Updated on 2024-09-20 GMT+08:00

Exam Vouchers

  • Only exam vouchers listed can be requested online. For those not listed, contact ecosystem manager.
  • An exam voucher is valid for one year as of the issuance date.
  • If you enter the next certification stage of a development path, the exam vouchers available for the previous stage cannot be requested.


  1. Use your account to log in to Huawei Cloud.
  2. Click Partner Center in the drop-down list of your account name in the upper right corner.
  3. Choose Benefits > Exam Vouchers in the menu on the top.
  4. On the Exam Vouchers tab page, select the exam voucher you want to request and click Request in the Operation column.

  5. Specify the voucher users, read and select the promise, and click Submit.

    • If the name of a person selected during exam voucher application cannot be found, ask the person to maintain its information in My Account > Basic Information > HUAWEI CLOUD Tenant Information on the Huawei Cloud management console by referring to the operations in Maintaining Exam Voucher User Information.
    • The coupon user must be a member who has already associated its HUAWEI ID with your partner account and linked an email to its HUAWEI ID. For details, see Dedicated Personnel.
    • HCIA, HCIP, or HCIE exam voucher users must register a uniportal account in Huawei Talent and complete real-name authentication.
    • HCCDA, HCCDP, or HCCDE exam voucher users do not need to enter uniportal accounts.

  6. A message indicating that your request has been submitted is displayed.

    • You can view the request status in Request History.
    • If your request has been rejected, modify the request based on the comments and submit it again.

  7. View the issued exam vouchers.

    The partner administrator account applies for exam vouchers, and the exam vouchers will be distributed to voucher users' personal accounts after the applications are approved. The way to view the vouchers varies depending on the voucher type.

    • HCIX: Voucher users use a uniportal account to log in to the Huawei Talent platform and access My Voucher > Coded voucher to view the exam vouchers and corresponding usage methods.
    • HCCDX: Voucher users can use their HUAWEI IDs to log in to the Huawei Cloud management console, access Billing Center > Promotions > Coupons to view the exam vouchers.

Other Operations

  • Viewing Request History

    On the Benefits > Exam Vouchers page, select the Request History tab page and view the request history.

  • Viewing the statistics of exam vouchers

    Click Show Overview on the Exam Vouchers page to show the statistics of the exam vouchers in the current account.