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Monitoring Metrics
Cloud Eye monitors the running status of cloud services and usage of each metric, and creates alarm rules for monitoring metrics.
After you enable ROMA Connect, Cloud Eye automatically associates with ROMA Connect monitoring metrics to help you understand the running status of ROMA Connect.
Enabling Cloud Eye
Cloud Eye is enabled by default.
For details about how to view ROMA Connect monitoring metrics, see Querying Cloud Service Monitoring Metrics.
Create an alarm rule to send an alarm notification when the monitoring data meets the specified conditions. For details, see Creating an Alarm Rule.
Metrics Supported by FDI
ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Raw Data Monitoring Period (Minute) |
active_task_count |
Active Tasks |
Total number of running tasks in the instance. Configure this metric when you want to receive alarm notifications once an exception occurs. This metric is suitable for stable projects where there are few changes in task quantity. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
5 |
task_count |
Total Tasks |
Total number of FDI tasks in the instance, regardless of the running status. Configure this metric when you want to receive alarm notifications once a task is mistakenly deleted. This metric is suitable for stable projects where there are few changes in task quantity or only few tasks need to be added or deleted. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
5 |
data_size |
Data Size |
Total size of data written by all tasks in the instance in the last period. Configure this metric if you want to receive alarm notifications once the total size of written data crosses a given threshold. |
≥ 0 Unit: byte, KB, MB, GB, TB or PB |
Instance |
5 |
data_count |
Data Records |
Total records of data written by all tasks in the instance in the last period. Configure this metric if you want to receive alarm notifications once the total number of written data records crosses a given threshold. |
≥ 0 Unit: records |
Instance |
5 |
success_task_count |
Successful Tasks |
Total number of successful tasks in the instance in the last period. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
5 |
fail_task_count |
Failed Tasks |
Total number of failed tasks in the instance in the last period. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
5 |
task_fail_count |
Failed Count |
Number of times a task fails to be executed in the last period. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
5 |
cdc_unsubmitted_transaction_delay |
Delay of Earliest Transaction Not Submitted by CDC |
The difference between the time of the earliest transaction that is being processed but not submitted by the CDC composite task and the current time. For example, for a MySQL task, this metric indicates the difference between the current system time and the time when the binary log is being read in the task. The value of this metric is consistent with that of Real-time read monitoring at the read end on the View Log page of a task. |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Task |
1 |
cdc_submitted_transaction_delay |
Delay of Latest Transaction Submitted by CDC |
The interval between the time of the latest transaction that has been submitted by the CDC composite task and the current time. This metric applies only to Oracle tasks. It indicates the difference between the current time and the time of the latest transaction that has been CDC processed and successfully synchronized to the destination. Configure the delay threshold based on the actual project data volume. A value of greater than or equal to 3600 seconds (1 hour) is recommended. |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Task |
1 |
cdc_big_transaction_count |
Oversized CDC Transaction Count |
Number of oversized transactions read by the CDC task. This metric applies only to Oracle tasks. It indicates the total number of oversized transactions (containing more than 100,000 data records) in the last period (5 minutes). For example, if a service should not have transactions with more than 100,000 data records, set the threshold to greater than or equal to 1. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Task |
5 |
cdc_expired_transaction_count |
Timed-out CDC Transaction Count |
Number of timed-out transactions read by the CDC task. |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Task |
1 |
Metrics Supported by APIC
ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Raw Data Monitoring Period (Minute) |
data_api_request_count |
Data API Calls |
Number of times that a data API has been called |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
data_api_max_latency |
Maximum Latency for Data API |
Maximum latency of a data API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Instance |
1 |
data_api_avg_latency |
Average Latency for Data API |
Average latency of a data API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Instance |
1 |
data_api_errors |
Data API Failures |
Number of times that a data API has been called |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
func_api_request_count |
Function API Calls |
Number of times that a function API has been called |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
func_api_max_latency |
Maximum Latency for Function API |
Maximum latency of a function API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Instance |
1 |
func_api_avg_latency |
Average Latency for Function API |
Average latency of a function API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Instance |
1 |
func_api_errors |
Function API Failures |
Number of times that a function API fails |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
requests |
API Calls |
Number of times that an API has been called |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
error_4xx |
4xx Errors |
Number of times that an API returns a 4xx error |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
error_5xx |
5xx Errors |
Number of times that an API returns a 5xx error |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
throttled_calls |
Throttled API Calls |
Number of times that an API call has been throttled |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
avg_latency |
Average Latency |
Average latency of an API |
≥ 0 |
Instance |
1 |
max_latency |
Maximum Latency |
Maximum latency of an API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Instance |
1 |
req_count |
API Calls |
Number of API calls |
≥ 0 |
1 |
req_count_2xx |
2xx Responses |
Number of times that the API returns a 2xx response |
≥ 0 |
1 |
req_count_4xx |
4xx Errors |
Number of times that the API returns a 4xx error |
≥ 0 |
1 |
req_count_5xx |
5xx Errors |
Number of times that the API returns a 5xx error |
≥ 0 |
1 |
req_count_error |
Total Errors |
Total number of API errors. |
≥ 0 |
1 |
avg_latency |
Average Latency |
Average latency of the API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
1 |
max_latency |
Maximum Latency |
Maximum latency of the API |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
1 |
input_throughput |
Incoming Traffic |
Incoming traffic of the API |
≥ 0 Unit: byte, KB, MB, GB, TB or PB |
1 |
output_throughput |
Outgoing Traffic |
Outgoing traffic of the API |
≥ 0 Unit: byte, KB, MB, GB, TB or PB |
1 |
Metrics Supported by MQS
ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Raw Data Monitoring Period (Minute) |
current_partitions |
Partitions |
Number of used partitions in an instance |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
1 |
current_topics |
Topics |
Number of created topics in an instance |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
1 |
group_msgs |
Accumulated Messages |
Total number of accumulated messages in all consumer groups of an instance |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
1 |
broker_data_size |
Message Size |
Total size of messages in the broker |
≥ 0 Unit: byte, KB, MB, GB, TB or PB |
Broker |
1 |
broker_messages_in_rate |
Message Creation Rate |
Number of messages created per second |
≥ 0 Unit: count/second |
Broker |
1 |
broker_bytes_out_rate |
Message Retrieval |
Number of bytes retrieved per second |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
broker_bytes_in_rate |
Message Creation |
Number of bytes created per second |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
broker_public_bytes_in_rate |
Public Inbound Traffic |
Inbound traffic over public networks per second of the broker |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
broker_public_bytes_out_rate |
Public Outbound Traffic |
Outbound traffic over public networks per second of the broker |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
broker_fetch_mean |
Average Message Creation Processing Duration |
Average time that the broker spends processing message creation requests |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Broker |
1 |
broker_produce_mean |
Average Message Retrieval Processing Duration |
Average time that the broker spends processing message retrieval requests |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Broker |
1 |
broker_alive |
Broker Alive |
Whether the MQS broker is alive |
≥ 0 |
Broker |
1 |
broker_connections |
Connections |
Total number of TCP connections on the MQS broker |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Broker |
1 |
broker_cpu_usage |
CPU Usage |
CPU usage of the MQS VM |
≥ 0 Unit: percent |
Broker |
1 |
broker_disk_read_await |
Average Disk Read Time |
Average time for each disk I/O read in the monitoring period |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Broker |
1 |
broker_disk_write_await |
Average Disk Write Time |
Average time for each disk I/O write in the monitoring period |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Broker |
1 |
broker_total_bytes_in_rate |
Inbound Traffic |
Inbound traffic per second of the MQS broker |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
broker_total_bytes_out_rate |
Outbound Traffic |
Outbound traffic per second of the MQS broker |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
broker_cpu_core_load |
Average Load per CPU Core |
Average load of each CPU core of the MQS VM |
≥ 0 |
Broker |
1 |
broker_disk_usage |
Disk Capacity Usage |
Disk usage of the MQS VM |
≥ 0 Unit: percent |
Broker |
1 |
broker_memory_usage |
Memory Usage |
Memory usage of the MQS VM |
≥ 0 Unit: percent |
Broker |
1 |
broker_heap_usage |
JVM Heap Memory Usage of Kafka |
Heap memory usage of the MQS Kafka JVM |
≥ 0 Unit: percent |
Broker |
1 |
produced_messages |
Created Messages |
Number of messages created per minute by the Rest node |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Broker |
1 |
topic_bytes_in_rate |
Message Creation |
Total size of messages created per second by the Rest node |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
topic_bytes_out_rate |
Message Retrieval |
Total size of messages retrieved per second by the Rest node |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Broker |
1 |
topic_messages_in_rate |
Message Creation Rate |
Number of messages created per second |
≥ 0 Unit: count/second |
Queue |
1 |
topic_bytes_out_rate |
Message Retrieval |
Number of bytes retrieved per second |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Queue |
1 |
topic_bytes_in_rate |
Message Creation |
Number of bytes created per second |
≥ 0 Unit: byte/s, KB/s, MB/s, GB/s, TB/s, or PB/s |
Queue |
1 |
topic_messages |
Total Messages |
Total number of messages in the queue |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Queue |
1 |
produced_messages |
Created Messages |
Number of messages that have been created |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Queue |
1 |
partition_messages |
Partition Messages |
Total number of messages in the partition |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Queue |
1 |
messages_consumed |
Partition Retrieved Messages |
Number of messages retrieved by the consumer group |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Consumer group |
1 |
messages_remained |
Partition Available Messages |
Number of messages that can be retrieved in the consumer group |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Consumer group |
1 |
topic_messages_remained |
Topic Available Messages |
Number of remaining messages that can be retrieved from the specified topic in the consumer group |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Consumer group |
1 |
topic_messages_consumed |
Topic Retrieved Messages |
Number of messages that have been retrieved from the specified topic in the consumer group |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Consumer group |
1 |
consumer_messages_remained |
Consumer Available Messages |
Number of remaining messages that can be retrieved in the consumer group |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Consumer group |
1 |
consumer_messages_consumed |
Consumer Retrieved Messages |
Number of messages that have been retrieved in the consumer group |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Consumer group |
1 |
Metrics Supported by LINK
ID |
Metric |
Description |
Value Range |
Monitored Object |
Raw Data Monitoring Period (Minute) |
online_connections |
Online Devices |
Number of online devices of a user |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
1 |
msg_count |
Total Number of Messages |
Number of messages sent by all devices of a user |
≥ 0 Unit: count |
Instance |
1 |
msg_tps |
Number of messages sent by devices per second in a measurement period |
≥ 0 Unit: count/s |
Instance |
1 |
msg_max_latency |
Maximum Latency for Message Sending |
Number of milliseconds for which a device delays sending of messages in a measurement period |
≥ 0 Unit: ms |
Instance |
1 |
Key |
Value |
instance_id |
ROMA Connect instance |
fdi |
Data integration |
apic |
Service integration |
kafka_instance_id |
Message integration instance |
kafka_broker |
Message integration broker node |
kafka_rest |
Message integration Rest node |
kafka_topics |
Message integration queue |
kafka_partitions |
Message integration partition |
kafka_groups-partitions |
Consumer group of the message integration partition |
kafka_groups_topics |
Consumer group of the message integration queue |
kafka_groups |
Consumer group of message integration |
link |
Device integration |
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