Updated on 2024-07-15 GMT+08:00


When you use KooPhone, if you have a past due balance on your account, your account will fall into arrears.

Arrears Reason

In pay-per-use mode, your account balance is insufficient.

Impact of Arrears

  • Yearly/Monthly

    This is a pre-paid billing mode, so you can continue using yearly/monthly KooPhone resources even if your account is in arrears. However, you will not be able to perform fee-generating operations, such as renewing an order.

  • Pay-per-Use

    If your account balance is insufficient, your account goes into arrears. However, your pay-per-use resources will not be stopped immediately. There will be a grace period before that occurs. You are still responsible for expenditures generated during the grace period. You can view the charges on the Billing Center > Overview page and pay any past due balance as needed.

    If you do not settle your account balance before the grace period ends, the resource enters a retention period and its status becomes Frozen. You cannot perform any operations while it is in the retention period.

    If you do not settle your account balance before the retention period ends, your data stored in the resource will be deleted and cannot be restored, and the resource will be released.

    Figure 1 Lifecycle of a pay-per-use KooPhone resource

Avoiding and Handling Arrears

Top up your account in time. For details, see Topping Up an Account.

Configure the Balance Alert function on the Billing Center > Overview page. When your balance drops below the threshold, the system automatically notifies you.