Help Center/ ServiceStage/ User Guide/ Deployment Source Management/ Software Center/ Packaging Specifications of Software Packages
Updated on 2023-07-14 GMT+08:00

Packaging Specifications of Software Packages

JAR and WAR packages can be directly uploaded.

For other types of software packages, such as ZIP packages:

The software package name must be in the following format: software name+suffix. The suffix must be .tar.gz, .tar, or .zip.

The extension must be consistent with the package compression mode. Otherwise, the software package cannot be decompressed.

Directory Structure

For decompressed software packages, ensure that lifecycle command scripts can be normally executed.

The following software package directory structure is recommended:

|-  bin
    |-  xxx.tar.gz
    |-  xxx.bin
|-  scripts 

Currently, you are advised not to store decompressed software packages in the top-level directory. Otherwise, when you need to modify lifecycle execution commands, you have to use the top-level directory name to find the corresponding scripts.

Table 1 Description of the software package directory




Stores execution information about software packages, such as executable bin files and dependent compressed packages.


Stores lifecycle scripts.

When creating an application, you can specify execution commands based on the location of lifecycle scripts. For example, specify bash scripts/ in the install phase to run the installation script.

Lifecycles supported by software package applications are as follows:

  • Install: Command for installing software.
  • PostStart: Operation performed after software is started.
  • Start: Command for starting software.
  • Restart: Command for restarting software, which is used to recover the applications failing in health check.
  • PreStop: Operation which is performed before software is stopped.
  • Stop: Command for stopping software.
  • Update: Command for upgrading software.
  • Uninstall: Command for uninstalling software.