Updated on 2024-09-13 GMT+08:00

Error Codes

Error Code Reference

Table 1 Enumerated values of SDKError
Variable Value Description
SDKERR_UNKOWN -1 Unknown error.
SDKERR_SUCCESS 0 Successful.
CMS_CONF_SERVER_FLOW_CONTROL 100000429 Server flow control error.
CMS_CONF_BAD_REQUEST 111070001 Request error.
CMS_CONF_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS 111070002 Insufficient permissions.
CMS_CONF_EXCEPTION 111070003 System processing failed.
CMS_CONF_AUTH_FAIL 111070004 Verification failed.
CMS_CONF_DATA_NOT_FOUND 111070005 The meeting does not exist.
CMS_VMR_DATA_NOT_FOUND 111070006 The personal cloud meeting room does not exist.
CMS_ACCESS_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND 111070007 The meeting access number does not exist.
CMS_CONF_NOTICE_MODEL_CONFIG_ERROR 111070008 The meeting notification template is incorrect.
CMS_CONF_AUTHEN_NEED_PASSWORD 111070009 The meeting password cannot be empty.
CMS_CONF_ROLE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 111070010 You do not have the permissions to view the meeting.
CMS_CONF_GET_STARTED_CONF_EXCEPTION 111070100 An exception occurred when obtaining the meeting to be held.
CMS_CONF_START_EXCEPTION 111070101 An exception occurred when starting the meeting.
CMS_CONF_APPLY_IVR_RESOURCE_EXCEPTION 111070102 An exception occurred when requesting IVR resources.
CMS_START_IVRCONF_EXCEPTION 111070103 An exception occurred when starting the IVR meeting.
CMS_CONF_APPLY_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_EXCEPTION 111070104 An exception occurred when requesting participant resources.
CMS_START_SUBCONF_EXCEPTION 111070105 An exception occurred when starting the meeting.
CMS_CONF_ADD_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION 111070106 An exception occurred when creating the cascading channel.
CMS_CONF_MOVE_AND_APPLY_RESOURCE_EXCEPTION 111070107 An exception occurred when requesting resources to move the participant.
CMS_START_CONF_EXCEPTION 111070108 An exception occurred when starting the meeting.
CMS_CONF_GET_STARTED_VMRCONF_EXCEPTION 111070109 An exception occurred when obtaining details of a meeting held using the cloud meeting room.
CMS_CONF_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_EXCEPTION 111070110 An exception occurred when inviting the participant.
CMS_REQUEST_TOKEN_IS_NULL 111070111 The request token is empty.
CMS_CONF_RENAME_PARTICIPANT_EXCEPTION 111070112 An exception occurred when renaming the participant.
CMS_CONF_HANGUP_EXCEPTION 111070113 An exception occurred when disconnecting the participant.
CMS_CONF_BULK_HANGUP_EXCEPTION 111070114 An exception occurred when disconnecting the participants.
CMS_CONF_DELETE_ATTENDEE_EXCEPTION 111070115 An exception occurred when removing the participant.
CMS_CONF_BULK_DELETE_ATTENDEE_EXCEPTION 111070116 An exception occurred when removing the participants.
CMS_SCHEDULE_CYCLE_CONF_EXCEPTION 111070117 An exception occurred when scheduling a recurring meeting.
CMS_MODIFY_CYCLE_CONF_EXCEPTION 111070118 An exception occurred when modifying the recurring meeting.
CMS_CREATE_CYCLE_CONF_EXCEPTION 111070119 An exception occurred when creating a recurring meeting.
CMS_REGION_DATA_NOT_FOUND 111070120 Failed to obtain the region information.
CMS_FORBIDDEN_SUBSCRIBE 111070121 Subscription is not allowed.
CMS_CANCEL_SUBSCRIBE_FAIL 111070122 Failed to cancel subscription.
CMS_CONF_SYSPORTAL_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 111071001 Sysportal service exception.
CMS_CONF_EXECUTOR_RUN_EXCEPTION 111071002 Conf service exception.
CMS_CONF_ID_NOT_EXIST 111071003 Failed to create the meeting. Try again later.
CMS_VMR_ONLY_ALLOW_CHAIR_START_CONF 111071004 Guests are not allowed to join the cloud meeting room ahead of the host.
CMS_VMR_CONF_CONFLICT 111071005 This cloud meeting room has been scheduled for another meeting during this period.
CMS_VMR_IMMEDIATELY_CONF_DURATION_NOT_ENOUGH 111071006 Insufficient cloud meeting duration.
CMS_VMR_SCHEDULE_RELATION_NOT_EXIST 111071007 The meeting does not exist.
CMS_CONF_QUERY_LIST_FAIL 111071008 Failed to query the meeting list.
CMS_CONF_MODIFY_IMMEDIATELY_VMR_FAIL 111071009 Meetings held using cloud meeting rooms cannot be changed to instant meetings.
CMS_CONF_MODIFY_VMR_FLAG_FAIL 111071010 The cloud meeting room ID cannot be modified.
CMS_VMR_CONF_NOT_REACH_PREPARE_TIME 111071011 The meeting has not started.
CMS_CONF_NOT_VMR 111071012 The meeting is not held in a cloud meeting room.
CMS_CONF_START_TIME_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_TIME 111071013 The meeting start time cannot be earlier than the current system time.
CMS_CONF_START_TIME_OVER_MAX_SCHEDULE_TIME 111071014 The start time exceeds the allowed range.
CMS_CONF_DURATION_OVER_RANGE 111071015 Duration too long.
CMS_CONF_PARAMS_NULL_EXCEPTION 111071016 The list of IDs of recurring meetings to be canceled cannot be empty.
CMS_CONF_SIZE_OVER_RANGE 111071017 More participants than allowed.
CMS_CONF_MEDIA_TYPES_ILLEGAL 111071018 Invalid media type.
CMS_CONF_CONFERENCE_TYPE_ILLEGAL 111071019 Invalid meeting type.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_NULL_EXCEPTION 111071020 Recurring meeting parameters must be carried for a recurring meeting.
CMS_CONF_LENGTH_OVER_RANGE 111071021 Meeting duration too long.
CMS_CONF_SUBJECT_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111071022 Meeting topic too long.
CMS_CONF_GROUPURI_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111071023 groupuri too long.
CMS_CONF_EMAIL_ILLEGAL 111071024 Invalid email address.
CMS_CONF_SMS_ILLEGAL 111071025 Invalid mobile number.
CMS_CONF_DEPTNAME_TOO_LONG 111071026 Department name too long.
CMS_CONF_WELCOME_VOICE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071027 The status of the joining message switch is invalid.
CMS_CONF_ENTER_PROMPT_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071028 The status of the joining voice prompt switch is invalid.
CMS_CONF_LEAVE_PROMPT_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071029 The status of the leaving message switch is invalid.
CMS_CONF_REMINDERS_ILLEGAL 111071030 The meeting reminder status is invalid.
CMS_CONF_ALLOW_RECORD_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071031 The status of network recording is invalid.
CMS_CONF_AUTO_RECORD_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071032 The status of automatic recording is invalid.
CMS_CONF_USER_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071033 The user type of the meeting scheduler is invalid.
CMS_CONF_ENCRYPT_MODE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071034 Invalid encryption type.
CMS_CONF_LANGUAGE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071035 Invalid language.
CMS_CONF_AUTO_PROLONG_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071036 The status of whether to automatically extend the meeting is invalid.
CMS_CONF_VMRID_TOO_LONG 111071037 vmrid too long.
CMS_CONF_RECORD_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071038 Invalid recording type.
CMS_CONF_LIVE_ADDRESS_TOO_LONG 111071039 Video live broadcast URL too long.
CMS_CONF_AUX_ADDRESS_TOO_LONG 111071040 Presentation live broadcast URL too long.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_STARTDATE_NULL 111071041 The start date of the recurring meeting is empty.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_ENDDATE_NULL 111071042 The end date of the recurring meeting is empty.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_CYCLE_ILLEGAL 111071043 Invalid period type for a recurring meeting.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_INTERVAL_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071044 Invalid interval for a recurring meeting.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_POINT_NULL_EXCEPTION 111071045 The point parameter for a recurring meeting is empty.
CMS_CONF_CYCLE_PARAMS_POINT_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071046 Invalid point for a recurring meeting.
CMS_CONF_VMR_FLAG_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071047 Invalid vmrFlag.
CMS_CONF_RECORD_AUX_STREAM_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071048 Invalid recordAuxStream.
CMS_CONF_MULTI_STREAM_FLAG_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071049 Invalid multiStreamFlag.
CMS_CONF_AUDIENCE_FLAG_NOT_IN_RANGE 111071050 Invalid audienceFlag.
CMS_CONF_LIVE_CHANNEL_ID_NOT_EXISTED 111071051 liveChannelID does not exist.
CMS_CONF_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN_LOCKED 111071052 Anonymous login is locked. Try again later.
CMS_CONF_LINK_LOGIN_LOCKED 111071053 Login using the link is locked. Try again later.
CMS_CONF_IDENTIFIER_NOT_ENOUGH 111071054 Insufficient meeting ID resources.
CMS_CONF_IDENTIFIER_APPLY_FAILED 111071055 Failed to request the meeting ID.
CMS_CONF_IDENTIFIER_RELEASE_FAILED 111071056 Failed to release the meeting ID.
CMS_CONF_LIVE_ROOM_ISUSED 111071057 The live broadcast room has been occupied.
CMS_NOT_ALLOWED_GUEST_FIRST_JOIN 111071058 The meeting has not started.
CMS_CONF_SIZE_OVER_COMMUNAL_VMR_MAXNUM 111071059 More participants than allowed.
CMS_ORG_CONCURRENT_PARTICIPANTS_NUMBER_IS_ZERO 111071060 The enterprise has no concurrent participant resources configured and cannot use the personal meeting ID or random meeting ID to initiate a meeting.
CMS_PARAMETER_VERIFIED_FAIL 111071061 Parameter verification failed.
CMS_JSON_CONVERSION_FAILED 111071062 JSON conversion failed.
CMS_CONF_USER_NOT_VMR_OWNER 111071063 The user is not the owner of the cloud meeting room.
CMS_VMR_CONF_CONFLICT_AS_VMR_ALREADY_STARTED 111071064 A meeting is in progress in this cloud meeting room.
CMS_CONF_MODIFY_FAIL_AS_CONF_ALREADY_STARTED 111071065 The meeting is in progress. Its information cannot be modified.
CMS_CONF_ATTENDEES_NUMBER_EXCEED_LIMIT 111071066 More participants than allowed.
CMS_CONF_CANCEL_FAIL_AS_CONF_STARTED 111071067 The meeting is in progress and cannot be canceled.
CMS_CONF_PWD_ENCRYPT_FAILED 111071068 Failed to encrypt the meeting password.
CMS_CONF_NOCONF_IN_SELECTED_TIME 111071069 No meeting in your selected time.
CMS_SUB_CYCCONF_CANNOT_MODIFY_LIVE_ROOM 111071070 The live broadcast room cannot be changed for a recurring meeting.
CMS_STOP_ONLINE_CONF_EXCEPTION 111071071 Failed to end the meeting.
CMS_CONF_CLOSED_RECENTLY 111071072 The meeting has ended.
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS 111071073 Anonymous users are not allowed to join the meeting.
CMS_CONF_ONLY_ALLOW_USER_IN_ORG 111071074 Only corporate users are allowed to join the meeting.
CMS_CONF_ONLY_ALLOW_USER_INVITED 111071075 Only invited users are allowed to join the meeting.
CMS_BATCH_EXPORT_HIS_CONF_LIST_CONFLICT 111071076 A batch export task is being executed.
CMS_CONF_ONLY_ALLOW_USER_INVITED_AND_USER_IN_ORG 111071077 Only invited users or corporate users can join the meeting.
CMS_WELINK_C_CONCURRENT_PARTICIPANTS_NUMBER_IS_NOT_ENOUGH 111071078 The number of concurrent participants in the meeting has reached the maximum allowed limit.
CMS_CONF_CTD_PARAM_ILLEGAL 111071079 Invalid CTD meeting parameter.
CMS_GUEST_PWD_ILLEGAL 111071080 Invalid guest password.
CMS_GUEST_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CONF_ID 111071081 The guest password conflicts with the meeting ID.
CMS_CONF_NUM_UP_TO_LIMIT 111071082 More meetings than allowed.
CMS_CONF_RANDOM_INVALID 111071083 Invalid meeting random number.
CMS_EXPORT_HIS_CONF_UP_TO_LIMIT 111071084 More historical meeting exports than allowed.
CMS_MULTI_PIC_TOO_MANY_LAYOUTS 111071085 More continuous presence layouts than allowed.
CMS_MULTI_PIC_MANUAL_TYPE_INVALID 111071086 The continuous presence mode is invalid.
CMS_MULTI_PIC_TOO_MANY_SUBPICS 111071087 More continuous presence screens than allowed.
CMS_MULTI_PIC_TOO_MANY_SUBNUMBERS 111071088 More participants in a screen of continuous presence than allowed.
CMS_WEBINAR_COMMON_NON_CONVERT 111071089 A webinar cannot be changed to a common meeting, and a common meeting cannot be changed to a webinar.
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_AUDIENCE 111071090 Adding attendees is not allowed.
CMS_CONF_PWD_AUTH_FAILED 111071091 Incorrect password.
CMS_FILE_EXPORT_TASK_FAILED 111071092 Failed to export the file.
CMS_FILE_EXPORT_TASK_DOWNLOADING 111071093 The file is being exported.
CMS_CONF_FORBID_AUDIENCE_JOIN 111071094 Attendees cannot join the meeting.
CMS_CUSTOM_LANGUAGE_NUM_OVER_RANGE 111071096 More custom languages than allowed.
CMS_ORG_NOT_SUPPORT_SIMULTANEOUS_INTERPRETATION 111071097 This enterprise does not support simultaneous interpretation.
CMS_NEED_SET_INTERPRETER_GROUPS 111071098 Interpreter group information needs to be set.
CMS_INTERPRETER_LANGUAGE_ILLEGAL 111071099 The language of the interpreter group is invalid.
CMS_CONF_LANGUAGE_NUM_UP_TO_MAX 111071100 A meeting supports up to 16 languages.
CMS_INTERPRETER_GROUP_ID_REPEATED 111071101 Duplicate interpreter group IDs.
CMS_INTERPRETER_NUM_IN_ONE_GROUP_UP_TO_MAX 111071102 The maximum number of interpreters in the group has been reached.
CMS_INTERPRETER_REPEATED 111071103 The interpreter has already been added to a group.
CMS_INVALID_INTERPRETER 111071104 The interpreter account does not exist.
CMS_GUEST_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CHAIR_PWD 111071105 The guest password conflicts with the host password.
CMS_ONLINE_CONF_IN_COMMUNAL 111071106 A meeting is being held in the cloud meeting room.
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_ILLEGAL 111071107 Invalid attendee password.
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CONF_ID 111071108 The attendee password conflicts with the meeting ID.
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_CHAIR_PWD 111071109 The attendee password conflicts with the host password.
CMS_ONLY_RTC_CONF_SUPPORT_E2E_ENCRYPT 111071110 Non-RTC meetings do not support end-to-end encryption.
CMS_AUDIENCE_PWD_CONFLICT_WITH_GUEST_PWD 111071111 The attendee password conflicts with the guest password.
CMS_VMRIDTYPE_CANNOT_MODIFY 111071112 The meeting ID type cannot be changed.
CMS_VMRID_CANNOT_MODIFY 111071113 The cloud meeting room type cannot be changed.
CMS_VMR_FLAG_CANNOT_MODIFY 111071114 The cloud meeting room ID cannot be changed.
CMS_CONF_NUM_OVER_MAX_ALLOWED 111071116 The maximum number of ongoing meetings has been reached.
CMS_SUB_CYCCONF_MODIFY_TIME_OVER_RANGE 111071119 The new time of the recurring meeting series is invalid.
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_SERVER_REGION_CHANGING 111071147 Server site changed.
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_SHARE_VMR_NOT_ENOUGH 111071151 No shared cloud meeting rooms are available.
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOW_JOIN_EXTERNAL_CROP_CONF 111071152 The enterprise to which the called participant belongs restricts members from joining external meetings.
CMS_CONF_APPLY_RESOURCE_FAILED 111072001 Failed to request resources.
CMS_CONF_RELEASE_RESOURCE_FAILED 111072002 Failed to release resources.
CMS_CONF_IS_CLOSING 111072003 The meeting is being ended.
CMS_CONF_IS_STARTING 111072004 The meeting is being started.
CMS_CONF_NOT_STARTED 111072005 The meeting has not started.
CMS_CONF_IS_CLOSED 111072006 The meeting has ended.
CMS_CONF_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_FAILED 111072007 Failed to invite the participant.
CMS_CONF_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST 111072008 The participant does not exist.
CMS_CONF_PARTICIPANT_HANG_UP_FAILED 111072009 Failed to disconnect the participant.
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT 111072010 This function is coming soon...
CMS_CONF_STATUS_ILLEGAL 111072011 Invalid meeting status.
CMS_CONF_GENERIC_CTL_PARTICIPANT_FAILED 111072012 Meeting control on the participant failed.
CMS_VMR_CURRENT_CONF_NOT_GOAL_CONF 111072013 The cloud meeting room is used by another meeting.
CMS_VMR_CONF_IS_EXPIRED 111072014 The meeting has expired.
CMS_VMR_CONF_IS_NOT_ARRIVE_START_TIME 111072015 The meeting has not started.
CMS_VMR_CONF_WITH_SCHEDULE_NOT_EXIST 111072016 The reservation record does not exist.
CMS_CONF_HAS_NO_ATTENDEE 111072017 The participant does not exist.
CMS_CONF_CHAIRMAN_PWD_EXCEPTION 111072018 Incorrect host password.
CMS_CONF_NOT_FIND_CANMOVESITE_EXCEPTION 111072019 No participant can be moved.
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_RECORD 111072020 The meeting does not support recording.
CMS_RECORD_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111072021 Recording scheduling failed.
CMS_RECORD_SHEDULE_FAIL 111072022 Insufficient recording resources.
CMS_CONF_NOT_HAVE_PART 111072023 No participant exists in the meeting.
CMS_CONF_NO_PARTICIPANT_JOINED 111072024 Ensure that at least one participant has joined the meeting.
CMS_AUDIO_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT 111072025 Voice meetings do not support this function.
CMS_AUDIO_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT 111072026 Voice-only participants do not support this operation.
CMS_AUDIO_SITE_IN_MULTI_PIC 111072027 Voice-only participants cannot be displayed in the manually set continuous presence.
CMS_NO_SITE_IN_MULTI_PIC 111072028 At least one participant must be set in the manually set continuous presence.
CMS_ASSISTANT_PIC_NUM_MORE_THEN_ONE 111072029 At most one presentation screen is allowed in the manually set continuous presence.
CMS_VAS_SUB_PIC_CONTAINS_USER_MORE_THEN_ONE 111072030 In voice activated continuous presence mode, each screen displays only one participant.
CMS_SITE_CALL_NUMBER_IS_EMPTY 111072031 The participant number cannot be empty.
CMS_SITE_CALL_NUMBER_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111072032 The participant number is too long.
CMS_SITE_CALL_NUMBER_ILLEGAL_URI 111072033 The format of the number used for the participant to join the meeting is invalid. (SIP and tel number formats are supported.)
CMS_SITE_NAME_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111072034 The participant name is too long.
CMS_SITE_ROLE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072035 The participant role type is invalid.
CMS_SITE_EMAIL_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111072036 The participant's email address is too long.
CMS_SITE_SMS_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111072037 The participant's mobile number is too long.
CMS_SITE_MUTE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072038 The value of whether to mute a participant after the participant joins the meeting is invalid.
CMS_SITE_AUTO_INVITE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072039 The value of whether to automatically invite participants is invalid.
CMS_VIEW_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072040 The host focus type is invalid.
CMS_SET_MULTI_PIC_MANUAL_SET_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072041 The continuous presence mode is invalid.
CMS_SWITCH_TIME_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072042 The time for displaying participants is invalid.
CMS_SET_MULTI_PIC_IMAGE_TYPE_IS_EMPTY 111072043 The screen type cannot be empty.
CMS_SET_MULTI_PIC_IMAGE_TYPE_IS_NOT_MATCH 111072044 Invalid screen type.
CMS_ON_OFF_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072045 The value of the switch item is invalid.
CMS_SITE_NAME_IS_EMPTY 111072046 The participant name cannot be empty.
CMS_SITE_NEW_NAME_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 111072047 The participant name is too long.
CMS_MCU_NOT_SUPPORT_SET_MULTI_PIC 111072048 Continuous presence is not supported. Contact the administrator to enable the related function on the MCU.
CMS_RESPONSE_TIME_OUT 111072049 Response timed out.
CMS_CONF_LOCKED 111072050 The meeting is locked.
CMS_CONF_MODE_IS_EMPTY 111072051 The meeting display mode is empty.
CMS_CONF_MODE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072052 The meeting display mode is invalid.
CMS_CONF_IMAGE_TYPE_NOT_IN_RANGE 111072053 The meeting screen type is invalid.
CMS_TEXT_TYPE_IS_EMPTY 111072054 The banner or caption type is empty.
CMS_TEXT_IS_EMPTY 111072055 The banner or caption content is empty.
CMS_TEXT_IS_TOO_LONG 111072056 The banner or caption content contains more than 2000 bytes.
CMS_REQUEST_BODY_IS_NULL 111072057 Empty request body.
CMS_SUB_PIC_INDEX_MORE_THAN_PIC_NUM 111072058 The screen index is greater than the total number of screens.
CMS_CONF_NO_CHAIR_SITE 111072059 There is no host in the meeting.
CMS_NORMAL_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT_VIEW 111072060 Common participants cannot perform this operation.
CMS_CHAIR_POLLING_FORBIDDEN_VIEW 111072061 The host is viewing participants in turn and cannot be set to view a specific participant or continuous presence.
CMS_SVC_SITE_NOT_SUPPORT_VIEW 111072062 The host cannot perform this operation.
CMS_RSE_RESREAPPLY 111072063 The recording resource has been requested. Wait for the recording resource to access the meeting.
CMS_CONF_CTR_LOGIN_LOCKED 111072064 Too many failed meeting control login attempts.
CMS_CONF_NOT_FOUND_OR_AUTH_FAILED 111072065 The meeting does not exist or the password is incorrect.
CMS_ORG_NOT_BUY_RECSPACE 111072066 The enterprise has not purchased the recording storage space.
CMS_ORG_RECSPACE_NOT_ENOUGH 111072067 Insufficient recording storage space in the enterprise.
CMS_CONF_SETLIVE_FAILED 111072068 Failed to start live broadcast.
CMS_CONF_CHAIR_FORBIDDEN_HAND 111072069 The host is not allowed to raise hands to speak.
CMS_GUEST_NO_PERMISSION_OPERATION 111072070 Guests are not allowed to perform this operation.
CMS_NO_PERMISSION_OPERATE_OTHERS 111072071 You can only perform this operation on yourself.
CMS_NO_CONF_CTL_CAP_NO_CHAIR 111072072 A participant without the meeting control capability cannot be the host.
CMS_NOTIFY_MSG_IS_EXPIRED 111072073 The message has expired.
CMS_TRUNK_APPLY_CHAIR_FORBID 111072074 An on-premises meeting participant cannot be the host.
CMS_CONF_CLOSE_HUNG_UP 111072075 The meeting ends. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_CHAIR_HUNG_UP 111072076 The participant is disconnected by the host.
CMS_CHAIR_DEL_SITE_HUNG_UP 111072077 The host deletes the meeting. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_RECREATE_CONF_HUNG_UP 111072078 The meeting is re-created. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_MOVE_SITE_FAIL_HUNG_UP 111072079 Failed to move the participant. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_CROSS_REGION_INVITE_SITE_FAIL_HUNG_UP 111072080 Failed to invite the participant across regions. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_INVITE_EXCEPTION_HUNG_UP 111072081 Failed to invite the participant. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_REPEAT_JOIN_HUNG_UP 111072082 The participant joins the meeting again. The original session is disconnected.
CMS_LOCK_SHARE_FAILED 111072083 Failed to lock sharing.
CMS_TRUNK_SET_ONE_MULTIPIC_FORBID 111072084 On-premises participants cannot be added to continuous presence of one-screen layout.
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_REALTIME_SUBTITLE 111072085 The meeting does not support live captions.
CMS_CONF_REALTIME_SUBTITLE_PID_NULL 111072086 The list of speakers specified for live captions is empty.
CMS_CONF_REALTIME_SUBTITLE_PID_WRONG 111072087 The speaker ID specified for live captions is invalid or the speaker has left the meeting.
CMS_CONF_REALTIME_SUBTITLE_SET_FAIL 111072088 Failed to configure live captions.
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_CHANGE_AUDIENCE_SPEAK_STATUS 111072089 Attendees cannot unmute.
CMS_CONF_SPEAKABLE_ONLY_FOR_AUDIENCE 111072090 This operation can be performed only on attendees.
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_SIMULTANEOUS_INTERPRETATION 111072091 The meeting does not support simultaneous interpretation.
CMS_CONF_INTERPRETER_GROUP_IS_EMPTY 111072092 No interpreter groups available. Configure one first.
CMS_CONF_NOT_ENABLE_SIMULTANEOUS_INTERPRETATION 111072093 Simultaneous interpretation is not enabled for the meeting.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_IS_NOT_INTERPRETER 111072094 The participant is not an interpreter.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_CONFIRM_INTERPRETER 111072095 The interpreter has not confirmed the identity.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_LANGUAGE_ILLEGAL 111072096 The language selected by the participant is invalid.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_IS_CONFIRMED_INTERPRETER 111072097 The participant is already an interpreter.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_LISTEN_NOT_EQUAL_SPEAK 111072098 Channels to listen and speak of common participants are inconsistent.
CMS_SET_CONF_LANGUAGE_CHANNEL_LIST_FAILED 111072099 Failed to configure language channels for the meeting.
CMS_SET_PARTICIPANT_LANGUAGE_CHANNEL_FAILED 111072100 Failed to configure a language channel for the participant.
CMS_OVER_MAX_PARTICIPANT_NUMBER 111072101 More participants than allowed.
CMS_OVER_MAX_ALLOW_HAND_NUMBER 111072102 Too many attendees allowed to raise hands.
CMS_OVER_MAX_ALLOW_SPEAK_NUMBER 111072103 Too many attendees allowed to speak.
CMS_SET_VIRTUAL_AUDIO_CSD_SITE_FAILED 111072104 Failed to configure the virtual language site in the cascading channel.
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_COHOST 111072105 The co-host function is not enabled for the meeting.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_SUPPORT_COHOST 111072106 The meeting does not support co-hosts.
CMS_CHAIR_CANNOT_BE_COHOST 111072107 The host cannot be set as a co-host.
CMS_AUDIENCE_CANNOT_BE_COHOST 111072108 Attendees cannot be set as co-hosts.
CMS_NEED_CHECK_COHOST_PERMISSION 111072109 Check whether the participant is a co-host in the meeting.
CMS_COHOST_CANNOT_OPERATE_CHAIR 111072110 Co-hosts cannot perform operations on the host.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_SUPPORT_INVITE_SHARE 111072111 The participant does not support sharing invitation.
CMS_HEART_BEAT_FAIL_HING_UP 111072201 The heartbeat connection of the device is interrupted. The participant is disconnected.
CMS_AUDIENCE_VMR_LOGIC_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111072202 The number of participants exceeds the maximum number of concurrent participants in the cloud meeting room package.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_VMR_LOGIC_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111072203 The number of the host and panelists has reached the quota of the cloud meeting room package.
CMS_STARTED_FAIL_WEBINAR_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111072204 Failed to activate the meeting because another meeting is using the webinar package.
CMS_ONLY_RTC_CONF_SUPPORT_LOCAL_RECORD 111072205 Non-RTC meetings do not support local recording.
CMS_E2E_PARAMETER_ILLEGAL 111072206 The end-to-end encryption parameter is invalid.
CMS_DISABLE_ROLE_SWITCH_OVER 111072207 Role switch is not allowed in webinars.
CMS_TERMINAL_NOT_SUPPORT_LOCAL_RECORD 111072208 The client does not support local recording.
CMS_CONF_IS_UNDER_AR_ASSIST 111072211 AR collaboration is already ongoing in the meeting.
CMS_AUDIENCE_CANNOT_BE_CHAIRMAN 111072213 Attendees cannot be set as the host.
CMS_RENAME_CONTAINS_SENSITIVEWORDS 111072214 The new name contains a sensitive word.
CMS_RECORD_START_EXCEPTION 111072222 Failed to start cloud recording. Contact the administrator.
CMS_RECORD_PAUSED_EXCEPTION 111072223 Failed to pause cloud recording. Contact the administrator.
CMS_RECORD_STOP_EXCEPTION 111072224 Failed to stop cloud recording. Contact the administrator.
CMS_LIVE_START_EXCEPTION 111072225 Failed to start live broadcast. Contact the administrator.
CMS_LIVE_STOP_EXCEPTION 111072226 Failed to stop live broadcast. Contact the administrator.
CMS_LIVE_STOP_SENSITIVE_WORDS 111072227 The information contains sensitive words.
CMS_NOT_SUPPORT_AUX_CONF 111072403 Meetings with the new presentation architecture are not supported.
CMS_MMR_PARTICIPANT_REACH_MAX_NUM 111072504 Maximum number of participants in a single meeting has been reached.
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_USER_LEAVE 111072507 The waiting room user has left the meeting.
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_USER_JOIN 111072508 The waiting room user has been admitted.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_SUPPORT_SCREEN_SHOTS 111072512 Screenshot capturing cannot be disabled for this participant.
CMS_APPLY_REFRESH_MMRID_LIMIT 111072516 Too many mmrId change requests.
CMS_FORBIDDEN_MOBILE_INVITE_SHARE 111072520 Mobile app users are not allowed to view shared content. Therefore, they cannot be invited to share content.
CMS_ONLY_ALLOW_INVITATIONS_FROM_BELONG_ORG 111072521 The user is not allowed to join external meetings.
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_JOIN_EXTERNAL_CROP_CONF 111072531 Your enterprise restricts members from joining external meetings. Contact the enterprise administrator.
CMS_ONLY_ALLOW_INVITATIONS_FROM_BELONG_CROP 111072532 The enterprise to which the invited user belongs restricts members from joining external meetings.
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_OFFLINE_OPERATION 111072599 Management plane is normal and offline operations are not allowed.
CMS_USER_DATA_USER_INFO_NOT_EXIST 111073001 The user does not exist.
CMS_USER_DATA_ORG_INFO_NOT_EXIST 111073002 The organization does not exist.
CMS_USER_DATA_USER_INFO_ILLEGAL 111073003 Invalid user.
CMS_USER_DATA_ORG_INFO_ILLEGAL 111073004 Invalid organization.
CMS_USER_DATA_ORG_INFO_QUERY_FAILED 111073005 Failed to query the organization.
CMS_ASSIGN_ANONYMOUS_FAILED 111073006 Failed to request an anonymous user.
CMS_VMR_DATA_STATUS_ILLEGAL 111073007 The status of the cloud meeting room package is invalid.
CMS_RELEASE_ANONYMOUS_FAILED 111073008 Failed to release the anonymous user.
CMS_WELINK_C_NOT_SUPPORT_CYCLE_CONF 111073009 WeLinkC does not support scheduling of recurring meetings.
CMS_WELINK_C_NOT_SUPPORT_VMR_CONF 111073010 WeLinkC does not support scheduling of meetings held using cloud meeting rooms.
CMS_GET_WE_LINK_TOKEN_FAILED 111073011 Failed to obtain WeLink Proxy Token.
CMS_GET_M_TO_M_TOKEN_FAILED 111073012 Failed to obtain the token of a machine-machine account.
CMS_WEBINAR_VMR_DATA_STATUS_ILLEGAL 111073013 The status of the webinar cloud meeting room package is invalid.
CMS_PROLONG_TIMES_OVER_LIMIT 111073014 The number of meeting extension times has reached the quota of the cloud meeting room trial package.
CMS_PROLONG_DURATION_OVER_LIMIT 111073015 The meeting extension time has reached the quota of the cloud meeting room trial package.
CMS_RFEE_VMR_NOT_SUPPORT_AUTO_PROLONG 111073016 The cloud meeting room trial package does not support automatic extension.
CMS_IDO_CONF_CHAIR_EXIST 111074001 The IDO host already exists.
CMS_IDO_NOT_CONF_CHAIR 111074002 No IDO host permissions.
CMS_IDO_OVER_CONF_MAX_DURATION 111074003 Failed to extend the meeting. The meeting duration has reached the maximum.
CMS_IDO_SET_CONF_DURATION_FAIL 111074004 Failed to extend the meeting due to a service processing error.
CMS_START_TIMER_FAIL 111075001 Failed to start the timer.
CMS_MODIFY_TIMER_FAIL 111075002 Failed to stop the timer.
CMS_JSON_PARSE_FAIL 111075003 JSON conversion error.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_HANGUP_BY_CHAIR_IDO 111076001 The participant is disconnected by the host on the device.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_HANGUP_BY_CHAIR_REST 111076002 The participant is disconnected by the host on the Management Platform.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_VMR_LOGIC_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111076003 More participants in the cloud meeting room than allowed.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111076004 Concurrent participants in the enterprise are insufficient.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_NO_RESPONSE 111076005 The participant does not respond.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST 111076006 The participant does not exist.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_UNAVAILABLE 111076007 The participant is offline.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_BUSY 111076008 The participant is busy.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_REFUSED 111076009 The participant rejects the meeting.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_LEAVE 111076010 The participant is disconnected.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_PARTICIPANT_MEDIA_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111076011 Media resources are insufficient.
CMS_PSTN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 111076012 The PSTN service is not enabled.
CMS_CONF_APPLY_ADDRESS_TOKEN_FAILED 111076013 Failed to request corporate directory authentication information.
CMS_CONF_PORTAL_OVER_MAX_PARTICIPANT_NUMBER 111076015 More participants than allowed.
CMS_CONF_USER_EXPIRATION 111076017 Invalid user.
CMS_CONF_ORG_EXPIRATION 111076018 Invalid enterprise.
CMS_CONF_SP_EXPIRATION 111076019 Invalid SP.
CMS_CONF_GUEST_INVITE_NOT_ALLOW 111076022 Guests are not allowed to scan the QR code to invite hard terminals to the meeting.
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_CONFCTRL 111076028 AR collaboration is in progress in the meeting. Meeting control operations such as sharing, group discussion, and releasing the host role are not allowed.
CMS_CONF_NOT_ALLOW_AR_ASSIST 111076029 Sharing or group discussion is in progress. AR collaboration is not allowed.
CMS_CONF_NETWORK_ERR_NEED_RESTART_SHARE 111076040 A network exception occurred. Initiate sharing again.
CMS_CONF_INVITE_USER_EXPIRATION 111076045 The called participant is invalid.
CMS_RSE_SERVER_INFO_NOT_EXIST 111077001 RSE recording error.
CMS_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_AI_RECORD 111077101 AI meeting minutes are not supported.
CMS_CONF_RE_APPLY_AI_RECORD_RES 111077102 The system is requesting meeting minutes resources again.
CMS_AI_RECORD_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 111077103 AI meeting minutes resources are insufficient.
CMS_CONF_IS_IN_AI_RECORD 111077104 Recording or live broadcast cannot be stopped because AI meeting minutes are enabled.
CMS_RECORD_FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_HAVE_NO_RIGHT 111077201 The recording file has been deleted or you do not have the permission for accessing it.
CMS_RSE_AUTH_FAILED 111077202 RSE machine-to-machine authentication failed.
CMS_MULTI_REGION_NO_AVAILABLE_REGION 111078000 No Region site available.
CMS_MULTI_REGION_NO_AVAILABLE_GLOBAL 111078001 No Global site is available.
CMS_MULTI_REGION_DISPATCH_REGION_ERROR 111078002 Failed to distribute regions in multi-region mode.
CMS_DATA_PARAM_QUERY_XML_FAILED 111079000 Failed to parse the XML file.
CMS_ANONYMOUS_ASSIGN_XML_FAILED 111079001 Failed to parse the XML file for anonymous account allocation.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_BAD_REQUEST 111080001 Incorrect parameters in the request message.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS 111080002 The user has no permission to perform this operation.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_DATA_NOT_FOUND 111080004 The participant does not exist or has been removed.
CMS_IM_COMMON_EXCEPTION 111080090 Common IM error.
CMS_IM_SENDER_INFO_ILLEGAL 111080096 Invalid IM sender information.
CMS_CONF_BASE_MISSING 111080097 Basic meeting details are missing.
CMS_USER_PARTICIPANT_MISSING 111080098 Participant information is missing.
CMS_IM_CHANNEL_ILLEGAL 111080099 Invalid IM channel.
CMS_IM_CHAT_FORBIDDEN 111080100 Chatting is not allowed.
CMS_IM_CHAT_TARGET_ILLEGAL 111080101 Invalid chat target.
CMS_IM_PUBLIC_CHAT_ONLY 111080102 Only public chat is allowed.
CMS_IM_QUERY_MSG_ID_ILLEGAL 111080104 Invalid msgId for query.
CMS_IM_MSG_TYPE_ILLEGAL 111080105 Invalid message type.
CMS_IM_MSG_CONTENT_ILLEGAL 111080106 Message is too long.
CMS_IM_CHAT_MSG_IS_CONTROLLED 111080205 Rate limiting is performed on message sending.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_IS_INVITING 111081001 The participant is in a call.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_NOT_EXIST 111081002 The meeting does not exist or has ended.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_APPLY_RESOURCE_FAILED 111081003 Failed to request participant resources.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_RELEASE_RESOURCE_FAILED 111081004 Failed to release participant resources.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_APPLY_MEDIA_RESOURCE_FAILED 111081005 Failed to request participant media resources.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 111081006 Authentication failed.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_IS_LOCKED 111081007 The meeting has been locked.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_LOGIN_LOCKED 111081009 Too many failed meeting authentication attempts. The user is locked.
CMS_WAITING_USER_LIMIT 111081010 The maximum number of users in the waiting room has been reached.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONTROL_NOT_SUPPORT 111082001 The meeting control operation is not supported.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NO_RESPONSE 111082002 No response.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST 111082003 The participant does not exist.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_UNAVAILABLE 111082004 The participant is offline.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_BUSY 111082005 The participant is busy.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_REFUSED 111082006 The participant rejects the call.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_LEAVE 111082007 The participant is disconnected.
CMS_PSTN_SERVICE_CLOSED 111082008 The PSTN service is disabled.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_RSE_NOT_EXIST 111083001 The RSE device does not exist.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_GET_STARTED_CONF_EXCEPTION 111084002 An exception occurred when starting the meeting.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CALL_MCUSIDE_EXCEPTION 111084003 An exception occurred when calling the MCU.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_JOIN_CALL_EXCEPTION 111084004 Meeting joining exception.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_INVITE_EXCEPTION 111084005 Invitation exception.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CALL_TERMINALSIDE_EXCEPTION 111084006 An exception occurred on the caller side.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_ANSWER_EXCEPTION 111084007 Response exception.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_HANGUP_EXCEPTION 111084009 Hang-up exception.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_INFORM_CAPABILITY_EXCEPTION 111084010 Notification capability exception.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_UPDATE_MT_EXCEPTION 111084011 An exception occurred when updating the MT.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NEGOTIATE_EXCEPTION 111084012 Negotiation exception.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT 111084013 The meeting is not supported.
CMS_RTC_INVITE_NOT_ALLOWED_JOIN_CONF 111084014 The guest is not invited to the RTC meeting and cannot join the meeting.
CMS_URI_JOIN_XML_FAILED 111089002 Failed to parse the XML file for joining a meeting through a link.
CMS_DATA_JOIN_FAIL 111090001 Failed to join the data meeting.
CMS_DATA_JOIN_OVERTIME 111090002 Joining the data meeting timed out.
CMS_AUTH_SLIDE_GET_IMAGE_FAILED 111100001 Failed to obtain the CAPTCHA image.
CMS_AUTH_SLIDE_VERIFY_CHECK_FAILED 111100002 CAPTCHA verification failed.
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_RANDOM 111100003 Invalid random number.
CMS_AUTH_NEED_CHECK_SLIDER 111100005 CAPTCHA verification is required.
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_SMS 111100006 Invalid mobile number.
CMS_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL 111100007 Failed to send the verification code.
CMS_AUTH_VERIFY_CODE_EXPIRED 111100008 The verification code has expired.
CMS_AUTH_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL 111100009 Incorrect verification code.
CMS_AUTH_VERIFY_CODE_FAIL_CNT_EXCEED 111100010 Too many failed verification code attempts.
CMS_AUTH_INVALID_UUID 111100011 Invalid UUID. Verify the mobile number again.
CMS_CONF_NOT_ON_LOCAL_STATION 111100012 The meeting is not held at this site.
CMS_AUTH_NEED_MOBILE_VERIFY 111100013 Mobile number verification is required when an International site user joins a meeting held by a free enterprise on the Chinese mainland site.
CMS_IM_ADD_GROUP_FAILED 111110001 Failed to add the group.
CMS_IM_DISBAND_GROUP_FAILED 111110002 Failed to delete the group.
CMS_IM_ADD_MEMBER_FAILED 111110003 Failed to add the member.
CMS_IM_REMOVE_MEMBER_FAILED 111110004 Failed to delete the member.
CMS_CTRL_HANGUP_MMR_REJOIN_FAILED 111111007 Disconnected. Failed to join the MMR meeting again.
CMS_CTRL_HANGUP_CONF_CONFLICT 111111008 Another device has joined this meeting using your account.
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_ADD_MEMBER_FAILED 111112001 Failed to move the participant to the waiting room.
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_MOVE_MEMBER_FAILED 111112002 Failed to remove the participant from the waiting room.
CMS_WAITING_ROOM_CACHE_OPT_FAILED 111112003 Failed to operate the waiting room cache.
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_COHOST_TO_WAITING_ROOM 111112004 Co-hosts cannot be moved to the waiting room.
CMS_NOT_ALLOW_ENABLE_WAITING_ROOM 111112005 The waiting room cannot be enabled.
CMS_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT 111112008 The client does not support this feature.
CMS_APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND 111113001 Failed to find the app information.
CMS_APPLICATION_EXIST 111113002 The app already exists. Currently, one meeting can be associated with only one app.
CMS_APPLICATION_CREATE_FORBIDDEN 111113003 Insufficient permission to create an app.
CMS_APPLICATION_NEED_REAL_NAME 111113004 Real-name authentication is required for app operations. (You need to bind a mobile number.)
CMS_APPLICATION_GET_USER_TOKEN_FAILED 111113005 Failed to obtain the app user token.
CMS_APPLICATION_URL_INVALID 111113006 Invalid URL of the app service.
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_DOC_NOT_ENABLED 111113101 Shimo Docs is not enabled.
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_DOC_CALL_FAILED 111113102 Failed to invoke the Shimo Docs service.
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_GET_TOKEN_FAILED 111113103 Failed to obtain the app-level token of Shimo Docs.
CMS_APPLICATION_SHIMO_NOT_IN_CONFERENCE 111113104 The user is not in the meeting and cannot apply for the permission.
CMS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_DISABLED 111113105 The enterprise account is suspended.
CMS_PROJECTION_LINK_VERIFY_FAILED 111114001 Verify projection link failed.
CMS_CONTENT_MODERATION_FAILED 111114020 The content is rejected.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_SUB_OVER_LIMIT 111500301 More breakout rooms than allowed.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NAME_ERROR 111500302 The breakout room name is incorrect.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_START_FAILED 111500303 Failed to open the breakout room.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_EXIST_WHEN_DELETE 111500304 The breakout room to delete does not exist.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_EXIST_WHEN_START 111500305 The breakout room to open does not exist.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_CLOSING 111500306 The breakout room is closing.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_END_OR_NOT_START 111500307 The breakout room to join has closed or is not open.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_ATTENDEE_IN_TARGET_CONF 111500308 The user to move is already in the target breakout room.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_CHAIR_IN_CURRENT_CONF 111500309 The host is already in the breakout room.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_BREAKOUT 111500310 Breakout rooms are not supported.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_STARTING_OR_STARTED 111500311 The breakout room has already opened or is opening.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_EXIST 111500312 The breakout room does not exist.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_NOT_SUPPORT_IN_MAIN_CONF 111500313 Users in the main session cannot request help.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_STATE_ILLEGAL 111500314 The breakout room status is abnormal (the cache is deleted by mistake).
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_ACTION_FORBIDDEN_BY_STATUS 111500315 This operation is not supported in the current state.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_APPLY_CHAIR_FAILED 111500316 The host is in a breakout room. Cannot request the host role.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_APPLY_CONF_ID_FAILED 111500317 Failed to apply for a breakout room ID.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_QUERY_MAIN_CONF_FAILED 111500318 Failed to obtain the main session information.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_ATTENDEE_NOT_FOUND 111500319 No user information is found.
CMS_BREAKOUT_CONF_STOP_FAILED 111500320 Failed to close the breakout room.
CMS_SUBJECT_FAIL_TO_LEAVE_CONF_START 111502000 Subscription failed. The start value of the error code for leaving the meeting is required.
CMS_SUBJECT_FAIL_TO_LEAVE_CONF_END 111502099 Subscription failed. The end value of the error code for leaving the meeting is required.
CMS_FAILED 112010001 Common error.
CMS_NULL_PARAM 112010002 The parameter is empty.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_NOT_FOUND 112010003 No participant found.
CMS_CONFERENCE_NOT_FOUND 112010004 The meeting does not exist.
CMS_SIP_INVITE_TIMEOUT_NO_RCV 112010005 The invite message timed out.
CMS_SIP_INVITE_FAILED 112010006 The invite message fails to be sent.
CMS_SIP_INFO_TIMEOUT 112010007 Info response timed out.
CMS_SIP_INFO_FAILED 112010008 Info response failed.
CMS_WAIT_FIRST_CALL_FAILED 112010009 System processing failed.
CMS_PARTICIPANT_DIALOG_FAILED 112010010 System processing failed.
CMS_INVITE_MRS_FAILED 112010011 Failed to call the MRS.
CMS_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_FAILED 112010012 Failed to call the terminal.
CMS_INFORM_CONF_INFO_FAILED 112010013 The Info process of joining the data meeting failed.
CMS_START_CONF_FAILED 112010014 Failed to hold the meeting.
CMS_MEDIA_NEGOTIATION_FAILURE 112010015 Media negotiation failed.
CMS_USER_REJECTED 112010016 The user rejects the call or meeting.
CMS_USER_BUSY 112010017 The user is busy.
CMS_NO_CALL_RIGHT 112010018 No call permission.
CMS_UNKNOWN_CALLEE 112010019 Unknown called participant.
CMS_NO_USER_RESPONDING 112010020 No user response.
CMS_JOIN_CONF_TIMEOUT 112010021 Joining the meeting timed out.
CMS_SESSION_RELEASED 112010022 The session has been released.
CMS_CALLEE_NOT_REGISTERED 112010023 The called participant is not registered.
CMS_SIP_INVITE_TIMEOUT_RCV1XX 112010024 SIP invitation timed out.
CMS_USER_SESSION_TIMER_TIMEOUT_HANGUP 112010025 The user session timer timed out. The user hangs up.
CMS_RCV_USER_BYE_MRS_HANGUP 112010026 The participant is disconnected by the MRS.
CMS_RCV_USER_BYE_PART_HANGUP 112010027 The participant is disconnected by the device.
CMS_NO_RTP_STREAM_HUNG_UP 112010028 No stream received. The meeting or call is disconnected.
CMS_CONF_MANAGER_NO_UPSCALE_VMR 112030001 There are no cloud meeting rooms of higher specifications.
CMS_SYSPORTAL_EXCEPTION 112100000 System exception.
CMS_BAD_REQUEST 112100001 Request error.
CMS_ILLEGAL_REQUEST 112100002 Invalid request.
CMS_DATA_NOT_FOUND 112100003 The data is not obtained.
CMS_DATA_DUPLICATE 112100004 Duplicate data.
CMS_APPLY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT 112100006 The request type is not supported.
CMS_SAVE_NOTICE_MODEL_FAILED 112100007 Failed to save the notification template.
CMS_SAVE_DATA_FAILED 112100008 Failed to save the data.
CMS_QUERY_DATA_FAILED 112100009 Failed to query the data.
CMS_DELETE_DATA_FAILED 112100010 Failed to delete the data.
CMS_NEED_RESET_PASSWORD 112100011 The password needs to be reset.
CMS_AUTH_FAILED 112100012 Incorrect old password.
CMS_NEW_PASSWORD_EQUALS_OLD_PASSWORD 112100013 The new password cannot be the same as the old password.
CMS_PASSWORD_TOO_SIMPLE 112100014 The password is too weak.
CMS_LEHGTH_NOTMEET_STANDARD 112100015 Invalid length.
CMS_RSE_IS_IN_CONFERENCE 112100016 RSE is in the meeting.
CMS_RSE_IS_DELETING 112100017 RSE is to be deleted.
CMS_RSE_LIST_CONF_FAILED 112100018 Failed to query the meeting list.
CMS_AUTH_LOCKED 112100019 The user has been locked. Log in again later.
CMS_LIVE_CHANNEL_NAME_EXISTED 112100022 The channel name already exists.
CMS_CONFID_PREFIX_CANNOT_DECREASE 112100023 Failed to modify the system configuration item because the meeting ID prefix already exists.
CMS_CONFID_PREFIX_DUPLICATE 112100024 You can add CONFID prefixes but cannot modify or delete them.
CMS_LIVE_CHANNEL_URL_EXISTED 112100025 The live broadcast room address already exists.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_ISUSED 112100026 The live broadcast room has been occupied.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_NOT_EXIST 112100027 The live broadcast room does not exist.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_RELEASE_FAIL 112100028 Failed to release the live broadcast room.
CMS_REQUEST_MISSING_HEADER_OR_PARAM 112100029 The request header field is missing.
CMS_LIVE_MAIN_URL_EXISTED 112100030 The audio and video stream push address already exists.
CMS_LIVE_AUX_URL_EXISTED 112100031 The presentation stream push address already exists.
CMS_PWD_IS_WEAK_PASSWORD 112100032 Week password.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_ISUSED_FAIL 112100033 The live broadcast room has been occupied.
CMS_SAVE_PART_ATTENDEES_SINCE_TOO_MANY 112100034 More participants than allowed. Only some participants are saved.
CMS_EXPORT_DATA_FAIL 112100035 Failed to export the data.
CMS_IMPORT_DATA_FAIL 112100036 Failed to import the data.
CMS_FILE_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM_SIZE 112100037 The file size exceeds the upper limit.
CMS_LVS_TARGET_ADDRESS_EXISTED 112100038 The target address of LVS already exists.
CMS_LVS_PORT_EXISTED 112100039 Duplicate LVS ports.
CMS_NOT_ALLOWED_MODIFY_GLOBAL_STANDBY 112100040 Only hosts can modify the Global configuration.
CMS_MCU_INSULATE_ADDR_EXIST 112100041 The MCU isolation IP address already exists.
CMS_MCU_INSULATE_ADDR_CANT_MODIFY 112100042 The MCU isolation IP address cannot be changed.
CMS_SBC_ADDR_EXIST 112100043 The SBC address already exists.
CMS_INTERNAL_EXCEPTION 112100044 Internal error.
CMS_SYS_CONFIG_DELETE_EXCEPTION 112100045 The system configuration cannot be deleted.
CMS_NO_ISBC_ACCESS_ADDR 112100046 Failed to obtain the SBC address based on the enterprise ID.
CMS_MEDIA_TYPE_NEED_HD 112100047 The enterprise has enabled the full HD function. The media configuration cannot be lower than 1080p nor 8 Mbit/s.
CMS_INTERPRETER_LANGUAGE_ABBREVIATION_REPEATED 112100061 Duplicate language abbreviations.
CMS_INTERPRETER_LANGUAGE_NAME_REPEATED 112100062 Duplicate language names.
CMS_MODIFY_MCU_WARNING 112100063 MCU type is MIXED and isolation is not configured, or an MCU meeting exists when you modify MCU connection settings.
CMS_ADD_MCU_WARNING 112100064 The MCU type is MIXED and isolation is not configured when you add MCU connection settings.
CMS_MODIFY_MCUINSULATE_WARNING 112100065 MCU type is MIXED when modifying MCU insulation configuration or unbinding the enterprise.
CMS_DEL_MCUINSULATE_WARNING 112100066 MCU type is MIXED when deleting MCU insulation configuration.
CMS_MCU_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE 112100067 The MCU is incompatible with the gateway type.
CMS_MEDIARES_MEDIA_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115021001 Media resources are insufficient.
CMS_MEDIARES_CONF_NOT_EXIST 115021002 The meeting does not exist.
CMS_MEDIARES_MEDIA_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST 115021003 The media resource does not exist.
CMS_MEDIARES_BANDWIDTH_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115021005 Insufficient network bandwidth.
CMS_MEDIARES_DEVICE_FAULT 115021006 The device is faulty.
CMS_LOGIC_RES_NOT_ENOUGH 115022000 Common logical resources are insufficient.
CMS_LOGICRES_PNUM_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115022001 Concurrent participants in the enterprise are insufficient.
CMS_LOGICRES_PORT_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115022002 Logical port resources are insufficient.
CMS_LOGICRES_LSNUM_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115022003 Live broadcast resources in the enterprise are insufficient.
CMS_MEDIARES_DEVICE_NOT_EXIST 115022004 The media device does not exist.
CMS_LOGICRES_RECORED_NUM_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115022005 Cloud recording ports purchased by your enterprise have been used up.
CMS_ID_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 115023001 Insufficient ID resources.
CMS_RMS_SERVICE_ERROR 115024001 The RMS service is abnormal.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_IN_USE 115025001 The live broadcast room has been occupied.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_NOT_EXISTED 115025002 The live broadcast room does not exist.
CMS_LIVE_ROOM_RELEASE_FAILED 115025003 Failed to release the live broadcast room.
CMS_MCU_HAS_CONF 115026001 An MCU meeting exists.
CMS_COMMON_INVALID_PARAMS 115029001 Invalid common parameter.
CMS_COMMON_NULL_PARAMS 115029002 The parameter value is empty.
CMS_COMMON_SERVICE_INVALID 115029003 The service is unavailable.
CMS_CONFIG_ERROR 115029004 The configuration is abnormal.
CMS_DUPLICATE_APPLY_RESOURCE 115029005 A resource request already exists.
CMS_WAIT_APPLY_RESOURCE 115029006 Resources are being requested.
CMS_COMMON_UNKNOWN 115029999 Unknown error.
CMS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED 118000000 Authentication failed.
CMS_USER_TOKEN_AUTH_FAILED 118000001 USG token authentication failed.
CMS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_LOCKED 118000002 The account has been locked.
USG_SERVER_BUSY 200000001 The server is busy. Try again later.
USG_INTERNAL_ERR 200000002 The server is busy. Contact SRE.
USG_PARAM_ERR 200000003 Incorrect request parameter. Check whether the parameter is valid.
USG_ILLEGAL_REQ 200000004 Invalid request. Check the value of X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token in the request header.
USG_UPGRADING 200000005 The system is being upgraded and is temporarily inaccessible. Sorry for any inconvenience.
USG_NO_DEPARTMENT_PERMISSIONS 200000026 Insufficient permissions to call APIs by domain.
USG_URL_PERMISSION_VALID_FAILED 200000030 Insufficient department permissions.
USG_OTHER_CORP_OWNER 201020023 The user is already the owner of an enterprise. New enterprises cannot be created for the user.
USG_CORP_USER_NUMBER_MAX 201040005 The number of users has reached the upper limit. Check the user quantity allowed by the resources you have purchased.
USG_PASSWORD_SECURITY_LOW 201040016 Week password. Set another password.
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_OVERDUE 201040031 The activation code has expired.
USG_DEVICE_CANNOT_BE_REACTIVATED 201040033 This device has already been activated in your enterprise.
USG_DEVICE_ACTIVATED_IN_OTHERS_ENTERPRISE 201040034 This device has already been activated in another enterprise.
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_REACHED_RESOURCE_LIMIT 201040037 The maximum number of activation codes has been reached.
USG_USER_NOT_ACTIVATED 201040041 The user is not activated.
USG_PRE_VERIFY_EXPIRE 201040042 Pre-verification failed.
USG_NO_INVITE_OTHER_CORP_OWNER 201040043 The user is the owner of another enterprise and cannot be invited.
USG_INVITE_LINK_INVALID 201040044 Invalid invitation connection.
USG_USER_IN_WAIT_LIST 201040045 The user is already in the waiting list.
USG_USER_EXIST 201040046 The user already exists.
USG_NOT_ALLOW_MOD_ACCOUNT 201040047 The account cannot be modified.
USG_IDEAHUB_RESOURCE_EXCEEDS_INACTIVE_LIMIT 201040049 The maximum number of inactive IdeaHubs has been exceeded.
USG_NOT_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SENSITVE_WORDS 201040063 Username cannot contain sensitive words.
USG_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_ACTIVE_CODE 201050004 Devices of this type do not support the activation code.
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_RESET_REACH_MAXIMUM 201050010 The number of device activation code reset times in a day has reached the maximum (5).
USG_ACTIVE_CODE_NOT_EXIT 201050012 The activation code does not exist.
USG_ACTIVE_INVALID_ACTIVE_CODE 201050015 Incorrect activation code.
USG_TRIAL_ACTIVE_CODE_CANNOT_BE_DELETED 201050016 Trial activation codes cannot be deleted.
USG_ACTIVE_FAIL 201050021 Activation failed.
USG_CAN_NOT_UNBOUND 201050022 The terminal cannot be unbound.
USG_IDEA_MANAGER_NOT_ENABLED 201050027 IdeaManager is not enabled.
USG_VMR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE 201080000 Cloud meeting resources are unavailable.
USG_VMR_PWD_SAME_AS_CHAIRMAN_PWD 201080006 The host password and guest password cannot be the same. Check the parameters.
USG_VMR_PWM_SAME_AS_MEETING_PWD 201080017 Same as the meeting password.
USG_INVITATION_ENABLE_INVALID 201510001 You do not have the permission to obtain an invitation code.
USG_CORP_APPLICANT_INVALID 201510003 The request is invalid.
USG_DEVICE_TYPE_NOT_EXIST 205030005 The device type does not exist.
USG_ERR_PASSWORD 206010000 The name or password is incorrect.
USG_APPID_ACCOUNT_DISABLED 206010007 The account is not activated and cannot be used for login.
USG_USER_INFORMATION_DISABLED 206010008 The user does not exist or is not activated and cannot be used for login.
USG_SEND_SLIDER_FAILED 206010010 Failed to obtain the verification code. Contact SRE.
USG_NEED_VERIFY_CODE 206010011 The verification code cannot be empty.
USG_CHECK_SLIDER_FAILED 206010012 Incorrect verification code.
USG_JUMP_LOGIN_FAIL 206010013 Failed to redirect to the login page. Contact SRE.
USG_DOMIAN_NOT_EXIS 206010014 The enterprise domain name does not exist.
USG_SSO_AUTH_FAILED 206010022 SSO login failed. Contact SRE.
USG_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORT_SSO 206010023 SSO login is not supported.
USG_INVALID_AUTH_TYPE 206010024 Invalid authentication type.
USG_APPID_AUTH_FAILED 206010025 Failed to verify the app ID.
USG_AUTH_TYPE_ERR 206010027 Verification type error.
USG_NETWORK_ERROR 206010029 Network error.
USG_APPID_NOT_ALLOW_AUTO_REG 206010030 Automatic app ID registration is not allowed.
USG_APPID_AUTO_REG_FAILED 206010031 Automatic app ID registration failed.
USG_NORMAL_USER_CANNOT_LOGIN 206010036 Common users cannot log in.
USG_HWACCOUNT_AUTH_FAILED 206010042 HUAWEI ID authentication failed.
USG_APPID_AUTH_EXPIRE 206010057 The app ID authentication has expired.
USG_APPID_ACCOUNT_NOT_BIND 206010058 The mobile number is not registered.
USG_SITE_MISMATCHED 206010064 The site does not match.
USG_CONFLICT_PHONE 206010065 Mobile number conflicts.
USG_CONFLICT_EMAIL 206010066 Email address conflicts.
USG_USER_NUM_EXCEED 206010070 More users than allowed.
AUTH_WECHAT_LOGIN_FAILED 206010071 WeChat authentication failed.
USG_CHANGE_SITE_AND_NEXT_REQUEST 206010074 The International site supports re-login after site change.
USG_ACCOUNT_IS_UNBOUND 206010075 The account has been unbound.
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_AUTH_FIXED_LINK_UNFOUND 206010079 No fixed link is established between the device and the large screen.
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_AUTH_JWT_INVALID 206010080 The JWT token is invalid.
USG_NEED_AGREED_SIGN_PRIVACY 206010090 The privacy statement needs to be signed. The returned data contains the key of third-party user cache information.
USG_THIRD_USER_INFO_HAS_INVALID 206010091 The third-party user cache information is invalid.
USG_INVALID_TOKEN 206020000 Invalid authentication information. Check the value of X-Auth-Token or X-Access-Token in the request header.
USG_TOKEN_IS_CRATER_BY_OTHERSITE 206020001 The token is created at the DR site.
USG_TOKEN_IS_INVAILD_BY_KICKOFF 206020002 The token is invalid because you are kicked out.
USG_USER_NOT_EXIST 206030000 The user does not exist.
USG_FIND_VERCODE_FAIL 206030001 The verification code is incorrect or has expired. Obtain a new one.
USG_VERCODE_ERR 206030002 Incorrect verification code.
USG_NOT_PHONE_AND_EMAIL 206030003 Failed to send the verification code.
USG_RESEND_NOT_ALLOW 206030004 Resend a code 180s later.
USG_NOT_SUPPORT_MODIFY_PWD 206030005 The system does not support password change.
USG_OLD_PWD_WRONG 206030006 Incorrect old password.
USG_INVALID_NEW_PWD_LEN 206030007 The length of the new password does not meet the requirements.
USG_INVALID_PWD_LEVEL 206030008 The password complexity does not meet the requirements.
USG_CANNOT_SAME_WITH_HISTROY_PWD 206030009 The new password must be different from any of the previous old passwords.
USG_REPEAT_CHAR_NUM_TOO_MUCH 206030010 The password cannot contain three or more of the same characters consecutively.
USG_PWD_TOO_FREQUENTLY 206030011 The password cannot be changed within 5 minutes upon the last password change.
USG_CANNOT_CONTAIN_ACCOUNT 206030012 The password cannot be the account or the account spelled backwards.
USG_MANY_SAME_WITH_OLD_PWD 206030013 At least two characters must be different between the new and old passwords.
USG_CONTAINS_INVAILD 206030014 Invalid password format.
USG_USER_LOCKED 206030015 The user has been locked. Try again after 60 seconds.
USG_NO_RIGHT_TO_RESET_PWD 206030016 You do not have the permissions to reset the password.
USG_FROGET_PWD_OVER_10_TIMES 206030018 The number of password retrieval times in a day has reached the maximum (10).
USG_USG_VERIFY_CODE_CHECK_EXCCED_MAX 206030019 The maximum number of incorrect verification code inputs has been reached. Obtain a new verification code.
USG_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_FAILED 206030023 Failed to send the verification code. Contact SRE.
USG_AUTO_USER_NOT_ALLOW_MOD_PWD 206030028 The system has enabled SSO login. The password cannot be changed. Disable SSO login and try again.
USG_HUAWEI_MODIFY_PWD 206030031 The password of the HUAWEI ID was forgotten.
USG_NO_CORRESPOND_TERMIAL_TYPE 206040000 No corresponding terminal type.
USG_SEND_VERIFY_CODE_IS_LOCKED 206060008 The function of sending verification codes is locked.
USG_NEED_SLIDER_VERIFY 206060009 CAPTCHA verification is required.
USG_REQUEST_PARAM_ERROR 206060011 Incorrect request parameter.
USG_NOT_SUPPORT_SEND_SMS 206060012 SMS message delivery is not supported.
USG_NOT_ALLOW_REPEAT_SEND 206060013 Repeated delivery is not supported.
USG_LOGINVERIFY_CODE_INVAILD 206060014 Invalid verification code.
USG_LOGINVERIFY_CODE_EXCCED_MAX 206060015 Too many failed verification code attempts.
USG_HWACCOUNT_BIND_FAILED 206060017 Failed to bind the HUAWEI ID.
USG_NOT_ALLOW_ACTIVATE_DEVICE 211000092 Enterprises in this operations mode restrict users from activating devices via QR code.
USG_ACTIVE_NOT_IDEAHUB_CODE 211030046 Incorrect IdeaHub activation code.
USG_AUTH_FAIL_TOO_MANY_TIMES_LOCKED 211030050 Too many failed identity authentication attempts. The account is locked.
USG_AUTH_FAIL_TOO_MANY_TIMES_PERMANENTLY_LOCKED 211030052 Too many failed identity authentication attempts. The account is locked permanently.
USG_LOG_UPLOAD_TIMES_EXCEED 211060003 The maximum number of log uploads has been reached.
USG_NOT_ALLOW_PAIR_CROSS_CORP 222020001 Cross-enterprise pairing is not allowed.
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_HAS_BEEN_BOUND 222020002 Another device has been bound to this large screen.
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_DOUBLE_CHECK_FAILED 222020003 The secondary verification code is invalid.
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_CODE_INVALID 222020004 The pairing code is invalid.
USG_OFFLINE_PAIR_ALREADY_EXIST 222020005 An offline temporary link already exists.
USG_OFFLINE__FIXED_PAIR_ALREADY_EXIST 222020006 An offline fixed link already exists.
USG_PROJECTION_CODE_ILLEGAL 222020010 Invalid projection code.
USG_PROJECTION_IP_BEEN_LOCKED 222020011 The IP address has been locked.
USG_PROJECTION_CROSS_CORP 222020012 The projection code is not generated by the device of the enterprise to which the user belongs.
USG_PROJECTION_DOUBLE_CHECK_REACH_MAX_TIME 222020013 The maximum number of incorrect secondary verification code inputs has been reached.
USG_OBS_UPLOAD_IMAGE_NOT_EXIST 225020001 The image object cannot be found in OBS.
USG_OBS_UPLOAD_IMAGE_IS_REPETITION 225030002 The image with this unique identifier is already under review.
USG_SLIDER_NOT_SUPPORT 230010001 The current service is not supported.
USG_SLIDER_VERIFY_CODE_AND_BUSINESS_MISMATCH 230010002 The verification code does not match the service.
USG_SLIDER_USER_NOT_EXIST 230010003 The user does not exist.
USG_SLIDER_TRY_AGAIN_LATER 230010004 Try again later.
USG_SLIDER_VERIFY_CODE_INVALID 230010005 The verification code has expired.
USG_SLIDER_VERIFY_CODE_ERROR 230010006 Incorrect verification code.
USG_SLIDER_GET_NEW_VERIFY_CODE 230010007 The maximum number of incorrect verification code inputs has been reached. Obtain a new verification code.
SDK_COMMON_FAIL 411000001 Failed.
SDK_PARAM_ERROR 411000002 Parameter error.
SDK_CONF_NOT_EXIST 411000003 The meeting does not exist.
SDK_CONF_EXIST 411000004 A meeting already exists.
SDK_CONF_STATE_ERROR 411000005 The meeting status is abnormal.
SDK_CALL_GET_DEVICE_FAILED 411000006 Failed to obtain the device.
SDK_CALL_SET_DEVICE_FAILED 411000007 Failed to configure the device.
SDK_NO_DEVICE_CAN_USED 411000008 No device is available.
SDK_ONLY_MOBILE_SUPPORT 411000009 Only mobile devices support this operation.
SDK_ACCESS_ERROR 411000010 Network access error.
SDK_SERVICE_DOING 411000011 Another supplementary service is in progress.
SDK_ERR_MEM_ERROR 411000012 Memory allocation error.
SDK_ERR_INITIALIZE_FAILED 411000013 Initialization failed.
SDK_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST 411000014 The user does not exist.
SDK_DATACONF_NOT_JOIN 411000015 The user is not in the data meeting.
SDK_CALL_AND_CONF_NOT_EXIST 411000016 The meeting and call do not exist.
SDK_SVN_DETECT_FAILED 411000017 SVN port detection failed.
SDK_ERR_WRITE_FILE_FAILED 411000018 Failed to write the file.
SDK_ERR_RTC_NOT_SUPPORT_STG 411000019 RTC does not support the STG mode.
SDK_ERR_RTC_LIB_LOAD_FAILED 411000020 Failed to load the RTC library. RTC meetings are not supported.
SDK_ERR_SWITCH_ROLE_CONF_PAUSE 411000021 Attendee view is paused when the role is switched.
SDK_CONF_NOT_IN_CALL 411000022 The user is not in a call.
SDK_CONF_OR_CALL_NOT_EXIST 411000023 The meeting or call does not exist.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_STATE_NOT_ALLOW 411000024 The pairing status is not allowed.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_QUERY_FAIL 411000025 Pairing request failed.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_OVER_LIMIT 411000026 More pairing connections than allowed.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ERROR_COMMON 411000027 Common pairing error.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_FAILED 411000028 Failed to join the meeting after pairing.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_BUSY 411000029 The device is already in a meeting.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_INVALID 411000030 Invalid pairing for joining a meeting.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_ENTER_MULTI 411000031 A pairing request is being processed. Do not re-initiate pairing.
SDK_CONF_PAIR_UNESTABLISHED_OR_PRIRING 411000032 Pairing has not been set up or is being set up.
SDK_CONF_EXTERN_INPUT_CAMERA_NOT_OPEN 411000033 The camera is not enabled in third-party collection mode.
SDK_CONF_CREAT_RTC_ENGINE_FAILED 411000034 Failed to create the RTC engine.
SDK_CONF_NOT_IN_CONF 411000035 The user is not in the meeting.
SDK_CONF_MUTE_SELF_FAILED 411000036 Failed to mute the microphone and protection is enabled.
SDK_CONF_IN_SETTING_LANGUAGE_CHANNEL 411000037 Switching channels... Try again later.
SDK_NO_STREAM_END_CONF_NET_BREAK 411000100 No stream was received. The network was disconnected.
SDK_NO_STREAM_END_CONF_REJOIN_FAIL 411000101 Failed to join the meeting again.
SDK_CHECK_PARAM_NULL_POINTER 411000102 Null pointer.
SDK_CHECK_PARAM_NOT_ALLOW_NULL 411000103 The parameter cannot be empty.
SDK_ENCRYPT_DECRTPT_FUNC_NOT_MACTCH 411000104 The encryption and decryption algorithms do not match.
SDK_LOAD_USER_DEFINED_DLL_FAILED 411000105 Failed to load the custom DLL.
SDK_APPLICATION_NOT_SUPPORT_SHIMO_DOCS 411000106 Shimo Docs cannot be opened in the enterprise.
SDK_DATACONF_SCREEN_RENDER_FAIL 411000107 Failed to render the data meeting UI.
SDK_CONF_END_MMR_REJOIN_FAIL 411000108 Failed to join the MMR meeting again.
SDK_AUDIO_DISCONNECTED 411000109 Disconnecting audio...
SDK_DATACONF_SECOND_MONITOR_DISCONNECT 411000110 The secondary display is disconnected during secondary display sharing.
SDK_LOGIN_MSG_THREAD_UNINIT 412100001 The message processing thread is not initialized.
SDK_LOGIN_PARAM_ERROR 412100002 Parameter error.
SDK_LOGIN_TIMEOUT 412100003 Timeout.
SDK_LOGIN_MEM_ERROR 412100004 Memory allocation error.
SDK_LOGIN_XML_ERROR 412100005 XML parsing error.
SDK_LOGIN_DNS_ERROR 412100006 DNS resolution exception.
SDK_LOGIN_REQUEST_FAILED 412100007 The request message is abnormal.
SDK_LOGIN_AUTH_FAILED 412100008 Authorization failed.
SDK_LOGIN_SERVICE_ERROR 412100009 Server exception.
SDK_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_LOCKED 412100010 The account is locked.
SDK_LOGIN_TIMER_ERROR 412100011 An error occurred during timer creation.
SDK_LOGIN_CA_VERIFY_FAILED 412100012 Failed to verify the server CA certificate.
SDK_LOGIN_NETWORK_ERROR 412100013 Network error.
SDK_LOGIN_SERVER_REDIRECT 412100014 The server returns a redirection address.
SDK_LOGIN_AUTH_ACCOUNT_DIACTIVE 412100015 The account is not activated.
SDK_LOGIN_JSON_ERROR 412100016 Failed to parse the JSON file.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 412100017 The proxy communication times out and the TCP connection fails to be set up. Proxy configuration may be incorrect.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_CLOSED_BY_PROXY 412100018 The connection is disconnected by the proxy. Server address may be incorrect.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_ADDR_OR_PORT_ERROR 412100019 TCP connection setup times out. Proxy domain name or port number may be incorrect.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_PERMISSION_DENIED 412100020 Authentication failed. The user does not have the proxy permission and needs to request the proxy permission.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_USER_OR_PWD_ERROR 412100021 Authentication failed. The proxy username or password is incorrect.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_TYPE_ERROR 412100022 Authentication failed. The authentication type is incorrect. The username and password are required.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_ERROR 412100023 Authentication failed due to other unknown errors. The possible cause is that the authentication mode is not supported. It is recommended that a dialog box be displayed to prompt the user to initiate the authentication again.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY 412100024 Authentication failed. The gateway cannot be parsed.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST 412100025 Authentication failed. The host cannot be parsed.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT 412100026 Authentication failed. Connection failed.
SDK_LOGIN_CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT 412100027 Authentication failed. Operation timed out.
SDK_LOGIN_MSG_TOOLARGE 412100028 The message is too long.
SDK_LOGIN_BASE64_ENCODE_ERROR 412100029 Base64 encryption failed.
SDK_LOGIN_XML_PARSE_ERROR 412100030 XML parsing error.
SDK_LOGIN_SECURE_LIB_ERROR 412100031 Secure function error.
SDK_LOGIN_FIREWALL_DETECT_PARAM_ERROR 412100032 Firewall detection parameters are incorrect.
SDK_LOGIN_BUILD_STG_TUNNEL_FAIL 412100033 Failed to create the STG tunnel.
SDK_LOGIN_UPDATE_STG_SERVER_ERROR 412100034 Failed to update the STG service.
SDK_LOGIN_TUP_CPYPT_ENCRYPT_ERROR 412100035 Encryption failed.
SDK_LOGIN_IN_DOWNLOADING_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD_AGAIN 412100036 Repeated download is not allowed.
SDK_LOGIN_FILE_OPEART_FAIL 412100037 Failed to operate the file.
SDK_LOGIN_RSP_BODY_NULL 412100038 The returned request message is empty.
SDK_LOGIN_PROBE_SERVER_NUMBER_ZERO_ERR 412100039 The number of detected servers is 0.
SDK_LOGIN_GET_BEST_LOCAL_IP_FAIL 412100040 Failed to obtain the local IP address.
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_LOGIN_NO_INIT 412100041 The login module message is not initialized.
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_HTTP_BUSY 412100042 An HTTP error 429 is returned.
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_NOT_LOGINED 412100043 The service is available only after login.
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_MNG_FAILED 412100044 Server degraded. After receiving this error code, you can continue to call the API for joining a meeting offline.
SDK_LOGIN_E_ERR_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD 412100045 The download is canceled during the version upgrade.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_GENERAL 412200001 Internal error.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_PARAM_ERROR 412200002 Parameter error.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 412200003 Network timeout.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NETWORK_ERROR 412200004 Network error.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_MOBILEBIND 412200005 Bind a mobile phone.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_MAILBIND 412200006 Bind an email address.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_HAS_INITED 412200007 The resource cannot be re-initialized.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_STATE_MACHINE_RUN_FAILED 412200008 Failed to run the state machine.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_START_TIMER_ERROR 412200009 Failed to start the timer.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_MODIFY_PASSWORD 412200010 Change your password upon the first login.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_UNKOWN_AUTH_TYPE 412200011 Unknown authentication type.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_REPAIR_CONTROLLER 412200012 Re-pairing is required.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_REPAIR_WITH_CREDENTIAL 412200013 Send a request again after verification.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NEED_REPAIR_FAILED 412200014 Failed to obtain the credential. Re-pairing is required.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_NOT_SUPPORT_MEDIA_SEPARATE 412200015 The environment does not support media separation.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_MEDIA_SEPARATE_PLUGIN_DISCONNECT 412200016 The media separation plug-in is not connected.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_TIMEOUT 412200017 Media separation log collection timed out.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_FAILED 412200018 Failed to collect media separation logs.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_ALREADY_START 412200019 Media separation log collection has started.
SDK_LOGINLOGIC_REQUEST_MEDIA_SEPARATE_LOG_NOT_SUPPORT 412200020 The TC plug-in does not support media separation log collection.
SDK_CALL_GENERAL_ERROR 413000001 Common error.
SDK_CALL_PARAM_ERROR 413000002 Parameter error.
SDK_CALL_MEM_ERROR 413000003 Memory allocation error.
SDK_CALL_SYSTEM_ERROR 413000004 System error.
SDK_CALL_MSG_ERROR 413000005 Message delivery error.
SDK_CALL_CFG_ERROR 413000006 An error occurred when obtaining the system configuration.
SDK_CALL_NET_ERROR 413000007 Physical network error.
SDK_CALL_ACCESS_ERROR 413000008 Network access error.
SDK_CALL_TIMER_ERROR 413000009 An error occurred during timer creation.
SDK_CALL_STATE_ERROR 413000010 Call status error.
SDK_CALL_OPERATE_ERROR 413000011 Another operation is in progress.
SDK_CALL_REQSRV_ERROR 413000012 An error occurred when requesting the master to make a call start.
SDK_CALL_REQRES_ERROR 413000013 An error occurred when requesting audio resources.
SDK_CALL_SERVICE_DOING 413000014 Another supplementary service is in progress.
SDK_CALL_CALLRECORD_ERROR 413000015 An error occurred when recording call records.
SDK_CALL_MPROC_ERROR 413000016 Error returned by the media process.
SDK_CALL_MAX_CALL_ERROR 413000017 Too many calls.
SDK_CALL_SIPID_NOTEXIT_ERROR 413000018 The SIP account ID does not exist.
SDK_CALL_CALLID_NOEXIT_ERROR 413000019 The call ID does not exist.
SDK_CALL_REGISTERING_ERROR 413000020 An error occurred because the registration is in progress.
SDK_CALL_REGIST_FALL_ERROR 413000021 Registration failed.
SDK_CALL_DEREGIST_FALL_ERROR 413000022 Deregistration failed.
SDK_CALL_SET_SIP_INFO_ERROR 413000023 An error occurred when setting the account information.
SDK_CALL_SETACCOUNT_ERROR 413000024 Failed to set the SIP account.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFYSIPACCOUNT_ERROR 413000025 Failed to report SIP account information.
SDK_CALL_SIPSEVER_ERROR 413000026 Incorrect server information.
SDK_CALL_SIPACCOUNTINFO_ERROR 413000027 Incorrect account information.
SDK_CALL_SIPC_ERROR 413000028 SIPC execution error.
SDK_CALL_UNREGISTER_ERROR 413000029 Not registered.
SDK_CALL_SUB_FALL_ERROR 413000030 Failed to call the SIP API for subscription.
SDK_CALL_DESUBING_ERROR 413000031 An error occurred in unsubscription.
SDK_CALL_SUBING_ERROR 413000032 An error occurred in subscription.
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_MAX_CONFER_ERROR 413000033 Only one local meeting is allowed.
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_CONFER_NOEXIT_ERROR 413000034 The local meeting is not created.
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_CONFER_NOMATCH_ERROR 413000035 The participant line and host account do not match.
SDK_CALL_CONF_STATE_ERROR 413000036 The local meeting status is incorrect.
SDK_CALL_JOINTSTATENOTIFY_ERROR 413000037 The IP phone failed to report its linkage status.
SDK_CALL_CONFID_NOTEXIST_ERROR 413000038 The meeting ID does not exist.
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_HOLD_ERROR 413000039 Failed to place the video on hold.
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_UNHOLD_ERROR 413000040 Failed to resume the video.
SDK_CALL_MAX_SERVER_CONF_ERROR 413000041 Too many server meetings.
SDK_CALL_AA_REQRANDOMNUM_ERROR 413000042 Failed to obtain a random number from AA.
SDK_CALL_AA_LOGIN_ERROR 413000043 Failed to log in to AA.
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_TYPE_NO_MATCH 413000044 The meeting type does not match.
SDK_CALL_CONF_VIDEO_START_ERROR 413000045 Failed to start the video meeting.
SDK_CALL_AA_NOMAINSERVER_ERROR 413000046 The AA primary server does not exist.
SDK_CALL_AA_PASSWORD_ERROR 413000047 Incorrect password.
SDK_CALL_AA_USERNAME_ERROR 413000048 Incorrect username.
SDK_CALL_AA_USERLOGINED_ERROR 413000049 The user has logged in.
SDK_CALL_AA_ACCOUNTLOCKED_ERROR 413000050 The account has been locked.
SDK_CALL_AA_TERMINALTYPE_ERROR 413000051 The device type does not match.
SDK_CALL_AA_PARSEXML_ERROR 413000052 XML parsing error.
SDK_CALL_AA_CONNECT_ERROR 413000053 Server connection error.
SDK_CALL_MEDIA_CFG_ERROR 413000054 Failed to obtain the media configuration.
SDK_CALL_AA_GETSRINFO_ERROR 413000055 Failed to obtain service permissions.
SDK_CALL_AA_LACKSR_ERROR 413000056 Insufficient service permissions.
SDK_CALL_NETWORKENV_ERROR 413000057 Network environment error.
SDK_CALL_SERVICE_CONFLICT_ERROR 413000058 Service conflict.
SDK_CALL_AA_TIMEOUT_ERROR 413000059 Connection timed out.
SDK_CALL_AA_UNKOWN_ERROR 413000060 Unknown error.
SDK_CALL_PICKUP_ADDTIP_ERROR 413000061 Failed to add ring tone information.
SDK_CALL_PICKUP_REMOVETIP_ERROR 413000062 Failed to delete ring tone information.
SDK_CALL_PICKUP_CREATERINGNUM_ERROR 413000063 Failed to create the ringing number.
SDK_CALL_VVM_PARAM_ERR 413000064 VVM parameter error.
SDK_CALL_GET_IPT_INFO_ERR 413000065 An error occurred when obtaining registered services.
SDK_CALL_VVM_GETVOICEMAIL_ERR 413000066 An error occurred when obtaining the voice mailbox.
SDK_CALL_ATTENDEE_ALREADY_EXIST 413000067 The participant already exists.
SDK_CALL_ATTENDEE_NOT_EXIST 413000068 The participant does not exist.
SDK_CALL_CREATE_CONF_WND_ERROR 413000069 Failed to create a server video meeting window.
SDK_CALL_CREATE_CONF_WND_EXIST 413000070 The video window already exists.
SDK_CALL_GET_CONF_LIST_INFO_ERROR 413000071 Failed to obtain the meeting list.
SDK_CALL_NEED_CHAIRMAN_TO_OPERATE 413000072 Only the host can perform the operation.
SDK_CALL_NO_VIDEO_DEVICE_TO_OPERATE 413000073 No video device to operate.
SDK_CALL_NOT_STOP_REFRESHREG 413000074 Registration status refresh is not disabled.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_ONLINE_STATE_ERROR 413000075 Failed to report the online status.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_NETADDR_ERROR 413000076 Failed to report the network address book subscription notification.
SDK_CALL_INFO_FORCEUNREG_ERROR 413000077 The telepresence account is kicked out. The information fails to be reported.
SDK_CALL_TLSROOTCERT_ERROR 413000078 TLS root certificate error.
SDK_CALL_AD_AUTH_FAIL 413000079 AD authentication failed.
SDK_CALL_GET_CONF_LIST_INFO_DOING 413000080 The meeting list is being obtained.
SDK_CALL_CALL_PROHIBITED 413000081 Calling is forbidden.
SDK_CALL_CALL_NUMBER_UPPER_LIMIT 413000082 The maximum number of calls has been reached.
SDK_CALL_ENCRYPT_CALL_UPPER_LIMIT 413000083 The maximum number of encrypted calls has been reached.
SDK_CALL_SHOULD_DEGRADE_TO_AUDIO 413000084 The maximum number of video calls has been reached. The call needs to be degraded to an audio call.
SDK_CALL_H323ID_NOTEXIST_ERROR 413000085 The H.323 account ID does not exist.
SDK_CALL_H323_ACCOUNTINFO_ERROR 413000086 Incorrect H.323 account information.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_H323_ACCOUNT_ERROR 413000087 Failed to report H.323 account information.
SDK_CALL_LOCAL_RESOURCE_NOT_ENOUGH 413000088 Local resources are insufficient.
SDK_CALL_CALL_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORT 413000089 The call protocol is not supported.
SDK_CALL_SET_H323_INFO_ERROR 413000090 An error occurred when setting the H.323 account information.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_ACCESSNUM_ERROR 413000091 An error occurred when reporting the MediaX meeting access number to the GUI.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_VMRINFO_ERROR 413000092 Failed to report the cloud meeting room information of MediaX to the GUI.
SDK_CALL_NOTIFY_CONFLIST_INFO_ERROR 413000093 Failed to report the IMS meeting list information to the GUI.
SDK_CALL_TUP_INIT_BLOCK 413000094 TUP initialization is not complete.
SDK_CALL_MSG_RETURN_VALUE_ERROR 413000095 The message return value is incorrect.
SDK_CALL_MSG_TOO_LARGE_ERROR 413000096 The message content is too large.
SDK_CALL_SECURE_FUNC_RETURN_ERROR 413000097 The security function returns an error.
SDK_CALL_MSG_RESP_NULL_ERROR 413000098 The message response is empty.
SDK_CALL_ACCOUNTID_NOT_ENABLE_ERROR 413000099 The account is not enabled.
SDK_CALL_CREAT_CALL_IMPL_ERROR 413000100 An error occurred when creating a call control class.
SDK_CALL_ALREADY_IN_CALL_ERROR 413000101 The user is already in a call.
SDK_CALL_NO_CALL_EXIST_ERROR 413000102 The call does not exist.
SDK_CALL_GET_MEDIA_CONFIG_FAILED 413000103 Failed to obtain the media configuration information.
SDK_CALL_CAPTURE_INPUTDATA_FAILED 413000104 Failed to configure third-party collection. A failure message is returned after HME_V_Capture_InputData_MCU is called.
SDK_CALL_NOT_CONFIG_BASIC_CALL_ABILITY 413000105 The P2P capability is not configured for your enterprise.
SDK_CALL_NOT_SUPPORT_MCU_CALL_AND_CONF 413000106 The MCU call and meeting capabilities are not supported.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GENERAL 414100001 Common error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_PARAM_ERROR 414100002 Parameter error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_TIMEOUT 414100003 Timeout.
SDK_CONFCTRL_MEM_ERROR 414100004 Memory allocation error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_DNS_ERROR 414100005 DNS resolution exception.
SDK_CONFCTRL_REQUEST_FAILED 414100006 The request message is abnormal.
SDK_CONFCTRL_AUTH_FAILED 414100007 Authorization failed.
SDK_CONFCTRL_SERVICE_ERROR 414100008 Server exception.
SDK_CONFCTRL_TIMER_ERROR 414100009 An error occurred during timer creation.
SDK_CONFCTRL_START_TIMER_ERROR 414100010 An error occurred during timer startup.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_BLOCK_FULL 414100011 Meeting control blocks are full. Release unused control blocks.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 414100012 The proxy communication times out and the TCP connection fails to be set up. Proxy configuration may be incorrect.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_CLOSED_BY_PROXY 414100013 The connection is disconnected by the proxy. Server address may be incorrect.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_ADDR_OR_PORT_ERROR 414100014 TCP connection setup times out. Proxy domain name or port number may be incorrect.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_PROXY_PERMISSION_DENIED 414100015 Authentication failed. The user does not have the proxy permission and needs to request the proxy permission.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_USER_OR_PWD_ERROR 414100016 Authentication failed. The proxy username or password is incorrect.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_TYPE_ERROR 414100017 Authentication failed. The authentication type is incorrect. The username and password are required.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_EXTERN_AUTH_ERROR 414100018 Authentication failed due to other unknown errors. The possible cause is that the authentication mode is not supported. It is recommended that a dialog box be displayed to prompt the user to initiate the authentication again.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT 414100021 cURL connection error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT 414100022 cURL operation timed out.
SDK_CONFCTRL_MSG_TOO_LARGE 414100023 The meeting control message is too large.
SDK_CONFCTRL_PTHREAD_CREAT_ERROR 414100024 Failed to create the thread.
SDK_CONFCTRL_SEC_FUNC_RETURN_ERROR 414100025 The security function returns an error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_JSON_PARSE_FAILED 414100026 Failed to parse the JSON body.
SDK_CONFCTRL_TOKEN_IS_NULL_ERROR 414100027 The WebSocket token value is empty.
SDK_CONFCTRL_RETURN_JSON_ERROR 414100028 The returned JSON data is abnormal.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CREAT_CONF_BASIC_ERROR 414100029 Failed to create the meeting control block.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_CONF_BASIC_BY_HANDLE_ERROR 414100030 Failed to obtain the meeting control block.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_CONF_BASIC_BY_CALLID_ERROR 414100031 Failed to obtain the meeting control block based on the call ID.
SDK_CONFCTRL_DESTORY_CONF_BASIC_ERROR 414100032 Failed to destroy the meeting control block.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CREAT_CONF_TMP_INFO_NOT_FOUND 414100033 Failed to find the temporary information for creating the meeting.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_PARTICIPANT_ID_FAILED 414100034 Failed to obtain the participant ID.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_MT_BY_PARTICIPANT_ID_FAILED 414100035 Failed to obtain the MT using the participant ID.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_SELFINFO_ERROR 414100036 Failed to obtain selfinfo using participant ID.
SDK_CONFCTRL_GET_PARTICIPANT_BY_MT_FAILED 414100037 Failed to obtain meeting member information through the MT.
SDK_CONFCTRL_NEED_MAUAL_INVITE_ERROR 414100038 Manual invitation is required.
SDK_CONFCTRL_HAD_NOTIFY_CONFINFO_BEFORE 414100039 The major parameters of the meeting have been reported.
SDK_CONFCTRL_NOT_SUPPORT_SUBTITLE 414100040 Captions are not supported.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_TIMEOUOT 414100041 The meeting ends because connection times out.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_NOSTREAM 414100042 The meeting ends because no stream received.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_CHAIR_HANGUP 414100043 The meeting ends by the host.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_STOP_CONF 414100044 The meeting has ended.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_LEAVE_CONF 414100045 The user leaves the meeting. The meeting ends.
SDK_CONFCTRL_MSG_PROC_FUN_REG_FAIL 414100046 Failed to register the message queue processing function.
SDK_CONFCTRL_MSG_PROC_FUN_UNREG_FAIL 414100047 Failed to deregister the message queue processing function.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_REJECT_CONF 414100048 The meeting ends because the meeting is rejected.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_SELF_END 414100049 The meeting is ended by the user.
SDK_CONFCTRL_VIEWER_EXCEEDS_LIMIT 414100050 The meeting control module is not initialized.
SDK_CONFCTRL_SPECIAL_WATCH_EXCEEDS_LIMIT 414100051 Too many special sites allowed to focus on.
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_HD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT 414100052 Too many HD sites allowed to focus on.
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_SD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT 414100053 Too many SD sites allowed to focus on.
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_SPECIFICATIONS_EXCEEDS_LIMIT 414100054 The number or resolution of videos to focus on exceeds the limit.
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_INNER_ERROR 414100055 An internal error of video focus occurred.
SDK_CONFCTRL_WATCH_RENDER_REPEATS 414100056 Duplicate handles to focus on.
SDK_CONFCTRL_HTTP_RECV_FAILED 414100057 HTTP request error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_TRACK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 414100058 WebSocket request timed out.
SDK_CONFCTRL_TRACK_LOAD_FAILED 414100059 Loading error.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_TIMEOUT_HANGUP 414100061 The meeting ends because waiting before the meeting times out or the meeting control heartbeat times out.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_CONCLUDE 414100062 The meeting ends because the meeting is canceled.
SDK_CONFCTRL_CONF_END_NETWORK_FAILED 414100063 The meeting ends due to network exceptions on the waiting page before the meeting.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_HTTP_BUSY 414100064 An HTTP error 429 is returned.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_SELF_IS_CHAIRMAN 414100065 The user is already the host.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_SELF_IS_COHOST 414100066 The user is already the co-host.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_NO_COHOST_AND_CHAIRMAN 414100067 No host or co-host exists.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_UNSUPPORT_COHOST_AND_CHAIRMAN 414100068 No host or co-host available.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_EXPIRATION 414100069 Invalid user, enterprise, or SP.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_OFFLINE_JOIN 414100070 Cannot join a meeting offline.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_START_CONFCTRL_WSS_FAILED 414100071 Failed to connect the meeting control WebSocket.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_OFFLINE_JOIN_QUERY_USER_TOKEN_FAILED 414100072 Failed to obtain the user token when joining a meeting offline.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_OFFLINE_JOIN_QUERY_CONF_INFO_FAILED 414100073 Failed to obtain meeting details when joining a meeting offline.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CHAIR_END_CONF 414100074 The host ended the meeting.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_TIMEOVER_END_CONF 414100075 The scheduled end time arrived.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CALLEE_REFUSED_END_CONF 414100076 The called participant rejects the call.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CALLEE_TIMEOUT_END_CONF 414100077 The call times out.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_FORCE_OPEN_CAMERA_HANGUP 414100078 The video meeting was forcibly ended.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_NO_MATCHED_SIGNAL_PROXY_WITH_SITE_URL 414100079 The signaling proxy does not match the site address.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_END 414100081 Projection ended.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_CANCEL 414100082 The large screen canceled the projection during negotiation.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_BY_SENDER_WITH_TWO_MEMBERS 414100083 The projection initiator in this two-participant meeting ended the projection.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_BY_RECEIVER 414100084 The large screen ended the projection.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_END_PROJECTION_BY_SENDER_WITH_MULTI_MEMBERS 414100085 The projection initiator in this multi-participant meeting ended the projection.
SDK_CONFCTRL_E_ERR_CONF_END_PEER_HANGS_UP 414100086 The peer participant has ended the call.
SDK_COMMON_SQLITE_E_NOT_INITED 415000001 The database is not initialized.
SDK_COMMON_E_FAIL 415000002 Failed.
SDK_COMMON_E_ERR_PROXY_UNFINISH 415000003 The proxy detection is not complete.
SDK_TRACK_E_INVALID_PARAMETER 416000001 Parameter error.
SDK_TRACK_E_NOT_INITED 416000002 The track module is not initialized.
SDK_TRACK_E_EVENT_NOT_EXIST 416000003 The track event does not exist.
SDK_TRACK_E_NOT_LOGINED 416000004 The user has not logged in yet.
SDK_TRACK_E_NO_UPLOAD 416000005 Upload is not enabled.
SDK_SIP_INVALIDPARAM 419100001 Incorrect parameter.
SDK_SIP_WRONGURI 419100002 Incorrect number.
SDK_SIP_MEMALLOCFAILURE 419100003 Memory allocation fails.
SDK_SIP_NOCONNECTION 419100005 The connection does not exist.
SDK_SIP_CONNECTIONEXPIRED 419100006 Connection failed.
SDK_SIP_FORBIDDEN 419100007 Forbidden operation.
SDK_SIP_WRONGSTATE 419100008 Incorrect status.
SDK_SIP_NOLINEDATA 419100009 No corresponding line data.
SDK_SIP_NOREGISTER 419100010 No corresponding registered instance.
SDK_SIP_NODIALOG 419100011 No corresponding call instance.
SDK_SIP_NOSUBSCRIBE 419100012 No corresponding subscription instance.
SDK_SIP_NOREFER 419100013 No corresponding Refer instance.
SDK_SIP_NODIM 419100014 No corresponding DIM instance.
SDK_SIP_CREATEHEADER 419100015 Failed to create the header.
SDK_SIP_PARSEHEADER 419100016 Failed to parse the header.
SDK_SIP_FIELDEXIST 419100017 No header is found.
SDK_SIP_NOSDPBODY 419100018 No SDP message body.
SDK_SIP_GETCAP 419100019 Failed to obtain the capability.
SDK_SIP_COMMCAP 419100020 Failed to compare capabilities.
SDK_SIP_OPENLCFAILED 419100021 Failed to open the logical stream.
SDK_SIP_ENCODESDP 419100022 Failed to encode SDP.
SDK_SIP_DECODESDP 419100023 Failed to decode SDP.
SDK_SIP_UNSUPPORTSDP 419100024 The negotiated SDP is not supported.
SDK_SIP_TPTDINIT 419100025 TPTD initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_TPTINIT 419100026 TPT initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_TXNINIT 419100027 TXN initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_UAINIT 419100028 UA initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_GLUEINIT 419100029 GLUE initialization fails.
SDK_SIP_HLLMINIT 419100030 HLLM initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_VCOMINIT 419100031 VCOM initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_SDPINIT 419100032 SDP initialization failed.
SDK_SIP_MULTIINS 419100033 Multi-instance error.
SDK_SIP_NOREGCB 419100034 Registration control blocks are insufficient.
SDK_SIP_NOSUBCB 419100035 Subscription control blocks are insufficient.
SDK_SIP_NODIACB 419100036 Call control blocks are insufficient.
SDK_SIP_NODIMCB 419100037 IM control blocks are insufficient.
SDK_SIP_PARSEURITOSTR 419100038 Failed to parse the URI in the XML file.
SDK_SIP_ENCRYPTNEGOERR 419100039 Encryption negotiation failed.
SDK_SIP_NOLOCALCAP 419100040 Local capabilities are not configured.
SDK_SIP_BFCPTOKENERR 419100041 BFCP token error.
SDK_SIP_DNSERR 419100042 DNS resolution error.
SDK_SIP_GET_SUB_STATE_ERR 419100043 Failed to obtain the subscription status.
SDK_SIP_NOT_SUPPORT_IPV4 419100044 IPv4 is not supported.
SDK_SIP_NOT_SUPPORT_IPV6 419100045 IPv6 is not supported.
SDK_SIP_NOT_SUPPORT_HOST_TYPE 419100046 The host type is not supported.
SDK_SIP_GET_TIMER_ERROR 419100047 Failed to obtain the timer.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOMEM 419200001 The memory is insufficient.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NULLPTR 419200002 The message pointer is null.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_INVAL 419200003 Invalid message.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_BADRECV 419200004 Receive message failed.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT 419200005 Message processing timed out.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOINIT 419200006 The message is not initialized.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NODESTR 419200007 There is no receiving end.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOAPPNAME 419200008 There is no application name.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_REHANDLE 419200009 The message has already been handled.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TRACE 419200010 Trace message failed.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_SENDERR 419200011 Send message failed.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_BADFUNC 419200012 Abnormal function.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOTIFY 419200013 Message notification failed.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOTFIND 419200014 Message not found.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOMSG 419200015 There is no message.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_NOTFINDMID 419200016 The module ID cannot be found.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TAG_NOT_EXIST 419200017 The tag does not exist.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_QUEUE_FULL 419200018 Queue overflow.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_TAG_ALREADY_EXIST 419200019 The tag already exists.
SDK_VTOP_ERR_MSG_UNKOWN 419200020 Unknown error.
APP_CANNOT_ACCEPT_INVITE_SHARE 420000001 Failed to receive the sharing invitation.
APP_REPORT_CHECK_PARAM_FAILED 420000002 ReportDTO parameter verification failed.
APP_REPORT_FOLD_CREATE_FAILED 420000003 Failed to create the report folder.
APP_REPORT_COMPRESS_FAILED 420000004 Failed to compress the report folder.
APP_REPORT_ZIP_PATH_EMPTY 420000005 The path of the ZIP file to be uploaded is empty.
APP_REPORT_ZIP_SIZE_EXCEED_LIMIT 420000006 The ZIP file to be uploaded is too large.
APP_REPORT_EXCEED_LIMIT_DAILY 420000007 The same person reports more than 100 times within 24 hours.
UISDK_COMMON_ERROR 430100001 Common error.
UISDK_API_INVALID_PARAMETERS 430100002 Parameter error.
UISDK_SIP_CHECK_TIMEOUT 430100003 SIP connection check failed.
UISDK_TIMEOUT 430100004 Timeout.
UISDK_IN_PROCESS 430100005 The API is being processed.
UISDK_NOT_INITED_END 430100006 The initialization is not started or not completed.
UISDK_NOT_SUPPORT_END 430100007 Not supported in this version.
UISDK_OPERATION_INTERRUPT 430100008 The operation is interrupted.
UISDK_CONTACT_NOT_FOUND 430100009 The contact does not exist.
UISDK_ARGS_LENGTH_OVERRUN 430100010 The parameter value is too long.
UISDK_APPID_INFO_ILLEGAL 430100011 Invalid app ID.
UISDK_E2EENCRYPT_ALGORITHM_ERROR 430100012 The end-to-end encryption algorithm is asymmetric.
UISDK_UNLOGIN_ERROR 430200001 The user has not logged in yet.
UISDK_REPEATED_LOGIN_ERROR 430200002 Repeated login.
UISDK_SIP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 430200003 SIP connection timed out.
UISDK_LOGIN_INVALID_PASSWORD_PARAMETER 430200004 The login password is invalid.
UISDK_PASSWORD_OR_ACCOUNT_EMPTY 430200005 The account and password cannot be both empty.
UISDK_CALL_INVALID_ACCOUNT_PARAMETER 430300001 The calling number, account, or third-party account cannot be empty.
UISDK_CALL_ACCOUNT_EMPTY 430300002 The point-to-point call account is empty.
UISDK_CALL_NICKNAME_EMPTY 430300003 The point-to-point call name is empty.
UISDK_JOINCONF_NEED_PASSWORD 430400001 A password is required for joining the meeting.
UISDK_INVALID_TIMEZONE_PARAMETER 430400002 Incorrect time zone.
UISDK_INVALID_CONF_DURATION_PARAMETER 430400003 The meeting duration is less than 1.
UISDK_CONF_INTERRUPTED 430400004 Meeting joining is interrupted.
UISDK_JOINCONF_INPUT_INVALID_PASSWORD 430400005 The password must contain at least four characters.
UISDK_JOINCONF_USER_CANCEL 430400006 The user cancels meeting joining.
UISDK_INVALID_GUEST_PASSWORD_PARAMETER 430400007 Invalid guest password.
UISDK_NOT_IN_CONF_OR_CALL 430400008 The user is not in a meeting or call.
UISDK_ALREADY_EXIST_CONF_OR_CALL 430400009 A meeting or call already exists.
UISDK_CONFID_EMPTY 430400010 The meeting ID cannot be empty.
UISDK_SUBJECT_TOO_LONG 430400011 The meeting topic can contain up to 50 characters.
UISDK_VMR_HOST_PASSWORD_LENGTH_LEGAL 430400012 The length of the host password is invalid.
UISDK_VMR_NAME_EMPTY 430400013 The cloud meeting room name is empty.
UISDK_CONF_STARTTIME_EARLY 430400014 The start time of a meeting is earlier than the current time.
UISDK_SHARE_LOCKED 430400015 The sharing is locked.
UISDK_NOT_IN_DATACONF 430400016 The user is not in the data meeting.
UISDK_ROLE_NOT_SUPPORT_OPERATION 430400017 The role does not support this operation.
UISDK_SCAN_CODE_EXPIRED 430400018 The QR code expired.
UISDK_SCAN_CODE_NOT_SUPPORT 430400019 The QR code not supported.
UISDK_SCAN_CODE_OUTDATED_VERSION 430400020 The large screen version is too early.
UISDK_HTTP_SERVER_ERROR 430500001 Server exception for the HTTP request.
UISDK_HTTP_CONNECT_SERVER_TIMEOUT_ERROR 430500002 Connecting to the server timed out for the HTTP request.
UISDK_NO_NETWORK_ERROR 430500003 The network is unavailable.
UISDK_FILE_TYPE_ILLEGAL 430500004 Invalid file type.
UISDK_FROZEN_LEAVE_CONF 430600001 You left the meeting because the app was frozen in the backend.
UISDK_VIDEO_LAYOUT_MODE_NOT_SUPPORT 600000001 The video layout mode is not supported.
UISDK_CONTROLLER_PAIR_ERROR 600000002 Pairing error.
UISDK_CONTROLLER_PAIR_LINK_IS_NOT_EXIST 600000003 The paired link does not exist.
UISDK_CONTROLLER_CMD_IS_NOT_SUPPORT 600000004 The command is not supported.
UISDK_ACTION_IS_RUNNING 600000005 Executing...
UISDK_MCU_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED 600000006 MCU is not supported.
UISDK_OPERATE_NOT_IN_CONF 600000007 The user is not in the meeting.
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION 600000008 No permission to operate the microphone.
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_UNMUTE 600000009 Unmuting is not allowed.
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_NO_PERMISSION 600000011 Attendees do not have the permission to enable the camera.
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_OPEN 600000012 The camera cannot be enabled.
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_OPEN_LOW_VIDEO_BW 600000013 The camera cannot be enabled when the bandwidth is low.
UISDK_PARAM_IS_INCORRECT 600000014 The volume parameter is incorrect.
UISDK_OPERATE_CAMERA_ERROR_REQUIRE_ALL_ATTENDEES_TO_OPEN_CAMERA 600000015 Disable camera failed. The camera is forcibly enabled in this meeting.
UISDK_OPERATE_MIC_ERROR_LOW_PERFORMANCE_CLOUD_DESKTOP 600000016 The camera cannot be enabled when you join a meeting using a low-performance cloud desktop.
UISDK_OPERATE_SPK_ERROR_SYSTEM_API 600000017 An error occurred when calling the speaker system API.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_403_FORBIDDEN 510000403 Forbidden.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_404_NOT_FOUND 510000404 Not found.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_480_TEM_UNAVAILABLE 510000480 Temporarily unavailable.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_486_BUSYHERE 510000486 Busy here.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_487_REQ_TEMINATED 510000487 Request terminated.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_488_NOT_ACCEPTABLE_HERE 510000488 The request is unacceptable.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_603_DECLINE 510000603 Declined.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_841_HANGUP_WITHOUT_TOAST 510000841 Hang-up without toast.
SDK_CALL_REASON_CODE_842_CONFERENCE_IS_LOCK 510000842 The meeting is locked.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_SERVER_ERROR 910000001 Server exception.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_BREAKDOWN 910000002 The SFU service is faulty.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE 910000003 Service unavailable 503.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED 910000006 The signature has expired.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_RECONNECT_FAILED 910000007 Reconnection timed out.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_NETWORK_TEST 910000008 Network detection.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_USER_REMOVED 910000009 The user is removed.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_ROOM_DISMISSED 910000010 The room is dismissed.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_USER_LOGINED 910000013 The app is in hibernation mode for a long time.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_AUTH_FAILED 910000014 Authorization failed.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_AUTH_RETRY 910000015 Authentication retried.
RTC_SDK_LEAVE_REASON_AUTH_CLOCK_SYNC 910000016 Clock synchronization required.
RTC_SDK_SDK_INTERNAL_ERROR 990000001 Internal error.
RTC_SDK_MSG_TOOLARGE 990000002 The message is too long.
RTC_SDK_MEM_NOT_ENOUGH 990000003 The memory is insufficient.
RTC_SDK_SYNSEND_MSG_ERR 990000004 Failed to send the message synchronously.
RTC_SDK_PARAM_ERROR 990000005 Parameter error.
RTC_SDK_API_CALLED_IN_WRONG_ORDER 990000006 The call ID order is incorrect.
RTC_SDK_SETUP_LOCAL_VIEW_FAIL 990000007 Failed to set the local screen.
RTC_SDK_START_REMOTE_STREAM_VIEW_FAIL 990000008 Failed to enable the remote screen.
RTC_SDK_SET_DEVICE_FAIL 990000009 Failed to configure the device.
RTC_SDK_INITIALIZING 990000010 Initializing...
RTC_SDK_UN_INITIALIZING 990000011 Deinitializing...
RTC_SDK_LOG_UPLOADING 990000012 Uploading logs...
RTC_SDK_MEDIA_PORT_ERROR 990000013 Failed to obtain the media port.
RTC_SDK_WATCH_VIEW_TOO_MUCH 990000014 The number or resolution of screens to focus on exceeds the allowed specifications.
RTC_SDK_MEDIA_CMP_ERR 990000015 Media negotiation failed.
RTC_SDK_SERVER_NO_RESPONSE 990000016 The server does not respond.
RTC_SDK_USER_ROLE_CHANGE_FAIL 990000017 Failed to switch the role.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_FAIL 990000018 Failed to join the room.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_STATUS_BUSY 990000019 The status is busy.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_SERVER_ERROR 990000020 Failed to join the room. Server error.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE 990000021 Failed to join the room. The service is unavailable.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_AUTH_FAIL 990000022 Failed to join the room. Authentication failed.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_AUTH_RETRY 990000023 Failed to join the room. Retry authentication.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_AUTH_CLOCK_SYNC 990000024 Failed to join the room. Synchronize the clock.
RTC_SDK_JOIN_ROOM_URL_NOT_RIGHT 990000025 Failed to join the room. Incorrect URL.
RTC_SDK_KICKED_OFF 990000026 Kicked out.
RTC_SDK_SCREEN_CAPTURE_FAIL 990000027 Sharing failed.
RTC_SDK_EXT_MEDIA_OUTPUT 990000028 This operation is not allowed because the external media output mode is used.
RTC_SDK_RECONNECT_FAILED 990000029 Reconnection failed.
RTC_SDK_SERVER_BREAK_DOWN 990000030 The server is broken down.
RTC_SDK_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED 990000031 The signature has expired.
RTC_SDK_SET_REMOTE_RENDER_MODE_FAIL 990000032 Failed to set the remote window mode.
RTC_SDK_SET_REMOTE_AUDIO_MUTE_FAIL 990000033 Failed to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the audio.
RTC_SDK_CONNECT_OTHER_ROOM_FAIL 990000034 Failed to connect to another room.
RTC_SDK_DISCONNECT_OTHER_ROOM_FAIL 990000035 Failed to disconnect from other rooms.
RTC_SDK_SET_USEROLE_NOT_ALLOWED 990000036 Role switch is not allowed.
RTC_SDK_EXT_MEDIA_CAPTURE_INPUT 990000037 This operation is not allowed because the third-party collection mode is used.
RTC_SDK_SET_EXTAUDIO_CAPTURE_FAIL 990000038 Failed to set third-party audio collection.
RTC_SDK_SET_EXTVIDEO_CAPTURE_FAIL 990000039 Failed to set third-party video collection.
RTC_SDK_SET_SHARE_COMPUTER_SOUND_FAIL 990000040 Failed to set the audio sharing switch.
RTC_SDK_SET_LOCAL_AUDIO_MUTE_FAIL 990000041 Failed to start or stop the uplink audio stream.
RTC_SDK_SET_LOCAL_VIDEO_MUTE_FAIL 990000042 Failed to start or stop the uplink video stream.
RTC_SDK_USER_REMOVED 990000043 The user is removed.
RTC_SDK_ROOM_DISMISSED 990000044 The room is dismissed.
RTC_SDK_SETUP_REMOTE_VIEW_FAIL 990000045 Failed to set the remote view.
RTC_SDK_ROOM_FULL 990000052 Failed to join the room because it is full.
RTC_SDK_NETWORK_FAILED 990000053 MMR network exception.