Updated on 2024-06-03 GMT+08:00

Pagination Queries

The syntax is as follows:

SELECT query_list FROM table_name [ LIMIT { [offset,] count | ALL } ]
  • offset: indicates the number of rows to skip before starting to return rows.
  • count: indicates the number of data records to be retrieved after the skipped rows.
  • ALL: indicates that all data after the skipped rows is retrieved.
-- Create a table and insert 100 data records into the table.
gaussdb=# CREATE TABLE testl(id int PRIMARY KEY, flag varchar(10));
gaussdb=# INSERT INTO testl (id, flag) VALUES (generate_series(1,100),'flag'||generate_series(1,100));

-- Query the first five data records.
gaussdb=# SELECT * FROM testl ORDER BY 1  LIMIT 5;
 id | flag  
  1 | flag1
  2 | flag2
  3 | flag3
  4 | flag4
  5 | flag5
(5 rows)

-- Query four data records after the twentieth record.
gaussdb=# SELECT * FROM testl ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 20,4;
 id |  flag  
 21 | flag21
 22 | flag22
 23 | flag23
 24 | flag24
(4 rows)

-- Query all data after the ninety-sixth record.
gaussdb=# SELECT * FROM testl ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 96,ALL;
 id  |  flag   
  97 | flag97
  98 | flag98
  99 | flag99
 100 | flag100
(4 rows)

-- Delete.
gaussdb=# DROP TABLE testl;