更新时间:2024-11-06 GMT+08:00
Flink SQL逻辑开发规则
维表lookup join场景维度表个数不超过五个
Hudi维度表都在TM heap中,当维表过多时heap中保存的维表数据过多,TM会不断GC,导致作业性能下降。
【示例】lookup join维表数5个:
CREATE TABLE table1(id int, param1 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE table2(id int, param2 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE table3(id int, param3 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE table4(id int, param4 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE table5(id int, param5 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id STRING, price DECIMAL(32,2), currency STRING, order_time TIMESTAMP(3), WATERMARK FOR order_time AS order_time ) WITH (/* ... */); select o.*, t1.param1, t2.param2, t3.param3, t4.param4, t5.param5 from orders AS o JOIN table1 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proc_time AS t1 ON o.order_id = t1.id JOIN table2 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proc_time AS t2 ON o.order_id = t2.id JOIN table3 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proc_time AS t3 ON o.order_id = t3.id JOIN table4 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proc_time AS t4 ON o.order_id = t4.id JOIN table5 FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.proc_time AS t5 ON o.order_id = t5.id;
CREATE TABLE table1(id int, param1 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE table2(id int, param2 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE table3(id int, param3 string) with(...); CREATE TABLE orders ( order_id STRING, price DECIMAL(32,2), currency STRING, order_time TIMESTAMP(3), WATERMARK FOR order_time AS order_time ) WITH (/* ... */); select o.*, t1.param1, t2.param2, t3.param3 from orders AS o JOIN table1 AS t1 ON o.order_id = t1.id JOIN table2 AS t2 ON o.order_id = t2.id JOIN table3 AS t3 ON o.order_id = t3.id;
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 IN ( SELECT column1 FROM table2 WHERE column2 IN ( SELECT column2 FROM table3 WHERE column3 = 'value' ) )
基于Hudi表的lookup join单表数据量不超过1GB
Hudi维度表都在TM heap中,当维表过大时heap中保存的维表数据过多,TM会不断GC导致作业性能下降。
父主题: Flink SQL逻辑开发规范