Help Center/ Cloud Eye/ User Guide/ Alarm Management/ Alarm Notifications/ Creating, Modifying, or Deleting a Notification Policy
Updated on 2025-03-07 GMT+08:00

Creating, Modifying, or Deleting a Notification Policy

You can configure an alarm notification policy, enabling the system to send a specific notification in the way you specified. This section describes how to create, modify, or delete a notification policy.

Creating a Notification Policy

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Choose Service List > Cloud Eye.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Notifications.
  4. On the Notification Policies tab, click Create Notification Policy and configure parameters.
    Figure 1 Create Notification Policy

    Table 1 Parameters for creating a notification policy




    The options are Chinese and English.


    Specifies the notification policy name.

    Alarm Severity

    Specifies the alarm severity, which can be Critical, Major, Minor, or Informational.

    Notification Cause

    Specifies the cause for triggering an alarm notification. You can select Alarm triggered, Alarm cleared, or both.


    Specifies the object to which the alarm notifications will be sent. There are two options:

    • Notification group: Select an existing notification group or click Create Notification Group to create one.
    • Topic subscription: Select an existing notification topic or click Create Topic to create one.

      Only SMN topics in the CN North-Beijing4 region can be used. Create SMN topics in this region if needed.


    Specifies on which days alarm notifications will be sent.

    Notification Window

    Time window during which Cloud Eye sends notifications.

    If you set Notification Window to 08:00-20:00, Cloud Eye sends notifications within this time window.


    Specifies over which protocol alarm notifications will be sent.

    This parameter is available only when you select Notification group for Recipients.

    Notification Templates

    There are two options: Default and Custom.

    If you select Custom, you can use the template for metric or event monitoring, or create a new one.


    Some cloud services do not support fields such as the resource name, enterprise project, resource tag, private IP address, and public IP address in the notification template. If these fields are configured, no values will be displayed for them when alarm notifications are sent.

  5. Click OK.

Modifying a Notification Policy

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Choose Service List > Cloud Eye.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Notifications.
  4. On the Notification Policies tab, locate the notification policy and click Modify in the Operation column.
  5. Access the Modify Notification Policy page.

    On the Overview tab, modify the parameters.

    On the Associated Alarm Rules page, select one or more alarm rules to be disassociated and click Disassociate.
    Figure 2 Modify Notification Policy

  6. Click OK.

Deleting a Notification Policy

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Choose Service List > Cloud Eye.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Notifications.
  4. On the Notification Policies tab,
    • To delete a notification policy, locate the policy and click Delete in the Operation column.
    • To batch delete notification policies, select them and click Delete above the list.
      Figure 3 Delete Notification Policy

  5. Click OK.