Updated on 2023-05-17 GMT+08:00

Creating a Function Backend

Define custom functions as backend services so that they can be accessed externally via APIs.


Create a signature key for any backend services that need one.


  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console of an instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > Custom Backends. On the Backends tab, click Create Backend.
  3. On the Create Backend page, set backend parameters and click Create.
    After the backend is created, the online IDE of the backend is automatically displayed. The backend type defaults to data backend.
    Table 1 Backend configuration




    Enter a backend name. Using naming rules facilitates future search.

    Integration Application

    Select an integration application for the backend. If none is available, click Create Integration Application on the right to create one.

    Backend Request Method

    Options: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

    Backend Request Path

    The path is case sensitive.

    Example: /getUserInfo/userId

    Backend Security Authentication


    • Signature Key: Authenticate requests using a signature key. This key must bind the frontend API.
    • None: No authentication is required for requests.


    Enter a description of the backend.

    Advanced Settings


    Enter the backend version to differentiate backend services.

    Example: V1.0

    Input Parameters

    Define request parameters of the custom backend service in the Input Parameters area. Click Add Input Parameter and add:

    • Name: request parameter name
    • Parameter Location: location of the request parameter in the backend request.

      Options: Headers or Parameters

    • Default Value: used only in the subsequent custom backend test procedure. This parameter does not take effect during custom backend deployment.
    • Mandatory: whether a request parameter is mandatory in a backend request.
    • Description: description of the request parameter

    Returned Type

    Select the response data format of the backend.

    Options: JSON, XML, STREAM

  4. Configure the function backend.
    1. Choose File > New Function Backend > Blank Template from the menu bar. In the dialog box displayed, click Yes to switch the default backend type to a function backend.
    2. Compile the function script on the right pane. Alternatively, edit sample scripts provided by the system.

      For details, see Developing Custom Function Backends

      The maximum function API script size is 32 KB.

    3. Click Save in the upper right corner.
  5. Test the backend functions.
    In the upper right corner, click Test. Add request parameters to the Test Parameters area to match the backend definition and click Test to send the request.
    • Under Execution Result, view the backend response.
    • Under Execution History, view the historical test records of the backend. Click a test record to import historical test parameters to the test parameter list on the left for reruns.
  6. Deploy the backend.

    After the backend is tested, click Deploy in the upper right corner. In the dialog box displayed, click Yes to deploy the backend.