Updated on 2024-10-08 GMT+08:00

ClickHouse Log Overview

Log Description

Log path: The default storage path of ClickHouse log files is as follows: ${BIGDATA_LOG_HOME}/clickhouse

Log archive rule: The automatic log compression and archiving function are enabled. By default, when the size of logs exceeds 100 MB, logs are automatically compressed into a log file named in the format of <Original log file name>.[No.].gz. A maximum of 10 latest compressed files are reserved by default. The number of compressed files can be configured on Manager.

Table 1 ClickHouse log list

Log Type

Log File Name


Run log


Path of ClickHouseServer error log files


Path of key ClickHouseServer run log files



Path of ClickHouseBalancer startup log files


Path of ClickHouseBalancer error log files


Path of ClickHouseBalancer run log files

Data migration log

/var/log/Bigdata/clickhouse/migration/Data migration task name/clickhouse-copier_{timestamp}_{processId}/copier.log

Run log generated when you use the migration tool by referring to Migrating Data Between ClickHouseServer Nodes in a Cluster

/var/log/Bigdata/clickhouse/migration/Data migration task name/clickhouse-copier_{timestamp}_{processId}/copier.err.log

Error log generated when you use the migration tool by referring to Migrating Data Between ClickHouseServer Nodes in a Cluster

Log Level

Table 2 describes the log levels supported by ClickHouse.

Levels of run logs are error, warning, trace, information, and debug from the highest to the lowest priority. Run logs of equal or higher levels are recorded. The higher the specified log level, the fewer the logs recorded.

Table 2 Log levels




Logs of this level record error information about system running


Logs of this level record exception information about the current event processing


Logs of this level record trace information about the current event processing


Logs of this level record normal running status information about the system and events


Logs of this level record system running and debugging information

To modify log levels, perform the following operations:

  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.
  2. Choose Cluster > Services > ClickHouse > Configurations.
  3. Select All Configurations.
  4. On the menu bar on the left, select the log menu of the target role.
  5. Select a desired log level.
  6. Click Save. Then, click OK.

The configurations take effect immediately without the need to restart the service.

Log Format

The following table lists the ClickHouse log format:

Table 3 Log formats

Log Type



ClickHouse run log

<yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS>|<Log level>|<Name of the thread that generates the log>|<Message in the log>|<Location where the log event occurs>

2021.02.23 15:26:30.691301 [ 6085 ] {} <Error> DynamicQueryHandler: Code: 516, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: default: Authentication failed: password is incorrect or there is no user with such name, Stack trace (when copying this

message, always include the lines below):

0. Poco::Exception::Exception(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, int) @ 0x1250e59c