Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Maintaining Stored Procedures

The system supports the MySQL, Oracle, and GaussDB stored procedures. The stored procedures must be predefined.


  1. Choose Configuration Center > Chatbot Management > Flow Configuration.
  2. Choose Resource > Stored Procedure, click the Stored Procedure Databases tab, and click to configure the database connection information of stored procedures. If this information has been configured, click Edit. A maximum of 200 records are allowed.

    • Database Name: Database name. The value can contain only letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), and single quotation marks (').
    • Database Type: The options are MySQL, GaussDB, and Oracle. Select a value based on site requirements.
    • Database Driver: Driver used for connecting to the database. Generally, you do not need to set this parameter.
    • Database URL: Database connection string, which is a JDBC connection string. Contact the administrator to add it to the trustlist.
      Table 1 Configuration format of the database connection string


      Configuration Format

      Configuration Example


      jdbc:mysql://IP address:Port number/SID

      jdbc:mysql://IP address:Port number/oiap?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false


      jdbc:zenith:@IP address:Port number

      jdbc:zenith:@IP address:Port number


      jdbc:oracle:thin:@Host IP address:Port number:SID

      jdbc:oracle:thin:@IP address:Port number:oiap

    • Database User and Database Password: Username and password for connecting to the database.
    • If the database password provided by the third-party system is changed periodically, return to this page and click Edit to change the database password correspondingly.

  3. Choose Resource > Stored Procedure and click in the upper right corner of the Stored Procedures tab page.
  4. Enter the basic information about the stored procedure.

    • Stored Procedure: Enter a customized value based on the function of the stored procedure.
    • Value: Enter the name of an existing stored procedure in the database.
    • Database Connection: Select the database created in 2.

  5. Click the Input Parameter tab. Click Add and configure the input parameters of the stored procedure one by one.

    The input parameters of a stored procedure are usually in the same line as CREATE PROCEDURE and are identified by IN. For example, four input parameters are defined in the following stored procedure definition, where varchar corresponds to the Character data type in the system.

    CREATE PROCEDURE p_modify_column_name (in tableName varchar(128), in oldName varchar(128), in newName varchar(128), in incolumnType varchar(128))

  6. Click the Output Parameter tab. Click Add and configure the output parameters of the stored procedure one by one.
  7. Click .