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Help Center/ DataArts Studio/ User Guide/ DataArts Migration (Real-Time Jobs)/ Tutorials/ Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from MongoDB to GaussDB(DWS)

Configuring a Job for Synchronizing Data from MongoDB to GaussDB(DWS)

Updated on 2025-02-18 GMT+08:00

Supported Source and Destination Database Versions

Table 1 Supported database versions

Source Database

Destination Database

MongoDB database (version 4.0.0 and later)

GaussDB(DWS) cluster (8.1.3 and 8.2.0)

Database Account Permissions

Before you use DataArts Migration for data synchronization, ensure that the source and destination database accounts meet the requirements in the following table. The required account permissions vary depending on the synchronization task type.

Table 2 Database account permissions


Required Permissions

Source database account

The read and readwrite role of the destination database user has the permissions to grant the changeStream and find permissions to the destination collection.

Destination database account

The destination database account must have the following permissions for each table in the database: INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CONNECT, and CREATE.

Supported Synchronization Objects

The following table lists the objects that can be synchronized using different links in DataArts Migration.

Table 3 Synchronization objects



Synchronization objects

  • The following DML operations can be synchronized: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
  • For the DDL operations that are not involved and cannot be synchronized, field mapping must be specified during synchronization.
  • Only primary key tables can be synchronized. The default primary key of MongoDB is _id.
  • Views, foreign keys, stored procedures, triggers, functions, events, virtual columns, unique constraints, unique indexes, foreign key indexes, and check constraints are not involved and cannot be synchronized.
  • Automatic table creation is not supported. You need to manually create tables at the destination.

Important Notes

In addition to the constraints on supported data sources and versions, connection account permissions, and synchronization objects, you also need to pay attention to the notes in the following table.

Table 4 Important notes




  • The source database name must comply with the naming rules of open-source MongoDB.
    • Database name constraints:

      Do not distinguish databases by letter case. For example, you cannot name a database salesData and another database SalesData.

      When referencing a MongoDB database, you must use the same letter case. For example, if you want to reference the salesData database, do not use salesdata or SalesData.

      The name of a database running on Windows cannot contain any of the following characters: /\."$*<>:|?

      The name of a database running on Unix or Linux cannot contain any of the following characters: /\."$

      The database name can contain a maximum of 63 bytes.

    • Collection name constraints:

      A collection name must start with an underscore (_) or a letter.

      A collection name cannot contain null or a dollar sign ($), and cannot be an empty string (for example, "").

      A collection name cannot start with system.

      The name of an unsharded collection or view can contain a maximum of 255 bytes, and that of a sharded collection can contain a maximum of 235 bytes.

    • Field name constraints:

      A field name can contain a maximum of 255 bytes, and cannot contain null, periods (.), or dollar sign ($).

  • The name of an object in the destination database must contain 1 to 63 characters, start with a letter or underscore (_), and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and dollar signs ($).



  • During real-time synchronization, the IP addresses, ports, accounts, and passwords cannot be changed.
  • Real-time MongoDB data synchronization does not support data sources with a single backup.
  • The MongoDB database name and collection name cannot be changed during migration.
  • Automatic table creation is not supported. You need to manually create a receiving table in GaussDB(DWS).
  • When setting field mapping, you can select the default source field extraColumn to determine a specified destination field and receive all the source MongoDB fields that have not been mapped to the destination in the job.
  • Field mapping can be customized in advance. During data synchronization, source fields are transferred if destination fields with the same names are detected and are not transferred if no destination fields with the same names are detected.
  • DML operations INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE can be synchronized.


If any problem occurs during task creation, startup, full synchronization, incremental synchronization, or completion, rectify the fault by referring to FAQs.




This section uses real-time synchronization from MongoDB to GaussDB(DWS) as an example to describe how to configure a real-time data migration job. Before that, ensure that you have read the instructions described in Check Before Use and completed all the preparations.

  1. Create a real-time migration job by following the instructions in Creating a Real-Time Migration Job and go to the job configuration page.
  2. Select the data connection type. Select MongoDB for Source and DWS for Destination.

    Figure 1 Selecting the data connection type

  3. Select a job type. The default migration type is Real-time. The migration scenarios include Entire DB and Database/Table partition.

    Figure 2 Setting the migration job type

    For details about synchronization scenarios, see Synchronization Scenarios.

  4. Configure network resources. Select the created MongoDB and GaussDB(DWS) data connections and the resource group for which the network connection has been configured.

    Figure 3 Selecting data connections and a resource group

    If no data connection is available, click Create to go to the Manage Data Connections page of the Management Center console and click Create Data Connection to create a connection. For details, see Configuring DataArts Studio Data Connection Parameters.

    If no resource group is available, click Create to create one. For details, see Buying a DataArts Migration Resource Group Incremental Package.

  5. Check the network connectivity. After the data connections and resource group are configured, perform the following operations to check the connectivity between the data sources and the resource group.

  6. Configure source parameters.

    Select the databases and tables to be synchronized based on the following table.

    Table 5 Selecting the Kafka topics to be synchronized

    Synchronization Scenario

    Configuration Method

    Single table

    Select the MongoDB databases and tables to be migrated.
    Figure 4 Selecting databases and tables

  7. Configure destination parameters.

    • Set Database and Table Matching Policy.

      For details about the matching policy between source and destination databases and tables in each synchronization scenario, see the following table.

      Table 6 Database and table matching policy

      Synchronization Scenario

      Configuration Method

      Single table

      • Schema Matching Policy
        • Same name as the source database: Data will be synchronized to the GaussDB(DWS) schema with the same name as the source MongoDB database.
        • Custom: Data will be synchronized to the GaussDB(DWS) schema you specify.
      • Table Matching Policy
        • Same name as the source table: Data will be synchronized to the GaussDB(DWS) table with the same name as the source PostgreSQL table.
        • Custom: Data will be synchronized to the GaussDB(DWS) table you specify.
          Figure 5 Database and table matching policy in the entire database migration scenario

          When you customize a matching policy, you can use built-in variables #{source_db_name} and #{source_table_name} to identify the source MySQL database name and table name. The table matching policy must contain #{source_table_name}.

    • Configure GaussDB(DWS) parameters.

      For details, see the following table.

      Figure 6 GaussDB(DWS) parameters
      Table 7 GaussDB(DWS) parameters


      Default Value



      Write Mode



      • UPSERT MODE: batch update
      • COPY MODE: DWS-dedicated high-performance batch import

      Maximum Data Volume for Batch Write



      Number of data records written to GaussDB(DWS) in a batch. You can adjust the value based on the table data size and job memory usage.

      Scheduled Batch Write Interval



      Interval at which data is written to GaussDB(DWS)

      Advanced Settings



      Some advanced functions can be configured using parameters. For details, see Table 8.

      Table 8 GaussDB(DWS) advanced parameters



      Default Value







      Maximum number of bytes in each batch of data written to GaussDB(DWS). You can adjust the value based on the memory and data size configured for the job.





      Whether to enable data distribution. If this function is enabled in multi-concurrency scenarios, data can be distributed to different processes based on specific rules and written to the destination, which improves the write performance.





      Data distribution mode. The following modes are available:

      • pk: Data is distributed by primary key value.
      • table: Data is distributed by table name.
        • In multi-concurrency scenarios, if DDL is enabled, data can be distributed only by table name. Otherwise, data may be inconsistent.
        • If there is no DDL, you can select pk, which improves the write performance in multi-concurrency scenarios.





      Whether to enable case sensitivity for data synchronization. If this function is enabled, the database names, table names, and field names are case sensitive during data synchronization.





      Whether to verify the number of data columns. By default, data is synchronized from MySQL to GaussDB(DWS) in the same-name mapping mode. The system does not check whether all columns are synchronized.

      If this function is enabled and the number of columns at the source is different from that at the destination, the system determines that data is inconsistent. As a result, the job is abnormal.



      Local time zone


      Session time zone specified for connecting to the destination database. The standard time zone format is supported, for example, UTC+08:00.

  8. Refresh and check the mapping between the source and destination tables. In addition, you can modify table attributes, add additional fields, and use the automatic table creation capability to create tables in the destination GaussDB(DWS) database.

    Figure 7 Mapping between source and destination tables
    • Assign values to fields: Click Assign Value to Destination Field in the Operation column to customize the field mapping from MongoDB to GaussDB(DWS). In addition, you can set the source table fields to be mapped to all the fields in the destination GaussDB(DWS) table, or set the values to be manually assigned to the fields.
      • Column Name: name of a field in the destination GaussDB(DWS) table
      • Type: type of the field in the destination GaussDB(DWS) table
      • Field Value: Value source of the field in the destination GaussDB(DWS) table
        Table 9 Method of obtaining a field value



        Manually assigned value

        Any character

        Source table field

        Preset source table field: name of a field that is obtained from the drop-down list or manually entered, and complies with the MongoDB field restrictions. For details, see the database restrictions in Table 4.

        extraColumns: special field name. If this field is used, all MongoDB source fields that have not been mapped will be written to this field and transmitted to GaussDB(DWS).

        • Automatic table creation is not supported if the source is MongoDB.
        • For details about the field type mapping for automatic table creation, see Field Type Mapping.

  9. Configure task parameters.

    Table 10 Task parameters



    Default Value

    Execution Memory

    Memory allocated for job execution, which automatically changes with the number of CPU cores.

    8 GB

    CPU Cores

    Value range: 2 to 32

    For each CPU core added, 4 GB execution memory and one concurrency are automatically added.


    Maximum Concurrent Requests

    Maximum number of jobs that can be concurrently executed. This parameter does not need to be configured and automatically changes with the number of CPU cores.


    Auto Retry

    Whether to enable automatic retry upon a job failure


    Maximum Retries

    This parameter is displayed when Auto Retry is set to Yes.


    Retry Interval (Seconds)

    This parameter is displayed when Auto Retry is set to Yes.


    Write Dirty Data

    Whether to record dirty data. By default, dirty data is not recorded. If there is a large amount of dirty data, the synchronization speed of the task is affected.

    Whether dirty data can be written depends on the data connection.

    • No: Dirty data is not recorded. This is the default value.

      Dirty data is not allowed. If dirty data is generated during the synchronization, the task fails and exits.

    • Yes: Dirty data is allowed, that is, dirty data does not affect task execution.
      When dirty data is allowed and its threshold is set:
      • If the generated dirty data is within the threshold, the synchronization task ignores the dirty data (that is, the dirty data is not written to the destination) and is executed normally.
      • If the generated dirty data exceeds the threshold, the synchronization task fails and exits.

        Criteria for determining dirty data: Dirty data is meaningless to services, is in an invalid format, or is generated when the synchronization task encounters an error. If an exception occurs when a piece of data is written to the destination, this piece of data is dirty data. Therefore, data that fails to be written is classified as dirty data.

        For example, if data of the VARCHAR type at the source is written to a destination column of the INT type, dirty data cannot be written to the migration destination due to improper conversion. When configuring a synchronization task, you can configure whether to write dirty data during the synchronization and configure the number of dirty data records (maximum number of error records allowed in a single partition) to ensure task running. That is, when the number of dirty data records exceeds the threshold, the task fails and exits.


    Dirty Data Policy

    This parameter is displayed when Write Dirty Data is set to Yes. The following policies are supported:

    • Do not archive: Dirty data is only recorded in job logs, but not stored.
    • Archive to OBS: Dirty data is stored in OBS and printed in job logs.

    Do not archive

    Write Dirty Data Link

    This parameter is displayed when Dirty Data Policy is set to Archive to OBS.

    Dirty data can only be written to OBS links.


    Dirty Data Directory

    OBS directory to which dirty data will be written


    Dirty Data Threshold

    This parameter is only displayed when Write Dirty Data is set to Yes.

    You can set the dirty data threshold as required.

    • The dirty data threshold takes effect only for each concurrency. For example, if the threshold is 100 and the concurrency is 3, the maximum number of dirty data records allowed by the job is 300.
    • Value -1 indicates that the number of dirty data records is not limited.


    Add Custom Attribute

    You can add custom attributes to modify some job parameters and enable some advanced functions. For details, see Job Performance Optimization.


  10. Submit and run the job.

    After configuring the job, click Submit in the upper left corner to submit the job.

    Figure 8 Submitting the job

    After submitting the job, click Start on the job development page. In the displayed dialog box, set required parameters and click OK.

    Figure 9 Starting the job
    Table 11 Parameters for starting the job



    Offset Parameter

    • Incremental synchronization: Incremental data synchronization starts from a specified time point.
    • Full and incremental synchronization: All data is synchronized first, and then incremental data is synchronized in real time.


    This parameter must be set for incremental synchronization, and it specifies the start time of incremental synchronization.


    If you set a time that is earlier than the earliest binlog time, the latest log time is used.

  11. Pause and modify the migration job.

    You can pause a migration job, modify the job, and submit a job version again to resume synchronization.

    The following modification operations are supported:

    • Add or delete field mapping rules for destination field values.
    • Modify global parameters, such as the number of vCPUs and whether to enable automatic retry.
    • Modify the advanced properties of the data source.

    The following modification operations are not supported:

    • Change the existing field mapping rule for destination field values. For example, you can change the rule from source field assignment to manual assignment.
    • Change the source collection or destination table.

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