Updated on 2024-02-21 GMT+08:00

API Overview


API Type


Instance management

Managing Instances

Instance management APIs, which allow you to create, delete, edit, and query LakeFormation instances.

With these APIs, you can create instances and obtain information about the created instances.

Managing Agreement Authorization

Agreement authorization management APIs, which allow you to authorize agreements, and query system and authorized agreements.

Before using LakeFormation, you need to understand and accept related agreements and authorization.

Managing OBS Buckets

OBS bucket management APIs, which allow you to query OBS buckets and objects.

With these APIs, you can obtain the OBS information needed for configuring the storage path of metadata.

Managing Service Accesses

Service access management APIs, which allow you to obtain access information and apply for access.

Once the service is activated and the instances are set up, LakeFormation can offer metadata management features to other services. However, these services need to connect to LakeFormation through this API before they can access the metadata management features that LakeFormation provides.

Job Management

Task management APIs, including the APIs that create tasks and list task information.

With these delicious, you can create and manage tasks.

Metadata management

Managing functions

Function management APIs, which allow you to create and delete functions.

With these APIs, you can create functions and obtain information about the created functions.

Managing Catalogs

Catalog management APIs.

With these APIs, you can create and delete catalogs.

Managing Databases

Database management APIs.

With these APIs, you can create and delete databases.

Managing Tables

Table management APIs.

With these APIs, you can create and delete tables.

Collecting Table Statistics

Table statistics APIs.

With these APIs, you can obtain the column statistics of a table and delete the statistics of a specified column.

Managing Partitions

Partition management APIs.

With these APIs, you can create and delete partitions.

Collecting Partition Statistics

Partition statistics APIs.

With these APIs, you can obtain and delete partition column statistics.

Managing Authorizations

Authorization management APIs.

With these APIs, you can query authorization policies and perform batch authorization.

Managing User Groups

User group management APIs.

With these APIs, you can obtain information such as user groups of a tenant.

Managing Instances

Table 1 Instance management APIs



Creating an Instance

Allows you to create a LakeFormation instance.

Querying the Instance List

Allows you to query a list of instances created by a user.

Deleting an Instance

Allows you to delete a LakeFormation instance by ID.

Querying Instance Details

Allows you to query the details of LakeFormation instances by ID.

Updating an Instance

Allows you to modify LakeFormation instance information.

Managing Agreement Authorization

Table 2 Agreement authorization APIs



Registering a Tenant Agreement

Allows you to authorize and delegate users.

Querying whether a Tenant Has Registered an Agreement

Allows you to query the agreement and agency information of a tenant.

Querying the Current System Agreement

Allows you to query the current system agreement.

Managing OBS Buckets

Table 3 OBS bucket management APIs



Querying the OBS Buckets

Allows you to query the list of OBS buckets.

Querying the OBS Bucket Objects

Allows you to query the object list of an OBS bucket.

Managing Service Accesses

Table 4 Service access management APIs



Obtaining the Service Access Information

Allows you to obtain the access information about the API Gateway instance based on the LakeFormation instance.

Applying for Service Access

Allows you to apply for the VPCEP connection to access API Gateway.

Job Management

Table 5 Job management APIs



Creating a Job

Allows you to create jobs.

Listing Tasks by Condition on Different Page

Jobs information can be listed on multiple pages based on search criteria. Fuzzy search by job name and filtering by latest execution status are supported.

Deleting a Job

Allows you to delete a job. A submitted or running job can be deleted only after it is stopped.

Obtaining Job Details

Allows you to get job details.

Modifying a Job

Allows you to modify job information.

Starting a Job

Allows you to run the job.

Stopping a Job

Allows you to stop your job.

Checking the Logs of a Job

Allows you to view the job log specified by the job ID.

Managing functions

Table 6 Function Management APIs



Listing All Functions in a Catalog

Allows you to obtain all functions in a catalog.

Modifying Function Attributes

Allows you to modify the attributes of a function.

Creating a Function

Allows you to create a function.

Querying a Function

Allows you to query function information by function name.

Deleting a Function

Allows you to delete a function.

Listing Functions

Allows you to list functions.

Managing Catalogs

Table 7 Catalog management APIs



Listing Catalogs

Allows you to query catalog details based on the wildcard of the catalog name.

Obtaining Catalog Information

Allows you to obtain catalog information.

Creating a Catalog

Allows you to create a catalog. A default database is created in the catalog. The database name is default.

Modifying a Catalog

Allows you to modify catalog information.

Deleting a Catalog

Allows you to delete empty catalog objects.

Before the deletion, ensure that the catalog contains only the default database and the default database does not contain table objects. Otherwise, the deletion fails.

Managing Databases

Table 8 Database management APIs



Listing Database Information

Allows you to query database information.

Creating a Database

Allows you to create a database.

Obtaining a Database

Allows you to obtain the database names.

Modifying Database Attributes

Allows you to modify database attributes.

Deleting a Database

Allows you to delete a database. The default database of the catalog cannot be deleted.

cascade: If this parameter is set to true, tables in the database are deleted. If it is set to false, only empty databases can be deleted.

delete_data: If this parameter is set to true, table data is moved to the recycle bin. If it is set to false, table data is not deleted.

After a database is deleted, transaction tables in the database cannot be restored.

Managing Tables

Table 9 Table Management APIs



Obtaining Table Description Page by Page

Allows you to find the table that meets the conditions and returns the table description based on the database wildcard and table wildcard.

Tenant token.

Allows you to query the table information list in the database based on the table name.

Listing Tables on Different Pages by Condition

Returns the metadata of the table that meets the query conditions in the database. Transaction operations are not supported.

If the table name wildcard or table type is not empty, the table name and type are preferentially used for filtering.

If the table name wildcard or table type is empty, filter data based on attributes.

Creating a Table

Allows you to create a table.

Obtaining Table Information

Allows you to obtain table information.

Modifying Table Information

Allows you to modify table information.

Deleting a Table

Allows you to delete a table and its partitions.

Collecting Table Statistics

Table 10 Table statistics APIs



Obtaining Column Statistics

Allows you to obtain the column statistics of a table.

Updating Table Column Statistics

Allows you to update the column statistics of a table.

Deleting Column Statistics from a Table

Allows you to delete statistics about a specified column in a table.

Managing Partitions

Table 11 Partition Management APIs



Listing Partitions

Allows you to traverse the partition list in a table. For a transaction table, the partition list can be traversed based on a specific table version.

If there are filter criteria, the system filters data based on the filter criteria first.

If no filter criterion is available, the system filters data based on the partition values (if any).

All partitions in a table will be returned if no filter criterion or partition value is available.

Modifying Partitions in Batches

Allows you to modify partition information. All partitions must exist. If a partition does not exist, a failure message is returned.

Adding Partitions in Batches

Allows you to add partition information in batches.

Deleting Partitions in Batches

Allows you to delete partition information.

If data deletion is enabled for a non-transaction table, data in the partition data path is immediately deleted.

If data deletion is enabled for a transaction table, the data is retained in the original path but is invisible to other services. The data is deleted after it expires.

Obtaining Partitions in Batches

Allows you to obtain partition information in batches.

Listing Partition Values

Allows you to traverse the partition name list.

For transaction tables, the partition name list can be traversed based on a specific table version.

Collecting Partition Statistics

Table 12 Partition statistics APIs



Obtaining Column Statistics in a Partition in Batches

Allows you to obtain partition column statistics in batches.

Setting Partition Statistics in Batches

Allows you to set partition column statistics in batches.

Deleting Column Statistics in a Partition

Allows you to delete partition column statistics.

Managing Authorizations

Table 13 Authorization management APIs



Granting Permissions in Batches

Allows you to authorize users in batches.

Canceling Batch Authorization

Allows you to cancel authorization in batches.

Querying a Policy

Allows you to query by filter criterion.

Managing User Groups

Table 14 User group management APIs



Obtaining the User Group of a Tenant

Allows you to obtain tenant user groups.