- 状态码4xx:由于明显的客户端错误(例如,格式错误的请求语法、参数错误等),华为云会返回4xx错误码,请及时检查请求消息的正确性,重新发起请求。
- 状态码5xx:由于华为云系统原因,导致无法完成明显有效请求的处理,可及时联系华为云客服处理。
{ "error_code": "xxxx", "error_msg": "xxxx" }
状态码 |
错误码 |
错误码信息 |
错误码描述 |
200 |
CBC.0000 |
Success. |
成功。 |
403 |
CBC.0156 |
Access denied. The customer does not belong to the website you are now at. |
访问拒接,不是本站点客户。 |
400 |
CBC.18000016 |
Insufficient permissions. Contact your associated partner. |
权限不足,请联系您的合作伙伴。 |
400 |
CBC.18000048 |
Too many independent accounting members. Specify a member account for query. |
您名下的财务独立子,超过系统可支持查询的数量,请指定企业子账号查询。 |
200 |
CBC.3002 |
The resource has been locked. |
资源被锁定。 |
200 |
CBC.3006 |
Unsupported cloud service type. |
云服务类型不支持。 |
200 |
CBC.3016 |
Expired resources exist. |
存在过期资源。 |
200 |
CBC.30050007 |
It is not a primary resource, and the renewal quotation is not allowed. |
资源非主资源,不允许续费询价。 |
200 |
CBC.30050008 |
The period type or number of periods for the resource does not exist. |
资源不存在对应的的周期类型或周期数。 |
200 |
CBC.30050009 |
The resources do not exist or has been deleted due to expiration. |
资源已过期删除或不存在。 |
200 |
CBC.30050010 |
This operation is not allowed because some resources are included in the unpaid orders. |
当前操作的资源中,有资源包含在您的待支付的订单,不能进行当前操作。 |
200 |
CBC.30050011 |
The resources are being unsubscribed from or changed. |
资源正在退订或者变更。 |
200 |
CBC.30050013 |
The product cannot be renewed. |
该产品不支持续费。 |
200 |
CBC.3106 |
The order status has changed and no payment can be made. |
订单状态已发生变更,不能进行支付操作。 |
200 |
CBC.3112 |
The coupon or stored-value card has been used. |
优惠券或储值卡已被使用。 |
200 |
CBC.3124 |
Resources have been unsubscribed from. |
资源已经退订。 |
200 |
CBC.3144 |
Operation not supported. There is an order in progress for this resource. |
资源有处理中的订单,不能进行当前操作。 |
200 |
CBC.3128 |
The resource does not have renewed periods or its renewed periods have taken effect, and the renewal periods cannot be unsubscribed from. |
资源无已续费周期或续费周期已生效,不支持退订续费周期。 |
200 |
CBC.3141 |
Cloud service quota or capacity is insufficient, or the resource specifications have changed. |
云服务配额或容量不足或规格发生变化。 |
200 |
CBC.3155 |
Insufficient enterprise project fund quota, or invalid project. |
企业项目资金配额不足/项目不可用。 |
200 |
CBC.3162 |
The add-on package you purchased does not meet payment requirements. |
您购买的加油包不满足支付条件。 |
200 |
CBC.3185 |
The cloud service can only be unsubscribed from as a whole. |
云服务必须整体退订。 |
200 |
CBC.3638 |
Subscription to bandwidth add-on packages cannot be renewed. |
带宽加油包不能续费。 |
200 |
CBC.3640 |
Bandwidth add-on packages cannot be unsubscribed from. |
有加油包的资源,不能退订。 |
200 |
CBC.5005 |
The customer is being authenticated by HUAWEI CLOUD. |
该客户正在华为云系统认证。 |
400 |
CBC.50000030 |
Setting budgets not supported. This reseller's budget quota is insufficient. |
云经销商预算额度已不足,无法进行设置预算。 |
400 |
CBC.50000033 |
Budget setting permissions have been revoked. This reseller cannot set budgets. |
您授权云经销商预算设置权限已取消,云经销商无法进行预算设置。 |
200 |
CBC.50000045 |
No frequent operations are allowed for the same coupon quota. |
不能对同一个代金券额度进行频繁操作。上一次的代金券额度划拨正在进行中,不允许并行划拨,待结束后再进行下一次操作。 |
200 |
CBC.5006 |
The customer type (individual/enterprise) is different from the customer type stored in HUAWEI CLOUD. |
客户类型(个人/企业)和华为云系统存储的客户类型不同。 |
200 |
CBC.5007 |
The subscribed products must belong to the same region. |
订购产品必须属于同一个区域。 |
200 |
CBC.5020 |
Partial failure. |
部分失败。 |
200 |
CBC.5023 |
The account type does not match the association type. |
账户类型与合作伙伴关联类型不匹配。 |
200 |
CBC.5024 |
This API cannot be invoked because the association type of the customer is incorrect. |
客户的关联类型不允许调用该接口。 |
200 |
CBC.5041 |
Resources in this order have been unsubscribed. |
该订单中的资源已经退订。 |
200 |
CBC.5042 |
Resources cannot be found. |
资源无法找到。 |
200 |
CBC.6001 |
Required param resource id or riInstanceId is null or empty. |
资源ID或者预留实例ID为空。 |
200 |
CBC.6055 |
Calculate result exceeds max value. |
询价结果超过金额最大限制。 |
200 |
CBC.6006 |
The required product cannot be found. |
找不到您询价的产品。 |
400 |
CBC.0100 |
parameter error. |
输入参数校验失败。 |
400 |
CBC.0101 |
Invalid parameter. |
参数无效。 |
400 |
CBC.18000014 |
Inactive Cost Management. |
未开通成本中心。 |
400 |
CBC.18000053 |
Insufficient permissions. Contact your enterprise master. |
权限不足,请联系您的企业主。 |
400 |
CBC.30000010 |
Invalid order (maybe the order does not exist), unable to operate. |
无效订单(可能是订单不存在),不能进行操作。 |
400 |
CBC.30000067 |
Unsubscription not supported. This resource has been deleted or the subscription to this resource has not been synchronized to CBC. |
资源已被删除或者资源未被纳管,不支持退订。 |
400 |
CBC.30000052 |
The resource or account has been already frozen. |
已冻结,不能执行此操作。 |
400 |
CBC.30000053 |
Unsubscription not supported. The billing mode of the resource is Savings Plans. |
资源计费模式是节省计划,不支持退订。 |
400 |
CBC.30010035 |
resource deleted. |
资源已被删除。 |
400 |
CBC.30010036 |
Renewal is only supported for primary resources. |
续费的资源非主资源,不允许续费。 |
400 |
CBC.30010069 |
The renewal period does not exist. |
不存在的续费周期。 |
400 |
CBC.30050006 |
Automatic order payment failed. |
订单自动支付失败。 |
400 |
CBC.30050012 |
Duplicate resource ID. |
存在重复的资源ID。 |
400 |
CBC.5001 |
You has not been a partner. |
非合作伙伴。 |
400 |
CBC.5002 |
The customer does not exist. |
合作伙伴的客户不存在。 |
400 |
CBC.5003 |
Insufficient balance. |
余额不足。 |
400 |
CBC.5004 |
You do not have the operation permission to the customer. |
无对该客户的操作权限。 |
200 |
CBC.50000053 |
Unfreezing customer account failed. Selected object and the frozen object do not match. |
解冻类型与客户实际的冻结类型不一致,解冻客户账号失败。 |
400 |
CBC.50010059 |
Customer association not supported for distributors. |
一级经销商不允许关联子客户。 |
400 |
CBC.50010085 |
Customer association not allowed. The account of this partner has been restricted. |
该伙伴企业目前处于受限状态,无法拓客创建关联关系。 |
400 |
CBC.50010086 |
Customer association not allowed. This partner is a Huawei Cloud reseller, and the account of its associated distributor has been restricted. |
该伙伴是云经销商,其关联的总经销商企业目前处于受限状态,无法拓客创建关联关系。 |
400 |
CBC.50010120 |
Customer development not supported. There are no credits granted for the partner. |
该伙伴暂无授信,无法拓客创建关联关系。 |
200 |
CBC.70300007 |
Account frozen. To change the frozen scope, unfreeze the account first. |
已冻结账号,想更改冻结类型,需先解冻,再重新进行冻结操作。 |
400 |
CBC.70600026 |
Huawei Cloud cannot review the information you submitted for real-name authentication. Contact your account manager. |
抱歉,华为云暂无法审核您提交的实名认证信息,请联系您的客户经理协助。 |
400 |
CBC.70600032 |
he operation has failed due to abnormal identity information, which could result in non-compliance risks. If you have any questions, please submit a service ticket to the customer service. |
操作失败,身份信息异常,存在违规风险,如有疑问请提工单咨询客服。 |
400 |
CBC.7151 |
Expired verification code. |
验证码失效。 |
400 |
CBC.7152 |
Incorrect verification code. |
验证码错误。 |
400 |
CBC.7188 |
The customer has passed real-name authentication or is being reviewed. |
该客户已经实名认证或者实名认证在审核中。 |
400 |
CBC.7191 |
The number of real-name authentication times of the customer exceeds the upper limit. |
客户实名认证次数超过最大配置值。 |
400 |
CBC.7202 |
Real-name authentication failed. |
实名认证校验失败。 |
400 |
CBC.7219 |
Real-name authentication information does not match the facial image. |
实名认证信息与人脸不匹配。 |
400 |
CBC.7253 |
The picture of the ID card is invalid or blurred. |
无效的证件照或者证件照模糊。 |
400 |
CBC.7254 |
Currently, registration with HUAWEI CLOUD is not available to users in this country. |
目前不支持该国家客户注册华为云。 |
400 |
CBC.7255 |
The ID information or mobile number is incorrect. |
持卡人身份信息或手机号输入不正确。 |
400 |
CBC.7256 |
The legal entity information is incorrect. |
法人信息不正确。 |
400 |
CBC.7257 |
The enterprise information is incorrect. |
企业信息不正确。 |
400 |
CBC.7265 |
You are a partner and cannot be authenticated as an individual using your real name. |
您是合作伙伴,不允许实名实名认证为个人。 |
400 |
CBC.7267 |
The member account is being associated with a master account and cannot perform real-name authentication again. |
企业子账号正在被邀请关联,不允许重新实名认证。 |
400 |
CBC.7281 |
Renewal, payment, or unsubscription not supported. Your account has been frozen. |
您的账号已被冻结,无法续订/退订/支付。 |
400 |
CBC.99000000 |
You do not have the operation permission to the customer. |
无对该客户的操作权限。 |
400 |
CBC.99000004 |
An exception occurred when the customer authorized rights to the partner. |
客户向伙伴授权时发生异常。 |
400 |
CBC.99000026 |
Incorrect verification code. |
验证码错误。 |
400 |
CBC.99000027 |
Expired verification code. |
验证码过期。 |
400 |
CBC.99000028 |
The email address already exists. |
客户邮箱已经存在。 |
400 |
CBC.99000031 |
Invalid DomainName. |
DomainName无效。 |
400 |
CBC.99000032 |
Invalid email address. |
邮箱无效。 |
400 |
CBC.99000034 |
Currently, registration with HUAWEI CLOUD is not available to users in this country. |
目前不支持该国家客户注册华为云。 |
400 |
CBC.99000035 |
This customer has not been associated with you. |
非合作伙伴子客户。 |
400 |
CBC.99000036 |
Invalid password. |
客户密码格式不合法。 |
400 |
CBC.99000037 |
You do not have the permission to operate this Huawei Cloud reseller. |
您没有操作该云经销商的权限。 |
400 |
CBC.99000038 |
The account name already exists. |
客户登录名已经存在。 |
400 |
CBC.99000039 |
xAccountId exists. |
xaccountId重复。 |
400 |
CBC.99000046 |
Insufficient budget. |
预算不足。 |
400 |
CBC.99000049 |
BindType can not be resale. |
转售子客户无账户余额。 |
400 |
CBC.99000051 |
Customer creation failed because this mobile number or email address has been preregistered by Huawei. |
该手机号/邮箱已被华为报备,无法创建客户。 |
400 |
CBC.99000055 |
Referral model not supported. |
不支持创建顾问销售子客户。 |
400 |
CBC.99000082 |
You have exceeded the maximum verification code requests allowed. |
客户发送验证码次数超过限制。 |
400 |
CBC.99000088 |
We have received your payment and it is currently being processed. Please do not attempt to make the payment again. |
抱歉,支付处理中,请勿重复操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99000089 |
The current operation can only be performed on combined orders. |
抱歉,当前订单号不能操作,请使用组合交易单号操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99000092 |
Incorrect subscription period. |
订购周期校验失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99000099 |
The certificate attachment the customer submitted for real-name authentication exceeded the maximum size allowed. |
客户实名认证时证件附件的文件大小超过最大配置值。 |
400 |
CBC.99000100 |
Incorrect format of the certificate attachment the customer submitted for real-name authentication. |
客户实名认证时证件附件的文件格式不正确。 |
400 |
CBC.99003004 |
The resource has dependencies. |
资源存在依赖。 |
400 |
CBC.99003012 |
The resource ID does not exist. |
资源ID不存在。 |
400 |
CBC.99003016 |
The resources have expired and been deleted or do not exist. |
资源已过期删除或不存在。 |
400 |
CBC.99003100 |
This operation is not allowed because some resources are included in your orders to be paid. |
当前操作的资源中,有资源包含在您的待支付的订单,不能进行当前操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99003106 |
The order status has changed and no payment can be made. |
订单状态已发生变更,不能进行支付操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99003108 |
Unavailable discount. |
您选择的折扣不可用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003110 |
The order has not been paid before the expiration time. Please re-submit the order. |
订单已经过了支付截止时间,请重新提交订单。 |
400 |
CBC.99003112 |
The coupon or stored-value card has been used. |
优惠券或储值卡已被使用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003115 |
An error occurred. Try again later. |
抱歉,当前操作出现异常,请稍后再试。 |
400 |
CBC.99003116 |
The restriction to selected coupon regulates that the coupon cannot be used with the discount at the same time. |
选择的优惠券限制不能和折扣同时使用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003117 |
The selected discount is less than the minimum discount rate configured for the selected coupon. Note: For example, if the minimum discount rate configured for a coupon is 90% and the selected discount is less than 90% in all order lines, the discount cannot be used. |
选择的优惠券配置了最小折扣比例,而选择的折扣小于这个折扣比例。 例如:优惠券配置的最小折扣比例为90%,而选择的折扣在所有订单行上都小于90%,则该折扣不可使用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003124 |
Resources have been unsubscribed from. |
资源已经退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003128 |
The resource does not have renewed periods or its renewed periods have taken effect, and the renewal periods cannot be unsubscribed from. |
资源无已续费周期或续费周期已生效,不支持退订续费周期。 |
400 |
CBC.99003141 |
Cloud service quota or capacity is insufficient, or the resource specifications have changed. |
云服务配额或容量不足或规格发生变化。 |
400 |
CBC.99003144 |
Operation not supported. There is an order in progress for this resource. |
资源有处理中的订单,不能进行当前操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99003147 |
Discounts and cash coupons cannot be used together. |
代金券和折扣券不能同时使用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003151 |
This discount cannot be used together with other discounts. |
您选择的折扣不可与其他折扣一起使用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003154 |
The sum of the existing and renewal durations has exceeded the maximun. Select another renewal duration. |
资源已购买时长加本次续费时长后已超过最大值,请重新选择续费时长。 |
400 |
CBC.99003155 |
Insufficient enterprise project fund quota, or invalid project. |
企业项目资金配额不足/项目不可用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003156 |
Coupons applicable to Marketplace products cannot be used together with dedicated coupons. |
云商店券和专用代金券不能同时使用。 |
400 |
CBC.99003162 |
The payment time must be earlier than the specified effective time. |
支付时间超过设定的生效时间。 |
400 |
CBC.99003185 |
The cloud service can only be unsubscribed from as a whole. |
云服务必须整体退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003198 |
Insufficient organization budget. |
企业组织预算不足。 |
400 |
CBC.99003602 |
Automatic renewal is not supported for expired or frozen resources. |
资源已过期或被冻结,不允许自动续费。 |
400 |
CBC.99003605 |
Theautomatic renewal has been canceled. The current operation cannot be performed. |
自动续费已取消,不可进行当前操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99003609 |
The billing mode of this product type cannot be converted into pay-per-use. |
该产品类型不支持转按需。 |
200 |
CBC.99003610 |
The billing mode of resources in the grace or retention period cannot be converted into pay-per-use. |
宽限期、保留期资源不能转按需。 |
400 |
CBC.99003611 |
The billing mode of pay-per-usage packages cannot be converted into pay-per-use. |
按需套餐包不能设置转按需。 |
400 |
CBC.99003622 |
The billing mode of solutions cannot be converted into pay-per-use. |
解决方案产品不能设置转按需。 |
400 |
CBC.99003623 |
Cannot be converted into the pay-per-use billing mode because there are transactions being processed. |
存在其他处理中交易不能转按需。 |
400 |
CBC.99003624 |
Cannot be converted into the pay-per-use billing mode because the resource has been frozen due to security reasons. |
违规冻结资源不允许设置转按需。 |
400 |
CBC.99003626 |
Cannot be converted into the pay-per-use billing mode because this account has been frozen. |
账号已经被冻结,不允许设置转按需。 |
400 |
CBC.99003631 |
Unsubscribed,deleted, and released resources cannot be renewed. |
退订中/删除中/释放中的资源不能续费。 |
400 |
CBC.99003634 |
Resources in discount packages must be renewed as a whole and cannot be renewed together with other resources. |
参与优惠套餐活动的资源需要整体续费,不能和其他资源一起续费。 |
400 |
CBC.99003638 |
Subscription to bandwidth add-on packages cannot be renewed. |
带宽加油包资源不能续费。 |
400 |
CBC.99003643 |
Unsubscription not allowed for cloud services that have been invoiced. |
已开发票的云服务不允许退订 |
400 |
CBC.99003645 |
Unsubscription not supported for the service type of the resource. |
该类型的云服务不支持退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003647 |
Unsubscription not supported for this pay-per-use package. |
该按需套餐包不支持退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003649 |
Unsubscription not supported for cloud services in trial use. |
试用云服务不支持退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003650 |
Unsubscription not supported for this cloud service from the KooGallery. |
云商店中的该云服务不允许退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003651 |
Unsubscription not supported. An operation associated with this instance is in progress. |
交易正在进行中,不可以退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003652 |
Unsubscription is not supported for DevCloud packages. |
软开云套餐不能退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99003654 |
This renewal period cannot be canceled because it includes an add-on bandwidthpackage. |
存在带宽加油包,不允许退订续费周期。 |
400 |
CBC.99003656 |
Operation not allowed. Your account has been frozen. |
已冻结,不能执行此操作。 |
400 |
CBC.99004001 |
The template does not exist. |
模板不存在。 |
400 |
CBC.99004002 |
Failed to generate the verification code. |
生成验证码失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99004003 |
The verification code is successfully generated but fails to be sent. |
验证码生成成功但发送失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99004004 |
Empty email address./Invalid format. |
邮箱为空/格式不合法。 |
400 |
CBC.99004005 |
Empty mobile number./Invalid format. |
手机号为空/格式不合法。 |
400 |
CBC.99004007 |
Failed to verify the email address. |
邮箱校验失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99004008 |
Invalid verification code. |
有验证码,但是已经失效。 |
400 |
CBC.99004009 |
The verification code is available, but the number of verification failures is greater than 3. |
有验证码,但是校验失败次数已经大于3。 |
400 |
CBC.99004010 |
The verification code entered is incorrect. |
校验客户端输入的验证码错误。 |
400 |
CBC.99004015 |
The number of verification code sending times has reached the upper limit (15 times per hour, 60 times per day). |
发送验证码次数已达到上限(15次/小时,60次/天)。 |
400 |
CBC.99005003 |
Your balance is insufficient. |
余额不足。 |
400 |
CBC.99005010 |
Orders in this state cannot be canceled. |
订单状态不允许取消。 |
400 |
CBC.99005036 |
The customer does not support payment via interface. |
该客户不支持使用接口支付。 |
400 |
CBC.99005024 |
This API cannot be invoked because the association type of the customer is incorrect. |
客户的关联类型不允许调用该接口。 |
400 |
CBC.99005026 |
The order is not a degrade or unsubscription order. |
该订单不是降配或者退订订单。 |
400 |
CBC.99005030 |
The partner did not complete real-name authentication or bucket authentication. |
伙伴未开通实名认证功能或者桶鉴权失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99005035 |
This API cannot be used by a sandbox account. |
测试伙伴账号不能使用该接口。 |
400 |
CBC.99005042 |
The resource cannot be found or unsubscribed from. |
资源无法找到或者不能退订。 |
400 |
CBC.99006006 |
Product not found. |
产品未发现。 |
400 |
CBC.99006016 |
Failed to query coupon information. |
查询优惠券信息失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99006017 |
Failed to query customer details. |
查询客户信息失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99006024 |
Failed to query product information. |
查询产品信息失败。 |
400 |
CBC.99006050 |
Incorrect usage measurement unit. |
使用量单位错误。 |
400 |
CBC.99006055 |
The queried amount exceeds the upper limit. |
询价结果超过金额最大限制。 |
400 |
CBC.99006066 |
An error occurred during the query of the fee information. |
查询费用信息错误。 |
400 |
CBC.99006073 |
项目不存在。 |
Project not found. |
400 |
CBC.99006074 |
The billing item does not exist. |
计费因子不存在。 |
400 |
CBC.99006093 |
Failed to obtain tax rate information. |
获取不到税率信息。 |
400 |
CBC.99007188 |
The customer has passed real-name authentication or is being reviewed. |
该客户已经实名认证或者实名认证在审核中。 |
400 |
CBC.99007189 |
The number of users who used the certificate ID for real-name authentication has reached the maximum limit. |
使用该证件号进行实名认证的客户数已经超过系统规定。 |
400 |
CBC.99007191 |
The number of real-name authentication times of the customer exceeds the upper limit. |
客户实名认证次数超过最大配置值。 |
400 |
CBC.99007193 |
The certificate ID is from an invalid certificate and cannot be used for real-name authentication. |
该证件号属于违规证件号,不允许进行实名认证。 |
400 |
CBC.99007253 |
The picture of the ID card is invalid or blurred. |
无效的证件照或者证件照模糊。 |
400 |
CBC.99007256 |
The legal entity information is incorrect. |
法人信息不正确。 |
400 |
CBC.99007257 |
The enterprise information is incorrect. |
企业信息不正确。 |
400 |
CBC.99007261 |
This bank is not supported. Please try other bank cards. |
不支持该银行卡,请尝试其他银行卡。 |
400 |
CBC.99007265 |
Other errors. |
其他错误。 |
400 |
CBC.99007267 |
The member account is being associated with a master account and cannot perform real-name authentication again. |
企业子账号正在被邀请关联,不允许重新实名认证。 |
400 |
CBC.99008040 |
Too many attempts. |
操作频繁。 |
400 |
CBC.99008056 |
The maximum number of transactions allowed today has been reached. |
今日创建交易已达上限。 |
401 |
CBC.0154 |
Invalid or expired token. |
token非法/过期。 |
403 |
CBC.0150 |
Invalid operation. |
非法操作。 |
403 |
CBC.0151 |
Access denied. |
访问拒绝。 |
403 |
CBC.0155 |
The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. |
不允许执行当前请求。 |
429 |
CBC.0250 |
Connection request control triggered. |
消息流量控制。 |
500 |
CBC.0999 |
Other errors. |
其他错误。 |
500 |
CBC.4001 |
The template does not exist. |
模板不存在。 |
500 |
CBC.4002 |
Failed to generate the verification code. |
生成验证码失败。 |
500 |
CBC.4003 |
The verification code is successfully generated but fails to be sent. |
验证码生成成功但发送失败。 |
500 |
CBC.4004 |
The email address is empty. |
邮箱为空。 |
500 |
CBC.4005 |
Empty mobile number./Invalid format. |
手机号为空/格式不合法。 |
500 |
CBC.4006 |
Failed to verify the mobile number. |
手机号校验失败。 |
500 |
CBC.4007 |
Failed to verify the email address. |
邮箱校验失败。 |
500 |
CBC.4008 |
Invalid verification code. |
有验证码,但是已经失效。 |
500 |
CBC.4009 |
The verification code is available, but the number of verification failures is greater than 3. |
有验证码,但是校验失败次数已经大于3。 |
500 |
CBC.4015 |
The number of verification code sending times has reached the upper limit. |
发送验证码次数已达到上限。 |
500 |
CBC.50000036 |
Credit limit adjustment for customers is not allowed because the partner is now in the credit control state. |
伙伴已进入信控状态,不能设置客户预算。 |
500 |
CBC.5012 |
The account name already exists. |
客户登录名已经存在。 |
500 |
CBC.5013 |
The email address already exists. |
客户邮箱已经存在。 |
500 |
CBC.5014 |
The mobile number already exists. |
客户手机号已经存在。 |
500 |
CBC.5015 |
Invalid account name. |
客户登录名格式不合法。 |
500 |
CBC.5016 |
Invalid email address. |
客户邮箱格式不合法。 |
400 |
CBC.5017 |
Invalid mobile number. |
客户手机号格式不合法。 |
500 |
CBC.5018 |
Duplicate xAccountId. |
xAccountId重复。 |
500 |
CBC.5019 |
The number of customers exceeds the license limit. |
客户数量超过license限制。 |
500 |
CBC.5025 |
An exception occurred when the customer authorized rights to the partner. |
客户向伙伴授权时发生异常。 |
500 |
CBC.7001 |
Failed to allocate money to the member account because the primary account is not associated with the sub-account. |
企业主账号与子账号不存在关联,不能直接向企业子账号拨款。 |
500 |
CBC.7004 |
The initiated service operation does not meet the service check item requirement. |
发起的业务操作存在不满足的业务检查项。 |
500 |
CBC.7181 |
the validity period of the credit line allocated or recovered has expired. |
划拨或回收的信用额度的有效期已过期。 |
500 |
CBC.7189 |
The number of users who used the certificate ID for real-name authentication has reached the maximum limit. |
使用该证件号进行实名认证的客户数已经超过系统规定。 |
500 |
CBC.7193 |
The certificate ID is from an invalid certificate and cannot be used for real-name authentication. |
该证件号属于违规证件号,不允许进行实名认证。 |
500 |
CBC.7228 |
Invalid password. |
客户密码格式不合法。 |
500 |
CBC.99000050 |
Query for the result of associating partner and its sub-customer timed out. Use the API for querying customers to check the association result. |
伙伴和子客户关联结果查询超时,请使用查询客户列表确认最终关联结果。 |