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Cluster Evaluation
Migrating applications from one environment to another is a challenging task, so you need to plan and prepare carefully. kspider is a tool used to collect information about the source cluster. It provides cluster-related data such as the Kubernetes version, scale, workload quantity, storage, and in-use images. The data helps you understand the current status of the cluster and evaluate migration risks, and select a proper destination cluster version and scale.
How kspider Works
Figure 1 shows the architecture of kspider, which consists of three modules: collection, connection management, and analysis. The collection module can collect data of the source cluster, including namespaces, workloads, nodes, and networks. The connection management module establishes connections with the API Server of the source cluster. The analysis module aims to output the collected data of the source cluster (generating the cluster-*.json file) and provide the recommendation information of the destination cluster (generating the preferred-*.json file) after evaluation.
Usage of kspider
kspider can run on Linux (x86 and Arm) and Windows. The usage is similar in both environments. This section uses the Linux (x86) environment as an example.
If Linux (Arm) or Windows is used, replace kspider-linux-amd64 in the following command with kspider-linux-arm64 or kspider-windows-amd64.exe.
Prepare a server, upload kspider to the server, and decompress the tool package. For details, see Preparations. Run ./kspider-linux-amd64 -h in the directory where kspider is located to learn about its usage.
- -k, --kubeconfig: specifies the location of the kubeconfig file of kubectl. The default value is $HOME/.kube/config. The kubeconfig file is used to configure access to the Kubernetes cluster. The kubeconfig file contains the authentication credentials and endpoints (access addresses) required for accessing and registering the Kubernetes cluster. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation.
- -n, --namespaces: specifies the collected namespace. By default, system namespaces such as kube-system, kube-public, and kube-node-lease are excluded.
- -q, --quiet: indicates static exit.
- -s, --serial: specifies the unique sequence number of the output aggregation file (cluster-{serial}.json) and recommendation file (preferred-{serial}.json).
$ ./kspider-linux-amd64 -h A cluster information collection and recommendation tool implement by Go. Usage: kspider [flags] Aliases: kspider, kspider Flags: -h, --help help for kspider -k, --kubeconfig string The kubeconfig of k8s cluster's. Default is the $HOME/.kube/config. (default "$HOME/.kube/config") -n, --namespaces string Specify a namespace for information collection. If multiple namespaces are specified, separate them with commas (,), such as ns1,ns2. default("") is all namespaces -q, --quiet command to execute silently -s, --serial string User-defined sequence number of the execution. The default value is the time when the kspider is started. (default "1673853404")
Step 1: Collect Data from the Source Cluster
- Connect to the source cluster using kubectl. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
- Use the default parameter settings to collect data of all namespaces in the cluster. Run the ./kspider-linux-amd64 command.
Command output:
[~]# ./kspider-linux-amd64 The Cluster version is v1.15.6-r1-CCE2.0.30.B001 There are 5 Namespaces There are 2 Nodes Name CPU Memory IP Arch OS Kernel MachineID 4 8008284Ki [] amd64 linux 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 ef9270ed-7eb3-4ce6-a2d8-f1450f85489a 4 8008284Ki [] amd64 linux 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 2d889590-9a32-47e5-b947-09c5bda81849 There are 9 Pods There are 0 LonePods: There are 2 StatefulSets: Name Namespace NodeAffinity minio default false minio minio false There are 3 Deployments: Name Namespace NodeAffinity rctest default true flink-operator-controller-manager flink-operator-system false rctest minio false There are 1 DaemonSets: Name Namespace NodeAffinity ds-nginx minio false There are 0 Jobs: There are 0 CronJobs: There are 4 PersistentVolumeClaims: Namespace/Name Pods default/pvc-data-minio-0 default/minio-0 minio/obs-testing minio/ds-nginx-9hmds,minio/ds-nginx-4jsfg minio/pvc-data-minio-0 minio/minio-0 There are 5 PersistentVolumes: Name Namespace pvcName scName size key pvc-bd36c70f-75bf-4000-b85c-f9fb169a14a8 minio-pv obs-testing csi-obs 1Gi pvc-bd36c70f-75bf-4000-b85c-f9fb169a14a8 pvc-c7c768aa-373a-4c52-abea-e8b486d23b47 minio-pv pvc-data-minio-0 csi-disk-sata 10Gi 1bcf3d00-a524-45b1-a773-7efbca58f36a pvc-4f52462b-3b4c-4191-a63b-5a36a8748c05 minio obs-testing csi-obs 1Gi pvc-4f52462b-3b4c-4191-a63b-5a36a8748c05 pvc-9fd92c99-805a-4e65-9f22-e238130983c8 default pvc-data-minio-0 csi-disk 10Gi 590afd05-fc68-4c10-a598-877100ca7b3f pvc-a22fd877-f98d-4c3d-a04e-191d79883f97 minio pvc-data-minio-0 csi-disk-sata 10Gi 48874130-df77-451b-9b43-d435ac5a11d5 There are 7 Services: Name Namespace ServiceType headless-lxprus default ClusterIP kubernetes default ClusterIP minio default NodePort flink-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service flink-operator-system ClusterIP flink-operator-webhook-service flink-operator-system ClusterIP headless-lxprus minio ClusterIP minio minio NodePort There are 0 Ingresses: There are 6 Images: Name gcr.io/flink-operator/flink-operator:v1beta1-6 flink:1.8.2 swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/paas/minio:latest nginx:stable-alpine-perl swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/everest/minio:latest gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy:v0.4.0 There are 2 Extra Secrets: SecretType cfe/secure-opaque helm.sh/release.v1
After the kspider command is executed, the following files are generated in the current directory:
- cluster-*.json: This file contains data collected from the source cluster and applications. The data can be used to analyze and plan the migration.
- preferred-*.json: This file contains information about the recommended destination cluster. A preliminary evaluation is performed for the source cluster according to its scale and node specifications. The file provides suggestions on the version and scale of the destination cluster.
- View the data collected from the source cluster and applications.
You can use a text editor or JSON viewer to open the cluster-*.json file to view the data. Replace the asterisk (*) in the file name with the actual timestamp or serial number to find and open the correct file.
Description of the cluster-*.json file:
{ K8sVersion: Kubernetes version. The value is a string. Namespaces: number of namespaces. The value is a string. Pods: total number of pods. The value is an integer. Nodes: node information. The IP address is used as the key to display node information. IP addresses CPU: CPU. The value is a string. Arch: CPU architecture. The value is a string. Memory: memory. The value is a string. HugePages1Gi: 1 GB hugepage memory. The value is a string. HugePages2Mi: 2 MB hugepage memory. The value is a string. OS: node OS. The value is a string. KernelVersion: OS kernel version. The value is a string. RuntimeVersion: running status and version of the node container. The value is a string. InternalIP: internal IP address. The value is a string. ExternalIP: external IP address. The value is a string. MachineID: node ID. The value is a string. Ensure that the CCE ID is the same as the ECS ID. Workloads: workload Deployment: workload type. The value can be Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet, CronJob, Job, or LonePod. default: namespace name Count: quantity. The value is an integer. Items: details. The value is an array. Name: workload name. The value is a string. Namespace: namespace name. The value is a string. NodeAffinity: node affinity. The value is of the Boolean type. Replicas: number of replicas. The value is an integer. Storage: storage PersistentVolumes: persistent volume pv-name: The PV name is used as the key. VolumeID: volume ID. The value is a string. Namespace: namespace. The value is a string. PvcName: name of the bound PVC. The value is a string. ScName: storage class name. The value is a string. Size: size of the space to request. The value is a string. Pods: name of the pod that uses the PV. The value is a string. NodeIP: IP address of the node where the pod is located. The value is a string. VolumePath: path of the node to which the pod is mounted. The value is a string. OtherVolumes: volumes of other types Type: AzureFile, AzureDisk, GCEPersistentDisk, AWSElasticBlockStore, Cinder, Glusterfs, NFS, CephFS, FlexVolume, FlexVolume, DownwardAPI The volume ID, volume name, and volume shared path are keys. Pods: name of the pod. The value is a string. NodeIP: IP address of the node where the pod is located. The value is a string. Information that uniquely identifies a volume, such as the volume ID, volume name, and volume shared path. The value is a string. Networks: network LoadBalancer: load balancing type service: network type, which can be Service or ingress. Name: name. The value is a string. Namespace: namespace name. The value is a string. Type: type. The value is a string. ExtraSecrets: extended secret type Secret type. The value is a string. Images: image Image repo. The value is a string. }
{ "K8sVersion": "v1.19.10-r0-CCE22.3.1.B009", "Namespaces": 12, "Pods": 33, "Nodes": { "": { "CPU": "4", "Memory": "7622944Ki", "HugePages1Gi": "0", "HugePages2Mi": "0", "Arch": "amd64", "OS": "EulerOS 2.0 (SP9x86_64)", "KernelVersion": "4.18.0-", "RuntimeVersion": "docker://18.9.0", "InternalIP": "", "ExternalIP": "", "MachineID": "0c745e03-2802-44c2-8977-0a9fd081a5ba" }, "": { "CPU": "4", "Memory": "7992628Ki", "HugePages1Gi": "0", "HugePages2Mi": "0", "Arch": "amd64", "OS": "EulerOS 2.0 (SP5)", "KernelVersion": "3.10.0-862.14.1.5.h520.eulerosv2r7.x86_64", "RuntimeVersion": "docker://18.9.0", "InternalIP": "", "ExternalIP": "100.85.xxx.xxx", "MachineID": "2bff3d15-b565-496a-817c-063a37eaf1bf" } }, "Workloads": { "CronJob": {}, "DaemonSet": { "default": { "Count": 1, "Items": [ { "Name": "kubecost-prometheus-node-exporter", "Namespace": "default", "NodeAffinity": false, "Replicas": 3 } ] } }, "Deployment": { "default": { "Count": 1, "Items": [ { "Name": "kubecost-cost-analyzer", "Namespace": "default", "NodeAffinity": false, "Replicas": 1 } ] }, "kubecost": { "Count": 1, "Items": [ { "Name": "kubecost-kube-state-metrics", "Namespace": "kubecost", "NodeAffinity": false, "Replicas": 1 } ] } }, "Job": {}, "LonePod": {}, "StatefulSet": { "minio-all": { "Count": 1, "Items": [ { "Name": "minio", "Namespace": "minio-all", "NodeAffinity": false, "Replicas": 1 } ] } } }, "Storage": { "PersistentVolumes": { "demo": { "VolumeID": "demo", "Namespace": "fluid-demo-test", "PvcName": "demo", "ScName": "fluid", "Size": "100Gi", "Pods": "", "NodeIP": "", "VolumePath": "" }, "pvc-fd3a5bb3-119a-44fb-b02e-96b2cf9bb36c": { "VolumeID": "82365752-89b6-4609-9df0-007d964b7fe4", "Namespace": "minio-all", "PvcName": "pvc-data-minio-0", "ScName": "csi-disk", "Size": "10Gi", "Pods": "minio-all/minio-0", "NodeIP": "", "VolumePath": "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/5fc47c82-7cbd-4643-98cd-cea41de28ff2/volumes/kubernetes.io~csi/pvc-fd3a5bb3-119a-44fb-b02e-96b2cf9bb36c/mount" } }, "OtherVolumes": {} }, "Networks": { "LoadBalancer": {} }, "ExtraSecrets": [ "cfe/secure-opaque", "helm.sh/release.v1" ], "Images": [ "nginx:stable-alpine-perl", "ghcr.io/koordinator-sh/koord-manager:0.6.2", "swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/paas/minio:latest", "swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/everest/e-backup-test:v1.0.0", "gcr.io/kubecost1/cost-model:prod-1.91.0", "gcr.io/kubecost1/frontend:prod-1.91.0" ] }
Step 2: Evaluate the Destination Cluster
After the kspider command is executed, in addition to the cluster-*.json file, the preferred-*.json file is also generated in the current directory. After performing preliminary evaluation for the source cluster according to its scale and node specifications, the file provides the recommended version and scale of the destination cluster. This helps you better plan and prepare for the migration.
Description of the preferred-*.json file:
{ K8sVersion: Kubernetes version. The value is a string. Scale: cluster scale. The value is a string. Nodes: node information CPU: CPU. The value is a string. Memory: memory. The value is a string. Arch: CPU architecture. The value is a string. KernelVersion: OS kernel version. The value is a string. ProxyMode: cluster proxy mode. The value is a string. ELB: whether the ELB service is a dependent service. The value is of the Boolean type. }
Evaluation rules for each field in the preceding file:
Field |
Evaluation Rule |
K8sVersion |
If the version is earlier than 1.21, the main release version of the UCS cluster (for example, 1.21, which changes over time) is recommended. If the version is later than the main release version, the latest version of the UCS cluster is recommended. |
Scale |
< 25 nodes in the source cluster: Destination cluster of 50 nodes is recommended. 25 ≤ Nodes in the source cluster < 100: Destination cluster of 200 nodes is recommended. 100 ≤ Nodes in the source cluster < 500: Destination cluster of 1000 nodes is recommended. Nodes in the source cluster ≥ 500: Destination cluster of 2000 nodes is recommended. |
CPU/Memory |
Statistics about the specification of the largest quantity are collected. |
Arch |
Statistics about the specification of the largest quantity are collected. |
KernelVersion |
Statistics about the specification of the largest quantity are collected. |
ProxyMode |
Configure this parameter according to the cluster scale. For a cluster with more than 1000 nodes, ipvs is recommended. For a cluster with fewer than 1000 nodes, iptables is recommended. |
Check whether the source cluster has a load balancing Service. |
{ "K8sVersion": "v1.21", "Scale": 50, "Nodes": { "CPU": "4", "Memory": "7622952Ki", "Arch": "amd64", "KernelVersion": "3.10.0-862.14.1.5.h520.eulerosv2r7.x86_64" }, "ELB": false, "ProxyMode": "iptables" }
The evaluation result is for reference only. You need to determine the version and scale of the destination cluster.
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