Help Center/ Cloud Eye/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ Server Monitoring/ Agent Installation and Configuration
Updated on 2024-04-03 GMT+08:00

Agent Installation and Configuration

Based on the OS you are going to use, server quantity, and personal habits, install the Agent by choosing one or more of the following scenarios:


Supported Service


Installing the Agent on a Linux server


Installing and Configuring the Agent on a Linux ECS or BMS

Installing the Agent on a Windows server


Installing and Configuring the Agent on a Windows ECS

Agent installation and configuration description:

  • To successfully install the Agent, ensure that both DNS and security group rules are correctly configured.
  • After you install the Agent, you can click Restore Agent Configurations on the Cloud Eye console to complete the agency and Agent configuration.
  • If the Agent fails to be configured by clicking Restore Agent Configurations or due to other reasons, manually configure it.
  • It is recommended that you use an ECS or BMS with the Agent installed to create a private image, use the private image to create another ECS or BMS, and then configure the Agent for the new ECS or BMS by following the steps in Restoring the Agent Configurations on a Linux Server.

    A private image created in one region cannot be used in another region. Otherwise, no monitoring data will be generated for the ECSs created by using this private image.

    If you install the Agent on an ECS created using a private image, and any problem occurs during the Agent installation and usage, Cloud Eye does not provide technical support.