Help Center/ GaussDB/ Developer Guide(Centralized_V2.0-8.x)/ SQL Reference/ Character Sets and Collations/ Character Sets and Collations of Expressions of the String Type
Updated on 2024-08-20 GMT+08:00

Character Sets and Collations of Expressions of the String Type

Each expression of the string type contains character sets and collation attributes.

In B-compatible mode (sql_compatibility is set to 'B'), if b_format_version is set to '5.7' and b_format_dev_version is set to 's2', the default character sets and collations of string constants are determined by the system parameters character_set_connection and collation_connection. Otherwise, the default character set is the same as server_encoding of the database, and the default collation is default.

Character set syntax:

Currently, the character set syntax for specifying string constants is not supported in GaussDB.


Collation syntax:

You can also specify the collation for expressions of other character string types.

expression [COLLATE collation_name]

Syntax description:

COLLATE collation_name

Collation name, which is the collation attribute of the string.

The data type of the expression must be a data type that supports collations.

The specified collation must be supported by the character set of the expression.


-- Use the COLLATE statement to specify the collation.
gaussdb=# SELECT 'a' COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci = 'A';