Updated on 2024-04-19 GMT+08:00

Access Methods

You can access a cloud phone using ADB.

ADB is a command line tool to bridge the communications between an Android device and a desktop computer. It is a unique application of the Android OS. This method uses command lines to operate a cloud phone, and is applicable to scenarios like automatic application test.

Comparison Between the Two Access Methods

Table 1 Comparison

Access Method


Screen/CLI Control


ADB (Intranet)

Not required

Use command lines to control and operate a cloud phone and use other tools (such as Airtest) to obtain the cloud phone screens.

Use an ECS as a jump server to access the cloud phone.

ADB (Recommended)

ADB (Internet)

Required one EIP for the server.

Use command lines to control and operate a cloud phone and use other tools (such as Airtest) to obtain the cloud phone screens.