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Connecting to a GeminiDB Cassandra Instance Using Spark

Updated on 2025-01-26 GMT+08:00

This section describes how to use the Scala to connect to a GeminiDB Cassandra instance.


  • A GeminiDB Cassandra instance has been created and is running properly. For details about how to create a GeminiDB Cassandra instance, see Buying a GeminiDB Cassandra Instance.
  • For details about how to create an ECS, see Purchasing an ECS in Getting Started with Elastic Cloud Server.
  • The Spark environment has been installed on the ECS.


  1. Obtain the private IP address and port number of the GeminiDB Cassandra instance.

    For details about how to obtain the private IP address and port number, see Viewing the IP Address and Port Number of a GeminiDB Cassandra Instance.

  2. Log in to the ECS. For details, see Logging In to an ECS in Getting Started with Elastic Cloud Server.
  3. Edit the code for connecting to the GeminiDB Cassandra instance.

    • If Spark 2.x is used to connect to the GeminiDB Cassandra instance, the recommended versions are as follows:

      Spark: 2.5.1

      Scala: 2.12

      spark-cassandra-connector: 2.5.1

      The following is sample code:
           * There will be security risks if the username and password used for authentication are directly written into code. Store the username and password in ciphertext in the configuration file or environment variables.
           * In this example, the username and password are stored in the environment variables. Before running this example, set environment variables USERNAME_ENV and PASSWORD_ENV as needed.
          val username: String = System.getenv().asScala.mkString("USERNAME_ENV")
          val password: String = System.getenv().asScala.mkString("PASSWORD_ENV")
          val sparkSession = SparkSession
            .appName("Spark Cassandra basic example")
            .config("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "")
            .config("spark.cassandra.connection.port", "9042")
            .config("spark.cassandra.auth.username", username)
            .config("spark.cassandra.auth.password", password)

      If an error is reported during the connection, fix it by following What Can I Do If Spark Failed to Connect to Cassandra?.

    • If Spark 3.x is used to connect to the GeminiDB Cassandra instance, the recommended versions include:

      Spark: 3.2.4

      Scala: 2.12.15

      Java: 1.8

      spark-cassandra-connector: 3.1.0

      1. You are advised to rewrite a CassandraConnectionFactory (change loadBalancingPolicy to DefaultLoadBalancingPolicy). The following is sample code:
        package sample
        import java.io.IOException
        import java.net.{MalformedURLException, URL}
        import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
        import java.time.Duration
        import com.datastax.bdp.spark.ContinuousPagingScanner
        import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.DseProtocolVersion
        import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.config.DseDriverOption
        import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession
        import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DefaultDriverOption._
        import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.{DriverConfigLoader, ProgrammaticDriverConfigLoaderBuilder => PDCLB}
        import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.connection.ExponentialReconnectionPolicy
        import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.loadbalancing.DefaultLoadBalancingPolicy
        import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.ssl.DefaultSslEngineFactory
        import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.ReadConf
        import com.datastax.spark.connector.util.{ConfigParameter, DeprecatedConfigParameter, ReflectionUtil}
        import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkEnv, SparkFiles}
        import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
        import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
        import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.{CassandraConnectionFactory, CassandraConnector, CassandraConnectorConf, CloudBasedContactInfo, DefaultScanner, IpBasedContactInfo, LocalNodeFirstLoadBalancingPolicy, MultipleRetryPolicy, MultiplexingSchemaListener, ProfileFileBasedContactInfo, Scanner}
        class ConnectionFactory extends CassandraConnectionFactory {
          lazy private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnectionFactory")
          def connectorConfigBuilder(conf: CassandraConnectorConf, initBuilder: PDCLB) = {
            def basicProperties(builder: PDCLB): PDCLB = {
              val localCoreThreadCount = Math.max(1, Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() - 1)
                .withInt(CONNECTION_POOL_LOCAL_SIZE, conf.localConnectionsPerExecutor.getOrElse(localCoreThreadCount)) // moved from CassandraConnector
                .withInt(CONNECTION_POOL_REMOTE_SIZE, conf.remoteConnectionsPerExecutor.getOrElse(1)) // moved from CassandraConnector
                .withInt(CONNECTION_INIT_QUERY_TIMEOUT, conf.connectTimeoutMillis)
                .withDuration(CONTROL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, Duration.ofMillis(conf.connectTimeoutMillis))
                .withDuration(METADATA_SCHEMA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, Duration.ofMillis(conf.connectTimeoutMillis))
                .withInt(REQUEST_TIMEOUT, conf.readTimeoutMillis)
                .withClass(RETRY_POLICY_CLASS, classOf[MultipleRetryPolicy])
                .withClass(RECONNECTION_POLICY_CLASS, classOf[ExponentialReconnectionPolicy])
                .withDuration(RECONNECTION_BASE_DELAY, Duration.ofMillis(conf.minReconnectionDelayMillis))
                .withDuration(RECONNECTION_MAX_DELAY, Duration.ofMillis(conf.maxReconnectionDelayMillis))
                .withInt(NETTY_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD, conf.quietPeriodBeforeCloseMillis / 1000)
                .withInt(NETTY_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, conf.timeoutBeforeCloseMillis / 1000)
                .withInt(NETTY_IO_SHUTDOWN_QUIET_PERIOD, conf.quietPeriodBeforeCloseMillis / 1000)
                .withInt(NETTY_IO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, conf.timeoutBeforeCloseMillis / 1000)
                .withBoolean(NETTY_DAEMON, true)
                .withBoolean(RESOLVE_CONTACT_POINTS, conf.resolveContactPoints)
                .withInt(MultipleRetryPolicy.MaxRetryCount, conf.queryRetryCount)
                .withDuration(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_TIMEOUT_FIRST_PAGE, Duration.ofMillis(conf.readTimeoutMillis))
                .withDuration(DseDriverOption.CONTINUOUS_PAGING_TIMEOUT_OTHER_PAGES, Duration.ofMillis(conf.readTimeoutMillis))
            // compression option cannot be set to NONE (default)
            def compressionProperties(b: PDCLB): PDCLB =
                .filter(_.toLowerCase != "none")
                .fold(b)(c => b.withString(PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION, c.toLowerCase))
            def localDCProperty(b: PDCLB): PDCLB =
              conf.localDC.map(b.withString(LOAD_BALANCING_LOCAL_DATACENTER, _)).getOrElse(b)
            // add ssl properties if ssl is enabled
            def ipBasedConnectionProperties(ipConf: IpBasedContactInfo) = (builder: PDCLB) => {
                .withStringList(CONTACT_POINTS, ipConf.hosts.map(h => s"${h.getHostString}:${h.getPort}").toList.asJava)
                .withClass(LOAD_BALANCING_POLICY_CLASS, classOf[DefaultLoadBalancingPolicy])
              def clientAuthEnabled(value: Option[String]) =
                if (ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.clientAuthEnabled) value else None
              if (ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.enabled) {
                  SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH -> ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.trustStorePath,
                  SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD -> ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.trustStorePassword,
                  SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH -> clientAuthEnabled(ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.keyStorePath),
                  SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD -> clientAuthEnabled(ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.keyStorePassword))
                  .foldLeft(builder) { case (b, (name, value)) =>
                    value.map(b.withString(name, _)).getOrElse(b)
                  .withClass(SSL_ENGINE_FACTORY_CLASS, classOf[DefaultSslEngineFactory])
                  .withStringList(SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, ipConf.cassandraSSLConf.enabledAlgorithms.toList.asJava)
                  .withBoolean(SSL_HOSTNAME_VALIDATION, false) // TODO: this needs to be configurable by users. Set to false for our integration tests
              } else {
            val universalProperties: Seq[PDCLB => PDCLB] =
              Seq( basicProperties, compressionProperties, localDCProperty)
            val appliedProperties: Seq[PDCLB => PDCLB] = conf.contactInfo match {
              case ipConf: IpBasedContactInfo => universalProperties :+ ipBasedConnectionProperties(ipConf)
              case other => universalProperties
            appliedProperties.foldLeft(initBuilder){ case (builder, properties) => properties(builder)}
          /** Creates and configures native Cassandra connection */
          override def createSession(conf: CassandraConnectorConf): CqlSession = {
            val configLoaderBuilder = DriverConfigLoader.programmaticBuilder()
            val configLoader = connectorConfigBuilder(conf, configLoaderBuilder).build()
            val initialBuilder = CqlSession.builder()
            val builderWithContactInfo =  conf.contactInfo match {
              case ipConf: IpBasedContactInfo =>
              case CloudBasedContactInfo(path, authConf) =>
              case ProfileFileBasedContactInfo(path) =>
                //Ignore all programmatic config for now ... //todo maybe allow programmatic config here by changing the profile?
                logger.warn(s"Ignoring all programmatic configuration, only using configuration from $path")
            val appName = Option(SparkEnv.get).map(env => env.conf.getAppId).getOrElse("NoAppID")
              .withSchemaChangeListener(new MultiplexingSchemaListener())
           * Checks the Spark Temp work directory for the file in question, returning
           * it if exists, returning a generic URL from the string if not
          def maybeGetLocalFile(path: String): URL = {
            val localPath = Paths.get(SparkFiles.get(path))
            if (Files.exists(localPath)) {
              logger.info(s"Found the $path locally at $localPath, using this local file.")
            } else {
              try {
                new URL(path)
              } catch {
                case e: MalformedURLException =>
                  throw new IOException(s"The provided path $path is not a valid URL nor an existing locally path. Provide an " +
                    s"URL accessible to all executors or a path existing on all executors (you may use `spark.files` to " +
                    s"distribute a file to each executor).", e)
          def continuousPagingEnabled(session: CqlSession): Boolean = {
            val confEnabled = SparkEnv.get.conf.getBoolean(CassandraConnectionFactory.continuousPagingParam.name, CassandraConnectionFactory.continuousPagingParam.default)
            val pv = session.getContext.getProtocolVersion
            if (pv.getCode > DseProtocolVersion.DSE_V1.getCode && confEnabled) {
              logger.debug(s"Scan Method Being Set to Continuous Paging")
            } else {
              logger.debug(s"Scan Mode Disabled or Connecting to Non-DSE Cassandra Cluster")
          override def getScanner(
                                   readConf: ReadConf,
                                   connConf: CassandraConnectorConf,
                                   columnNames: scala.IndexedSeq[String]): Scanner = {
            val isContinuousPagingEnabled =
              new CassandraConnector(connConf).withSessionDo { continuousPagingEnabled }
            if (isContinuousPagingEnabled) {
              logger.debug("Using ContinousPagingScanner")
              ContinuousPagingScanner(readConf, connConf, columnNames)
            } else {
              logger.debug("Not Connected to DSE 5.1 or Greater Falling back to Non-Continuous Paging")
              new DefaultScanner(readConf, connConf, columnNames)
      2. The code for connecting to the GeminiDB Cassandra instance is as follows:
             * There will be security risks if the username and password used for authentication are directly written into code. Store the username and password in ciphertext in the configuration file or environment variables.
             * In this example, the username and password are stored in the environment variables. Before running this example, set environment variables USERNAME_ENV and PASSWORD_ENV as needed.
        val username: String = System.getenv().asScala.mkString("USERNAME_ENV")
        val password: String = System.getenv().asScala.mkString("PASSWORD_ENV")
        val sparkSession = SparkSession
          .appName("Spark Cassandra basic example")
          .config("spark.cassandra.connection.host", host)
          .config("spark.cassandra.connection.port", port)
          .config("spark.cassandra.auth.username", username)
          .config("spark.cassandra.auth.password", password)
        Set .config("spark.cassandra.connection.factory", "sample.ConnectionFactory") //Set ConnectionFactory as needed.

  4. Run the sample code to check whether the instance is connected.

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