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Installing ICAgent (Intra-Region Hosts)

Updated on 2025-02-21 GMT+08:00

An intra-region host is in the same region as your LTS console, for example, both in CN North-Beijing4. To use LTS to collect logs (such as host metrics, container metrics, node logs, container logs, and standard output logs) from intra-region hosts, you need to install ICAgent on the hosts. ICAgent is a log collection tool for LTS. It runs on hosts where logs need to be collected.


Before installing ICAgent, ensure that the time and time zone of your local browser are consistent with those of the host. If they are inconsistent, errors may occur during log reporting.

ICAgent Installation Constraints

  • Linux: ICAgent can only be installed on hosts running supported Linux OSs.
  • Windows: ICAgent can only be installed on hosts running the following 64-bit Windows OSs:
    Windows Server 2016 R2 Datacenter
    Windows Server 2016 R2 Standard
    Windows Server 2016 Datacenter English
    Windows Server 2016 R2 Standard English
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
    Windows Server 2012 Datacenter English
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard English
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
    Windows Server 2008 Enterprise English
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard English

    ICAgent installed on Windows hosts cannot be upgraded or uninstalled on the Host Management page. To use a newer ICAgent version, uninstall the original one and then install the newer version. To uninstall ICAgent, go to the \ICProbeAgent\bin\manual\win directory where the ICAgent installation package was decompressed, and double-click the script named uninstall.bat. When message ICAgent uninstall success is displayed, the uninstallation is successful.

Installation Methods

There are two methods to install ICAgent.

Table 1 Installation methods



Initial installation

You can use this method to install ICAgent on a host that has no ICAgent installed.

Run the ps -aux | grep icagent command on the host to check whether there is an ICAgent process. If no, the ICAgent has not been installed.

Inherited installation (supported only for Linux hosts)

When ICAgent has already been installed on one host but needs to be installed on multiple hosts, you can use this method.

Initial Installation (Linux)

  1. If you set Installation Mode to Create an agency, you need to create an IAM agency in advance.

    1. Log in to the IAM console.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Agencies.
    3. Click Create Agency in the upper right corner to create an agency by referring to Cloud Service Agency. Set the parameters as follows:
      1. Agency Type: Select Cloud service.
      2. Cloud Service: Select Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) and Bare Metal Server (BMS).
      3. Validity Period: Select Unlimited.
      4. Permissions: Select both LTS Administrator and APM Administrator. The authorization takes effect 15 to 30 minutes later.
      5. Scope: Select Region-specific projects.
    4. After the agency is created, make its settings take effect.
      1. Log in to the ECS console.
      2. Click the ECS where ICAgent is to be installed. The ECS details page is displayed.

        You can set an agency when purchasing an ECS server: Click Buy ECS on the ECS console. In the Advanced Settings area, select an agency from the Agency drop-down list. Set other parameters and click Submit.

      3. In the Management Information area, click next to Agency, select the created agency, and click for the agency to take effect. For more information about agencies, see Account Delegation.

  2. Log in to the management console and choose Management & Deployment > Log Tank Service.
  3. Choose Host Management > Hosts in the navigation pane.
  4. Click Install ICAgent in the upper right corner.


    Before installing ICAgent, ensure that the time and time zone of your local browser are consistent with those of the host.

    Table 2 Installing ICAgent





    Intra-region hosts is selected by default. Check whether the host whose logs need to be collected is in or out of the region.

    • An intra-region host is in the same region as the LTS console, for example, both in CN-Hong Kong.
    • An extra-region host is not in the same region as the LTS console, for example, a host in another Huawei Cloud region or provided by a third party.



    Linux is selected by default.


    Installation Mode

    • If you select Obtain AK/SK, you need to obtain the AK/SK in advance. An AK is used together with an SK to sign requests cryptographically, ensuring that the requests are secret, complete, and correct.

      For details, see How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK)?


      Ensure that the public account and AK/SK will not be deleted or disabled. If the AK/SK is deleted, the ICAgent cannot report data to LTS.

    • If you select Create an agency, you do not need to obtain and enter the AK/SK. ICAgent automatically obtains the AK/SK during agency creation.

      For details, see 1.


  5. On the Install ICAgent page, click Copy Command to copy the ICAgent installation command.
  6. Perform the following steps based on site requirements (a Huawei Cloud ECS is used as an example). For details, see Logging In to a Linux ECS Using VNC.

    1. Log in to the ECS console.
    2. Click Remote Login in the Operation column of the target ECS where ICAgent is to be installed.
    3. In the Logging In to a Linux ECS dialog box, click Log In in the Other Login Modes area.
    4. On the displayed page, enter username root and the password set during ECS purchase.
    5. After logging in to the ECS, run the following command to install ICAgent:
      • If you select Obtain AK/SK for Installation Mode, run the ICAgent installation command and enter the obtained AK/SK as prompted. (If you have manually replaced the AK/SK when copying the command, the system will not prompt you to enter the AK/SK.)
      • If you select Create an agency for Installation Mode, run the ICAgent installation command. You do not need to enter the AK/SK since ICAgent automatically obtains it.
    6. When message ICAgent install success is displayed, ICAgent has been installed in the /opt/oss/servicemgr/ directory of the host.
      Figure 1 Installation command output

  7. Choose Host Management > Hosts in the navigation pane of the LTS console and check whether the ICAgent status is Running.

    Figure 2 Hosts

Initial Installation (Windows)

  1. Click Install ICAgent in the upper right corner.
  2. Set Host to Intra-region hosts.
  3. Set OS to Windows.
  4. You can download it to the local PC by clicking the name of the package or visiting the download URL.
  5. Save the ICAgent installation package to a directory on the target host, for example, C:\ICAgent, and decompress the package.
  6. Obtain an AK/SK pair. For details, see How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK)?
  7. On the Install ICAgent page, click Copy Command to copy the ICAgent installation command to the local PC and replace the AK/SK in the command with the obtained one.
  8. Open the Command Prompt, go to the directory where the ICAgent installation package is decompressed, and run the copied command.

    If the message Service icagent installed successfully is displayed, the installation is successful.
    • If you have installed a third-party antivirus software, add ICAgent as a trusted program. Otherwise, ICAgent installation may fail.
    • To uninstall ICAgent, go to the \ICProbeAgent\bin\manual\win directory where the ICAgent installation package was decompressed, and double-click the script named uninstall.bat. When the message icagent removed successfully is displayed, the uninstallation is successful.

      Uninstalling ICAgent does not delete the files in the corresponding directories. You need to delete them manually if necessary.

    • To check the ICAgent status, go to the directory where the ICAgent installation package was decompressed, open the Command Prompt, and run the sc query icagent command. If RUNNING is returned, ICAgent is running. If the message The specified service does not exist as an installed service is displayed, ICAgent has been uninstalled.
    • If the ICAgent status remains pending during reinstallation after uninstallation, end the icagent.exe process in Task Manager and try installation again.

  9. Choose Host Management > Hosts in the navigation pane of the LTS console and check whether the ICAgent status is Running.

Inherited Installation (Linux)

Assume that you need to install ICAgent on multiple hosts, and one of the hosts already has ICAgent installed. The ICAgent installation package, ICProbeAgent.tar.gz, is in the /opt/ICAgent/ directory. To install ICAgent on other hosts one by one:

  1. Run the following command on the host where ICAgent has been installed, where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the host you want to install ICAgent on.
    bash /opt/oss/servicemgr/ICAgent/bin/remoteInstall/remote_install.sh -ip x.x.x.x
  2. Enter the password for user root of the host when prompted.
    • If the Expect tool is installed on the host that has ICAgent installed, the ICAgent installation should be able to complete without prompting you for a password. Otherwise, enter the password as prompted.
    • Ensure that user root can run SSH or SCP commands on the host where ICAgent has been installed to remotely communicate with the remote host to install ICAgent.
    • When message ICAgent install success is displayed, ICAgent has been installed in the /opt/oss/servicemgr/ directory of the host. You can then choose Host Management > Hosts in the navigation pane of the LTS console to check the ICAgent status.
    • If ICAgent install success is not displayed, the installation fails. Uninstall ICAgent and install it again.

Batch Inherited Installation (Linux)

Assume that you need to install ICAgent on multiple hosts, and one of the hosts already has ICAgent installed. The ICAgent installation package, ICProbeAgent.tar.gz, is in the /opt/ICAgent/ directory. In this case, you can follow the directions below to install ICAgent on other hosts in batches.

  • The hosts must all belong to the same VPC and be on the same subnet.
  • Python 3.* is required for batch installation. If you are prompted that Python cannot be found during ICAgent installation, install Python of a proper version on the host and try again.


The IP addresses and root's passwords of all hosts to install ICAgent have been collected, sorted in the iplist.cfg file, and uploaded to the /opt/ICAgent/ directory on the host that has ICAgent installed. An IP address and the password of a host's user root in the iplist.cfg file must be separated by a space. Examples: Password (Replace the IP address and password with the actual ones) Password (Replace the IP address and password with the actual ones)

  • The iplist.cfg file contains sensitive information. You are advised to clear it after using it.
  • If all hosts share a password, list only IP addresses in the iplist.cfg file and enter the password manually during execution. If one of the hosts uses a different password, type the password behind its IP address.


  1. Run the following command on the host that has ICAgent installed:
    bash /opt/oss/servicemgr/ICAgent/bin/remoteInstall/remote_install.sh -batchModeConfig /opt/ICAgent/iplist.cfg

    Enter the default password for user root of the hosts to install ICAgent. If the passwords of all hosts have been configured in the iplist.cfg file, press Enter to skip this step.

    batch install begin
    Please input default passwd:
    send cmd to
    send cmd to
    2 tasks running, please wait...
    2 tasks running, please wait...
    2 tasks running, please wait...
    End of install agent:
    End of install agent:
    All hosts install icagent finish.

    Wait for a while. When message All hosts install icagent finish. is displayed, ICAgent has been installed on all the hosts listed in the configuration file.

  2. Choose Host Management > Hosts in the navigation pane of the LTS console to check the ICAgent status.

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