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Image Management Service
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Huawei Cloud EulerOS
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Cloud Eye
Identity and Access Management
Cloud Trace Service
Resource Formation Service
Tag Management Service
Log Tank Service
Resource Access Manager
Simple Message Notification
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Message Center
Security & Compliance
Security Technologies and Applications
Web Application Firewall
Host Security Service
Cloud Firewall
Anti-DDoS Service
Data Encryption Workshop
Database Security Service
Cloud Bastion Host
Data Security Center
Cloud Certificate Manager
Edge Security
Managed Threat Detection
Blockchain Service
Web3 Node Engine Service
Media Services
Media Processing Center
Video On Demand
Object Storage Service
Elastic Volume Service
Cloud Backup and Recovery
Storage Disaster Recovery Service
Scalable File Service Turbo
Scalable File Service
Volume Backup Service
Cloud Server Backup Service
Data Express Service
Dedicated Distributed Storage Service
Cloud Container Engine
SoftWare Repository for Container
Application Service Mesh
Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service
Cloud Container Instance
Relational Database Service
Document Database Service
Data Admin Service
Data Replication Service
Distributed Database Middleware
Database and Application Migration UGO
Distributed Cache Service
API Gateway
Distributed Message Service for Kafka
Distributed Message Service for RabbitMQ
Distributed Message Service for RocketMQ
Cloud Service Engine
Multi-Site High Availability Service
Dedicated Cloud
Dedicated Computing Cluster
Business Applications
ROMA Connect
Message & SMS
Domain Name Service
Edge Data Center Management
Face Recognition Service
Graph Engine Service
Content Moderation
Image Recognition
Optical Character Recognition
Conversational Bot Service
Speech Interaction Service
Huawei HiLens
Video Intelligent Analysis Service
Developer Tools
SDK Developer Guide
API Request Signing Guide
Koo Command Line Interface
Content Delivery & Edge Computing
Content Delivery Network
Intelligent EdgeFabric
Intelligent EdgeCloud
SAP Cloud
High Performance Computing
Developer Services
CodeArts PerfTest
CodeArts Req
CodeArts Pipeline
CodeArts Build
CodeArts Deploy
CodeArts Artifact
CodeArts TestPlan
CodeArts Check
CodeArts Repo
Cloud Application Engine
MacroVerse aPaaS

Application Scenarios

Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Migrating Applications to the Cloud


Migrating applications to the cloud involves repetitive work, such as the destruction and rebuild of environments and manually configuring new instances one by one when scaling out applications. Some operations could be time-consuming, such as creating databases or VMs, which usually take minutes to finish. You may have to wait longer when these demanding operations need to be performed one by one. In this case, automating the whole process can improve the migrating efficiency and free you from tedious work.


AOS enables you to schedule resources, define applications, and deploy services at the same time. With a few clicks, operations such as deployment and destruction can be automatically performed. The only thing you need to do is define your applications and corresponding resources through templates.


  • Easy to Use

    Design your applications and schedule resources by writing templates. Organize and manage the service easily and efficiently.

  • Highly efficient

    Automatically deploy services and destruct environments with a few clicks. Get rid of repetitive work.

  • Quick replication of applications

    Applications and resources can be quickly replicated and deployed across different data centers. Templates allow you to quickly create identical applications.

Figure 1 Migrating applications to the cloud

ISV Service Provisioning


Independent software vendors (ISVs) deliver software to their customers and have the software deployed in the cloud to provide services. The traditional delivery method is that ISVs provide the software code and platform building guides on their official websites for customers to download. This could be time demanding and costly, because customers have to create resources, configure networks, perform O&M, and manage updates all on themselves. In addition, the traditional method is complex and error-prone, as all the installation is performed manually.


AOS templates enable ISVs to deliver software and required resources in a standard manner. By writing templates and deploying application through AOS, software can be easily delivered and efficiently deployed with a few clicks.


  • Fast delivery

    AOS automatically deploys the software and provisions the resources as specified in the templates you write. The whole process only takes minutes to accomplish.

  • Error proofing creation

    All the required resources for the software are defined in the template, which is fixed during delivery and deployment. In this way, mistakes introduced through manual work can be effectively prevented.

  • Unified O&M

    AOS enables you to perform software lifecycle operations, including updating and scaling, in a unified and easy manner.

Figure 2 ISV software delivery

Creating Resources in Batches


Assume that you need to create a web application which runs on ten ECSs of different specifications, or you want to create ten databases, you have to create each of them one by one separately, and make sure they can properly work together. The whole process could be complicated and time consuming.


With AOS, you can define multiple resources of different services and different specifications in batches in templates, which highly boost the deployment efficiency and brings much more flexibility during configuration.


  • Quick deployment

    Multiple cloud resources of various types or the same type of resources of different specifications can be created concurrently.

  • Flexible configuration

    A wide variety of template syntax allows you to flexibly create and configure resources of various types and specifications.

  • Automatic rollback

    When the creation of resources in batches fails, you can choose to perform automatic rollback to save costs.

Figure 3 Creating resources in batches

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