerrm) into tmp; return 0; END; / CREATE FUNCTION gaussdb=# select autonomous_33(0); autonomous_33 --------------- 0 (1 row) gaussdb=# select * from t4; a | b | c -----+---+------------------ 220 | 0 | division by zero (1 row)
父主题: 自治事务