Updated on 2024-10-17 GMT+08:00

Adding an NS Record Set


If you want to specify authoritative DNS servers for a domain name, you can add NS record sets.

For more information about each type of record sets, see Record Set Types and Configuration Rules.


  • You can create NS record sets only in public zones.
  • After a public zone is created, an NS record set is automatically created for this zone and cannot be deleted. You can add NS record sets only in the following scenarios:
    • The Name parameter is not left blank. This means that you can add NS record sets for subdomains of a domain name.
    • The value of the Line parameter is not set to Default. This means that you can add NS record sets for the domain name with other resolution lines.


  1. Go to the Public Zones page.
  2. Locate the zone and click Manage Record Set in the Operation column.
  3. Click Add Record Set.

    The Add Record Set dialog box is displayed.

  1. Configure the parameters based on Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters for adding an NS record set



    Example Value


    Prefix of the domain name to be resolved.

    For example, if the domain name is example.com, the prefix can be as follows:

    • www: The domain name is www.example.com, which is usually used for a website.
    • Left blank: The domain name is example.com.

      To use an at sign (@) as the domain name prefix, just leave this parameter blank.

    • abc: The domain name is abc.example.com, a subdomain of example.com.
    • mail: The domain name is mail.example.com, which is usually used for email servers.
    • *: The domain name is *.example.com, which is a wildcard domain name, indicating all subdomains of example.com.



    Type of the record set

    A message may be displayed indicating that the record set you are trying to add conflicts with an existing record set.

    For details, see Why Is a Message Indicating Conflict with an Existing Record Set Displayed When I Add a Record Set?

    NS – Delegate subdomains to other name servers


    Resolution line.

    The DNS server will return the IP address of the specific line, depending on where the visitors come from.

    This parameter is only configurable for public zone record sets.

    • Default: returns the default resolution result irrespective of where the visitors come from.
    • ISP: returns the resolution result based on visitors' carrier networks. For details, see Configuring ISP Lines.
    • Region: returns the resolution result based on visitors' geographical locations. For details, see Configuring Region Lines.


    TTL (s)

    Cache duration of the record set on a local DNS server, in seconds.

    The value ranges from 1 to 2147483647, and the default value is 300.

    If your service address changes frequently, set TTL to a smaller value.

    Learn more about TTL.



    DNS server address

    You can enter up to 50 values, each on a separate line.




    (Optional) Weight for the record set. The value ranges from 0 to 1000, and the default value is 1.

    This parameter is only configurable for public zone record sets.

    If a resolution line in a zone contains multiple record sets of the same type, you can set different weights to each record set. For details, see Configuring Weighted Routing.



    (Optional) Identifier of the record set. Each tag contains a key and a value. You can add up to 20 tags to a record set.

    For details about tag key and value requirements, see Table 2.


    If you have configured tag policies for DNS, you need to add tags to your record sets based on the tag policies. If you add a tag that does not comply with the tag policies, record sets may fail to be created. Contact the administrator to learn more about tag policies.




    (Optional) Supplementary information about the record set.

    The description can contain no more than 255 characters.


    Table 2 Tag key and value requirements



    Example Value


    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Must be unique for each resource.
    • Can contain no more than 36 characters.
    • Cannot start or end with a space nor contain special characters =*<>\,|/



    • Cannot be left blank.
    • Can contain no more than 43 characters.
    • Cannot start or end with a space nor contain special characters =*<>\,|/


  2. Switch back to the Record Sets tab.

    The added record set is in the Normal state.