Updated on 2024-02-29 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to Events

By subscribing to events, you can create a socket server locally to receive event messages.

The subscription list displays all subscribers' information, including the subscriber name, number of subscribed video sources, number of subscribed events (sent and responded), creation time, and description. You can add, delete, modify, and search for subscriptions.

Adding a Subscription

  1. Choose Event Center > Event Subscriptions.
  2. Click Add Subscription and set parameters by referring to Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters for subscribing to events




    Enter a subscriber name.

    Video Sources

    Select All or Partial.

    All indicates that alarms of all video sources are subscribed to. Partial indicates that alarms of selected video sources are subscribed to.

    Subscription Address

    IP address of the subscriber's local PC, for example,


    Headers are sent to the subscriber together with subscribed messages. The format is key-value. Set at least one custom header.

    Subscriber Description

    Description, which is optional.

    After a subscription is added, the platform sends the events generated for the selected video sources to all subscribers who have subscribed to the video sources.