Help Center/ Elastic IP/ FAQs/ Product Consultation/ What Are the Differences Among a Bandwidth Add-On Package, Shared Data Package, and Shared Bandwidth?
Updated on 2023-11-09 GMT+08:00

What Are the Differences Among a Bandwidth Add-On Package, Shared Data Package, and Shared Bandwidth?

Bandwidth add-on packages, shared data packages, and shared bandwidths are different products.

Table 1 Differences among a bandwidth add-on package, shared data package, and shared bandwidth


Bandwidth Add-On Package

Shared Data Package

Shared Bandwidth


All customers

All customers

Medium- and large-scale customers


A bandwidth add-on package is used to temporarily increase the maximum shared or dedicated bandwidth of a yearly/monthly EIP.

If you need to temporarily increase your bandwidth, you can purchase a bandwidth add-on package with a specific validity period.

After a shared data package takes effect, EIPs billed by traffic will use the shared data package first. After the shared data package is used up, the EIPs will be billed by traffic on a pay-per-use basis.

Shared data packages are cost-effective than billing by traffic on a pay-per-use basis.

Multiple pay-per-use EIPs can share the same bandwidth.

Shared bandwidth can be billed by bandwidth or by 95th percentile bandwidth (enhanced).

Usage method

The validity period of a bandwidth add-on package must be within that of the bandwidth you want to add the package to.

A shared data package takes effect immediately after being purchased and you do not need to perform any configurations.

After purchasing a shared bandwidth, you need to add EIPs to the shared bandwidth.