文档首页/ 主机迁移服务 SMS/ 用户指南(阿布扎比区域)/ 常见问题/ Agent安装与启动/ Linux系统提示“Agent startup failed because the noexec permission is not allow on /tmp for SMS Agent. Please remount /tmp without noexec.”该如何处理?
更新时间:2022-06-11 GMT+08:00

Linux系统提示“Agent startup failed because the noexec permission is not allow on /tmp for SMS Agent. Please remount /tmp without noexec.”该如何处理?


执行sh startup.sh启动sms Agent时,提示“SMS.5102 Agent startup failed because the noexec permission is not allow on /tmp for SMS Agent. Please remount /tmp without noexec.”。




  1. 登录源端服务器。
  2. 执行mount -l | grep /tmp,返回如下类似结果,说明被指定了noexec权限。

    /dev/vdb1 on /tmp type ext4 (rw, noexec, relatime, data=ordered)

  3. 重新挂载该块设备到/tmp目录下,挂载时不能指定noexec,或者可以执行mount -o remount exec /tmp以明确指定exec权限。
  4. 再次执行mount -l | grep /tmp,返回类似结果即可重启启动Agent进行迁移。

    /dev/vdb1 on /tmp type ext4 (rw, relatime, data=ordered)