文档首页/ 主机迁移服务 SMS/ 用户指南(阿布扎比区域)/ 常见问题/ Agent安装与启动/ Linux系统,启动Agent失败,提示:SMS.1351: Mount point /xxx detected on the source server, which has no free space. Ensure that there is at least 1 MB of space.
更新时间:2023-06-28 GMT+08:00

Linux系统,启动Agent失败,提示:SMS.1351: Mount point /xxx detected on the source server, which has no free space. Ensure that there is at least 1 MB of space.


Linux系统,启动Agent失败,提示:“SMS.1351: Mount point /xxx detected on the source server, which has no free space. Ensure that there is at least 1 MB of space.”。




  1. 在源端服务器执行df -TH命令,查看源端空间占用情况,找出空间已满的挂载点。

  2. 调整挂载点的文件和数据,保证源端服务器每个挂载点至少有1 MB空间。
  3. 重新执行df -TH命令查看所有挂载点空间满足条件后,重新启动SMS-Agent进行迁移。