Updated on 2025-01-17 GMT+08:00

Creating RRs

Original problems or requirements described from the perspective of customers can be managed as RRs. By creating an RR, you can set the background, value, details, and priority of the requirement.


An IPD-standalone software project is available, in which you have permission to create and duplicate RRs.

Creating RRs

  1. Access the CodeArts Req homepage.
  2. On the project homepage, click Raw Requirements.
  3. Click RR. On the RR page, set related parameters.

    Table 1 Creating an RR




    Name of an RR.


    Enter the background, value, and details of the RR based on actual conditions.

    Use text, images, or links.


    The maximum number of attachments for a raw requirement is 100, and the total size of them should be no more than 50 MB.

    Proposed Project

    By default, it is the project to which the RR belongs and cannot be changed.

    Raised By

    By default, it is the creator of the RR. Multiple creators can be selected.

    Responsible Project

    Project to which the RR belongs.

    • If the current project is selected, this requirement is internal.
    • If another project of the tenant is selected, the requirement is submitted to external parties.

    The current project is selected by default.


    Owner who undertakes the RR.

    If multiple recipients are selected, data will be synchronized based on the recipients' processing speed.

    Expected Completion

    Expected completion time of the RR.


    Priority of an RR, including Low, Medium, and High.

    The default value is Medium.

    Copy To

    Other members of the project team.

  4. Click Submit. The Raw Requirements page is displayed and "Request submitted successfully" is displayed in the upper right corner.

    • If you click Save Draft, the RR list is displayed. The requirement status is --.
    • If you click Cancel, the creation of the RR is cancelled.

    The new requirement is displayed in the RR list, and the requirement state is Analyzing. If another project of the tenant is selected for Responsible Project, choose Other Projects to view the new RR.

    After an RR is created, the people selected for Raised By, Recipient, and Copy To will receive email notifications and internal message notifications. If not, set notifications or modify notification settings. For details, see Configuring Notifications.

Related Operations

You can perform the following operations on a new RR.

Table 2 Basic operations on an RR



Modify RR title

Click next to an RR title to modify it.

Modify RR field

Click the target field value in the row of an RR to modify the value.

Create child requirement

Click in the Operation column of an RR to break it down into child requirements.

  • In the Break Down Subrequirements dialog box, click Add Subrequirement to create a child requirement. A maximum of 10 child requirements can be created at a time.
  • The project to which a child requirement belongs can be the current project or other projects of the tenant. To configure the project scope, choose Settings > Work > RR Downstream Projects.

Associate with child requirement

Click in the Operation column of an RR to associate it with child requirements.

Duplicate RR

Choose > Duplicate in the Operation column of an RR. The procedure for duplicating an RR is the same as that for creating an RR.

View RR association map

Choose > Association Map in the Operation column of an RR to view all data of its related items.

Copy RR link

Choose > Copy Link in the Operation column of an RR to copy its title, ID, owner, status, and link to the clipboard.

Migrate RR

Choose > Migrate in the Operation column of an RR to migrate it to other projects.

  • RRs in draft state cannot be migrated.
  • After the requirement is migrated to another project, the system automatically removes the tag of the RR and disassociates the RR from the associated work item.
  • After the migration, the RR will be re-executed. The system will automatically clear the actual workloads, retain only the fields of the same type as the original work item, and remove redundant fields.

Delete RR

Choose > Delete in the Operation column of an RR to delete it.
  • RRs that are being reviewed or in progress cannot be deleted.
  • If a drafted RR is deleted, it is permanently deleted.
  • RRs in the To Do state can be deleted only in the proposing project. RRs in the Done state can be deleted in both the proposing project and the responsible project.
  • If an RR of a proposing project is deleted, it is permanently deleted. If an RR of a responsible project is deleted, it is moved to the project's recycle bin.
  • RRs in the recycle bin can be restored or permanently deleted. After being restored, RRs restore to their original status. Data in the recycle bin will be permanently deleted in 30 days.