Updated on 2022-06-14 GMT+08:00


Billing Items

HUAWEI CLOUD DIS is billed based on the record quantity and partition hour.

Table 1 DIS billing

Billing Item


Record quantity

Number of records uploaded to a DIS stream. A single record size cannot exceed 25 KB. If you upload data of larger than 25 KB, the system considers it more than one record.


Common DIS streams are billed based on both the record quantity and partition hour, while advanced DIS streams are billed only based on the partition hour.

Partition hour

Duration of using a partition. A common stream and advanced stream are billed differently based on the partition hour.

Billing Modes

OBS provides two billing modes: pay-per-use and yearly/monthly. Pay-per-use is recommended if you are unsure of your future service needs and want to avoid paying for unused resources. However, if you are sure of your needs, yearly/monthly will be less expensive.

  • Pay-per-use

    Pay-per-use billing is the default setting for DIS. With this billing mode, your service account is only billed for the amount of time (hours) resources actually used for. There is no minimum billing threshold.

  • Yearly/Monthly

    You can also purchase a yearly/monthly resource package for a better price. However, if your usage exceeds the package quota, subsequently used resources will be charged on a pay-per-use basis.

Changing Billing Mode

Pay-per-use billing is the default setting for DIS. You can also purchase yearly/monthly packages, which provide resource quotas in the regions that you specified for the purchased packages. If the actual usage exceeds your package quota, you will be billed for subsequently used resources on a pay-per-use basis.