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API Overview

Updated on 2024-12-16 GMT+08:00
Table 1 Overview




Application management V3 APIs

Environment APIs

APIs related to environments.

An environment is a collection of basic compute (such as CCE and ECS), network (such as ELB and EIP), and middleware (such as DCS and RDS) resources, used for component deployment and running. ServiceStage combines multiple basic resources into an environment, including development, test, pre-production, and production environments. Managing resources and deploying components by environment simplifies O&M management.

Application APIs

APIs related to applications.

An application is a service system with functions and consists of one or more components.

Component APIs

APIs related to components.

A component is a service feature implementation of an application. It is carried by code or software packages and can be independently deployed and run in an environment.

Configuration Management APIs

APIs related to configurations.

In ServiceStage, a configuration is a file. By creating a unified configuration file, you can fill the system variables (such as the IP address, port number, database address, and application name associated with the environment) of the environment and application in the configuration to generate a configuration file. When a component is associated with a configuration file for deployment, the system variables are automatically replaced with the actual value. This implements multi-environment use with one-time configuration through file mounting.

Technology Stack APIs

APIs related to the technology stack.

A technology stack includes the operating system, framework, and runtime system on which component running depends. It consists of attributes such as the technology stack name, type, status, and version. The version number complies with the semantic versioning specifications. ServiceStage provides and manages the stack lifecycle. You only need to focus on service development to improve application hosting experience.

Deployment Job API

APIs related to deployment jobs.

Add-on Management APIs

APIs related to add-on management.

Git repository access APIs

Git Repository Access APIs

APIs related to Git repository authorization, namespaces, projects, branches, tags, commits, hooks, repository file directories, and contents.


Dynamic Configuration

APIs related to configuration import to and export from the configuration management center.

Engine Management

APIs related to exclusive microservice engine creation, query, and deletion.

ServiceComb APIs


APIs related to microservice identity authentication.


APIs related to microservice management.


APIs related to microservice contract query and upload.

Microservice Instance

APIs related to microservice instance registry and heartbeat reporting.


APIs related to microservice dependency query.

Configuration Management

APIs related to configuration management of the configuration center.

Environment APIs

Table 2 Environment APIs



Creating an Environment

Create an environment.

Obtaining All Environments

Obtain all environments.

Deleting an Environment Based on the Environment ID

Delete an environment based on the environment ID.

Modifying an Environment Based on the Environment ID

Modify an environment based on the environment ID.

Obtaining Environment Details Based on the Environment ID

Obtain environment details based on the environment ID.

Modifying an Environment Resource Based on the Environment ID

Modify an environment resource based on environment ID.

Enabling an Environment Resource Based on the Environment ID

Query an environment resource based on environment ID.

Querying a Managed Resource Based on the Environment ID

Query a managed resource based on the environment ID.

Querying a Created Resource Based on the Environment ID

Query a created resource based on the environment ID.

Adding an Environment Resource Based on the Environment ID

Add an environment resource based on the environment ID.

Updating an Environment Resource Based on the Environment ID

Update an environment resource based on the environment ID.

Deleting an Environment Resource Based on the Environment ID

Delete an environment resource based on the environment ID.

Querying Resource Enabling Records Based on the Environment ID

Query resource enabling records based on the environment ID.

Querying the Details of a Resource Enabling Record Based on the Environment ID

Query the details of a resource enabling record based on the environment ID.

Querying the Events of a Resource Enabling Record Based on the Environment ID

Query the events of a resource enabling record based on the environment ID.

Application APIs

Table 3 Application APIs



Creating an Application

Create an application.

Obtaining All Applications

Obtain all applications.

Modifying Application Information Based on the Application ID

Modify application information based on the application ID.

Deleting an Application Based on the Application ID

Delete an application based on the application ID.

Obtaining Application Details Based on the Application ID

Obtain application details based on the application ID.

Obtaining Application Configurations Based on the Application ID

Obtain application configurations based on the application ID.

Modifying Application Configurations Based on the Application ID

Modify application configurations based on the application ID.

Deleting Application Configurations Based on the Application ID

Delete application configurations based on the application ID.

Component APIs

Table 4 Component APIs



Creating an Application Component

Create an application component.

Obtaining All Components of an Application

Obtain all components of an application.

Obtaining All Components

Obtain all components.

Modifying Component Information Based on the Component ID

Modify component information based on the component ID.

Deleting a Component Based on the Component ID

Delete a component based on the component ID.

Obtaining Component Information Based on the Component ID

Obtain component information based on the component ID.

Delivering a Component Task Based on the Component ID

Deliver a component action based on the component ID.

Obtaining Records Based on the Component ID

Obtain records based on the component ID.

Refreshing Component Information Based on the Component ID

Refresh the component status and access mode based on the component ID.

Obtaining Component Configuration Information

Obtain information about the application, environment, and enterprise project to which all components belong.

Technology Stack APIs

Table 5 Technology stack APIs



Querying a Runtime System Stack

Query technology stack information.

Querying a Built-in Image

Obtain the built-in basic images used for building ServiceStage technology stacks.

Creating a Technology Stack

Create a custom technology stack.

Querying a Technology Stack Based on the Technology Stack ID

Query a technology stack based on the technology stack ID.

Modifying a Technology Stack Based on the Technology Stack ID

Modify a technology stack based on the technology stack ID.

Deleting a Technology Stack Based on the Technology Stack ID

Delete a technology stack based on the technology stack ID.

Releasing or Canceling the Release of a Technology Stack

Release or cancel the release of a technology stack.

Configuration Management APIs

Table 6 Configuration management APIs



Creating a Configuration Group

Create a configuration group to manage configuration files.

Obtaining a Configuration Group

Obtain all created configuration groups.

Creating a Configuration File

Create a configuration file.

Importing a Configuration File

Import a configuration file in .zip format.

Obtaining Configuration File Information

Obtain the configuration file information.

Obtaining Configuration File Information Based on the Configuration File ID

Obtain the details about a configuration file based on the configuration file ID.

Deleting a Configuration File Based on the Configuration File ID

Delete a configuration file based on the configuration file ID.

Modifying a Configuration File Based on the Configuration File ID

Modify a configuration file based on the configuration file ID.

Obtaining the Configuration File Record Based on the Configuration File ID

Obtain the configuration file record based on the configuration file ID.

Obtaining the Configuration File Record Information Based on the Record ID

Obtain the configuration file record information based on the record ID.

Deleting a Configuration File Record Based on the Record ID

Delete a configuration file record based on the record ID.

Obtaining Configuration Group Details Based on the Group ID

Obtain the configuration group details based on the group ID.

Deleting a Configuration Group Based on the Group ID

Delete a configuration group based on the group ID.

Deployment Job API

Table 7 Deployment job API



Obtaining Job Details

Obtain job details.

Add-on Management APIs

Table 8 Add-on management APIs



Creating an Add-on

Create an add-on.

Querying the Add-on List

Query the add-on list in an environment.

Querying Add-on Metadata

Query the add-on metadata in an environment.

Querying Add-on Details Based on the Add-on ID

Query details about an add-on in an environment.

Delivering an Add-on Job Based on the Add-on ID

Deliver an add-on job based on the add-on ID.

Deleting an Add-on Based on the Add-on ID

Delete an add-on based on the add-on ID.

Git Repository Access APIs

Table 9 Git repository access APIs



Obtaining a Git Repository Authorization List

Obtain the Git repository authorization list.

Obtaining an Authorization Redirection URL

Obtain an authorization redirection URL.

Creating OAuth Authorization

Create OAuth authorization.

Creating Private Token Authorization

Create private token authorization.

Creating Password Authorization

Create password authorization for a Git repository.

Deleting Repository Authorization

Delete repository authorization based on the name.

Obtaining a Repository Namespace

Obtain namespaces of a repository.

Obtaining Repository Information Based on the Clone URL

Obtain repository information based on the clone URL.

Obtaining All Projects in a Namespace

Obtain all projects in a namespace.

Creating a Software Repository Project

Create a software repository project.

Obtaining a Project Branch

Obtain a project branch.

Obtaining a Project Tag

Obtain a project tag.

Creating a Project Tag

Create a project tag.

Deleting a Project Tag

Delete a project tag.

Obtaining Project Commits

Obtain the latest ten project commits.

Obtaining a Project Hook

Obtain a project hook.

Creating a Project Hook

Create a project hook.

Deleting a Project Hook

Delete a project hook.

Obtaining a Repository File Directory

Obtain a repository file directory.

Obtaining Repository File Contents

Obtain repository file contents.

Creating a Repository File

Create a repository file.

Modifying Repository File Contents

Modify repository file contents.

Deleting a Repository File

Delete repository file contents.

Dynamic Configuration

Table 10 Dynamic configuration APIs



Importing Configurations

Import configurations to the configuration management center.

Exporting Configurations

Export configurations from the configuration management center.

Engine Management

Table 11 Engine management APIs



Querying Flavors Supported by an Exclusive Microservice Engine

Query the flavors supported by an exclusive microservice engine.

Querying the Exclusive Microservice Engine List

Query the exclusive microservice engine list.

Creating an Exclusive Microservice Engine

Create an exclusive microservice engine.

Querying Details About an Exclusive Microservice Engine

Query details about an exclusive microservice engine.

Deleting an Exclusive Microservice Engine

Delete an exclusive microservice engine.

Querying Details About an Exclusive Microservice Engine Job

Query details about an exclusive microservice engine job.


Table 12 Authentication APIs



Obtaining the User Token of an Exclusive Microservice Engine

This API is intended only for exclusive microservice engines with security authentication enabled.

Before accessing APIs of an exclusive microservice engine with security authentication enabled, you need to call this API to obtain a user token. This token is the unique credential for accessing the APIs.


Table 13 Microservice APIs



Querying Information About a Microservice

Query the definition information about a microservice based on serviceId.

Deleting Definition Information About a Microservice

Delete the definition and related information about a microservice, and deregisters all instances of the microservice.

Querying Information About All Microservices

Query information about microservices that meet filter criteria.

Creating Static Information for a Microservice

Create static information for a microservice before registering a microservice instance. The registered instance is associated with the static information based on the serviceId field. One service corresponds to multiple instances. The serviceId field can be customized. If serviceId is not customized, the system generates a random serviceId.

Deleting Static Information About Microservices in Batches

Delete the definitions and related information about microservices in batches, and deregisters all instances of the microservices.

Modifying Extended Attributes of a Microservice

Modify static information about a microservice To update some fields in the static information, input all static information (including the fields that do not need to be updated) in JSON format.

Querying the Unique Service or Schema ID of a Microservice

Query the unique serviceId or schema ID of a microservice based on filter criteria.


Table 14 Schema APIs



Querying a Microservice Schema

Query a microservice schema based on service_id and schema_id.

Modifying a Microservice Schema

Modify a microservice schema based on schema_id.

Querying All Schema Information About a Microservice

Query all schema information (including schemaId and summary) about a microservice.

Microservice Instance

Table 15 Microservice instance APIs



Registering a Microservice Instance

Register a microservice instance after a microservice is created. Information about the instance must be provided during registration. instanceId can be customized. If it is customized, all contents are overwritten upon re-registration. If it is not customized, the system automatically generates an ID. If the endpoint content is duplicate, the original ID is used.

Querying a Microservice Instance Based on service_id

Query all instances of a microservice based on service_id after the instances are registered.

Deregistering a Microservice Instance

Deregister an instance based on instance_id after the instance is registered.

Querying Details About a Microservice Instance

Query details about an instance based on service_id and instance_id after the instance is registered.

Modifying the Extended Information About a Microservice Instance

Add or update the extended information about a microservice instance based on instance_id after the instance is registered.

Modifying Status of a Microservice Instance

Modify the status of a microservice instance based on instance_id after the instance is registered.

Sending Heartbeat Information

Send heartbeat information from service provider to service center, so that the service center can check whether service instances are normal.

Querying a Microservice Instance by Filter Criteria

Query a microservice instance based on microservice version rules or field filter criteria after the instance is registered.

Querying Microservice Instances in Batches

Query microservice instances in batches based on microservice version rules or field filter criteria after the instances are registered.


Table 16 Dependency APIs



Querying All Providers of a Microservice

Query all providers of a microservice based on consumer_id. For example, if service A depends on services B and C, you can query the information about services B and C based on service A ID.

Configuration Management

Table 17 Configuration management APIs



Creating a Configuration

Create a configuration.

Modifying a Configuration

Modify a configuration.

Querying a Configuration

Query a configuration.

Querying the Configuration List

Query the configuration list.

Deleting a Configuration

Delete a configuration.

Deleting All Configurations

Delete all configurations.

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