Updated on 2023-10-23 GMT+08:00



ALTER ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY modifies an existing row-level access control policy, including the policy name and the users and expressions affected by the policy.


Only the table owner or a system administrator can perform this operation.


ALTER [ ROW LEVEL SECURITY ] POLICY [ IF EXISTS ] policy_name ON table_name RENAME TO new_policy_name;

ALTER [ ROW LEVEL SECURITY ] POLICY policy_name ON table_name
    [ TO { role_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] ]
    [ USING ( using_expression ) ];

Parameter Description

  • policy_name

    Specifies the name of a row-level access control policy.

  • table_name

    Specifies the name of a table to which a row-level access control policy is applied.

  • new_policy_name

    Specifies the new name of a row-level access control policy.

  • role_name

    Specifies names of users affected by a row-level access control policy. PUBLIC indicates that the row-level access control policy will affect all users.

  • using_expression

    Specifies an expression defined for a row-level access control policy. The return value is of the boolean type.


-- Create the data table all_data.
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE all_data(id int, role varchar(100), data varchar(100));

--Create a row-level access control policy to specify that the current user can view only their own data.
openGauss=# CREATE ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY all_data_rls ON all_data USING(role = CURRENT_USER);
openGauss=# \d+ all_data
                               Table "public.all_data"
 Column |          Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id     | integer                |           | plain    |              |
 role   | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
 data   | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
Row Level Security Policies:
    POLICY "all_data_rls"
      USING (((role)::name = "current_user"()))
Has OIDs: no
Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
Options: orientation=row, compression=no

-- Change the name of the all_data_rls policy.
openGauss=# ALTER ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY all_data_rls ON all_data RENAME TO all_data_new_rls;

-- Change the users affected by the row-level access control policy.
openGauss=# ALTER ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY all_data_new_rls ON all_data TO alice, bob;
openGauss=# \d+ all_data
                               Table "public.all_data"
 Column |          Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id     | integer                |           | plain    |              |
 role   | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
 data   | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
Row Level Security Policies:
    POLICY "all_data_new_rls"
      TO alice,bob
      USING (((role)::name = "current_user"()))
Has OIDs: no
Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
Options: orientation=row, compression=no, enable_rowsecurity=true

-- Modify the expression defined for the access control policy.
openGauss=# ALTER ROW LEVEL SECURITY POLICY all_data_new_rls ON all_data USING (id > 100 AND role = current_user);
openGauss=# \d+ all_data
                               Table "public.all_data"
 Column |          Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
 id     | integer                |           | plain    |              |
 role   | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
 data   | character varying(100) |           | extended |              |
Row Level Security Policies:
    POLICY "all_data_new_rls"
      TO alice,bob
      USING (((id > 100) AND ((role)::name = "current_user"())))
Has OIDs: no
Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
Options: orientation=row, compression=no, enable_rowsecurity=true