Updated on 2024-04-03 GMT+08:00

Agent Features per Version

Metrics or functions supported by the Agent vary depending on the Agent version. By default, the Agent is automatically upgraded, so that you can experience new functions as earlier as possible. The following describes features of each Agent version.

Version 1.2.3

The permission on the file generated after the Agent is installed is optimized.

Version 1.2.2

A 20-minute random hash is added when the Agent is started.

Version 1.1.9

Some metrics are optimized for better experience.

Version 1.1.2

The Agent performance is optimized. When the Agent does not report data, manually rectify it by referring to What Should I Do If the Monitoring Period Is Interrupted or the Agent Status Keeps Changing?

Version 1.0.14

CPU, CPU load, disk, and disk I/O metrics are added to OS Monitoring. For details, see Services Interconnected with Cloud Eye.