Updated on 2024-09-23 GMT+08:00

Viewing MRS Operation Logs

The MRS management console records user operations on MRS clusters and jobs. These logs are used to locate cluster issues, enabling timely resolution.

The MRS console records the following types of operations:

  • Cluster operations
    • Create, delete, scale out, and scale in a cluster on the management console.
    • Create a directory and delete a directory and its files on the management console.
  • Job operations: Create, stop, and delete jobs on the management console.
  • Data operations: IAM user tasks, adding user, and adding user group.

Viewing MRS Operation Logs

  1. Log in to the MRS console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Operation Logs.

    Operation logs in the log list are sorted in chronological order by default, with the most recent logs displayed at the top.

    Table 1 describes various fields in a log.

    Table 1 Log description



    Operation Type

    Various types of operations, including:

    • Cluster operations
    • Job operations
    • Data operations

    Operation IP

    IP address where an operation is performed.


    If an MRS cluster fails to be deployed, the cluster is automatically deleted, and the operation logs of the automatically deleted cluster do not contain the Operation IP of the user.


    The user who performs the operation


    Operation details. The value can contain a maximum of 2048 characters.


    Operation time. For a deleted cluster, only logs generated within the last six months are displayed. To view logs generated six months ago, contact Huawei Cloud technical support.

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project to which the cluster belongs